Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1812 From now on we are all family members

The scarcity of the Nine Turns Golden Pill is very high, almost to the point that there is no stock in the Earthly Immortal Realm!

And the effect is extremely powerful.

At least for the mainstay of the sect, those mid-level disciples, it was the greatest treasure among the greatest treasures.

Even to put it harshly, the Immortal Lord and Immortal Emperor would snatch it away.

The most incredible thing about the Nine Turns Golden Pill is its ability to heal injuries. It can cure any injury!

As long as you still have breath, you can be cured!

Who doesn’t get hurt when going out?

Moreover, obtaining this kind of treasure is also part of the sect’s heritage.

In an instant, the eyes of many powerful elders turned red.

This Jiang Shengzi is really generous!

For a moment, their eyes turned fiery when they looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

I thought it was a humiliation for the Demon Emperor Palace to give up and agree to Jiang Xiaobai's request.

Now it seems like a humiliation!

It’s just blood money!

Not to mention his status as the Holy Son of the Star Emperor Palace, he has a transcendent force as his backer, and the Nine Turns Golden Pill alone is enough.

Feeling the change in the atmosphere, the smile on Jiang Xiaobai's face became brighter.

Nine-turn golden elixir?


Haha, that’s for you!

He had long obtained the complete version of Lao Jun's alchemy technique, and he despised this kind of thing the most.

The medicinal materials that Jiuzhuan Jindan wants are not very precious, and they are even considered ordinary compared to some special elixirs.

The rare thing is that even if I tell you the recipe, you won’t be able to practice it!

He made alchemy when he was bored, especially after getting the Bagua furnace, he became even more perverted.

The Bagua Furnace can be refined by himself, and he doesn't even need to do it.

"Jiang Shengzi, do I, Di Shouzong, have a chance?"

"Yes, of course there is. No matter who it is today or what force it is, there is a chance."

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and took out more than a dozen bottles of Nine Turns Golden Elixir very grandly.

Piling them up in a small yard is simply blinding!

All the forces exploded in an instant, and without any hesitation they rushed forward to become Jiang Xiaobai's lackeys.

Ning Lan's eyes turned red, her fists were clenched, and her whole body was shaking.

"Sure enough, Brother Jiang is a fool!"

"Following Brother Jiang and becoming his most loyal henchman is simply a blessing that I, Ninglan, have acquired in eight lifetimes!"

At this moment, Ning Lan strengthened her heart again.

Brother Jiang’s thighs will be guarded by me!

Soon all the top-notch talents in Dongsheng Shenzhou became Jiang Xiaobai's lackeys.

Each and every one of them holds the Nine Turns Golden Pill, and their brains are about to flow out.

What a great opportunity!

"These are all minor issues. If you need anything in the future, just ask. I, Jiang, will never refuse if I can do it."

Jiang Xiaobai is quite arrogant.

It seemed that at this moment he was not the Holy Son of the Star Emperor Palace, but a dandy rich young man!

That’s called chic!

The corners of the mouths of many of the Supreme Beings following behind him also twitched.

They didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai was not only great at getting things done, but he was also good at winning people's hearts.

First use force to coerce him, and then give him a date.

The method of using both kindness and power is simply sophisticated.

But everyone quickly thought of something.

What would be the expressions of these people if Jiang Xiaobai's identity was exposed?

Lin Yaoyao was even more furious!

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are simply a devil!"

There is no such thing as tormenting people.

When Jiang Xiaobai's identity is revealed to the world, these sects will probably feel more uncomfortable than eating shit, right?

As for taking the initiative to expose his identity, Jiang Xiaobai has no such idea at the moment.

It is almost enough to be able to incorporate these forces and treat them docilely.

If it were exposed at this moment, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to bear it.

Give it some more time.

"Okay, let's do this for now. The past things will be wiped out. From now on, it's just our family!"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, seeming to be in a very happy mood, and once again threw out more than a dozen bottles of Nine Turns Golden Elixir.

But all the forces were so happy that they spread the good news back one after another.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't bother to care and patted Li Tian.

"You didn't catch Jiang Xiaobai this time. Don't be discouraged. I'll help you in the future. Are you still worried about what you can do?"

Litian nodded seriously: "Jiang Shengzi's methods are astonishing. Isn't it easy to deal with Jiang Xiaobai?"

"Hahaha, I love hearing this."

Jiang Xiaobai seemed to be showing off, but he was laughing wildly in his heart.

I hope that you who know the real situation can still laugh so happily!

Originally, Jiang Xiaobai was thinking about exposing his identity now, and wanted to see their expressions.

But it feels like it’s not very humane after all.

It's better to give them some room to relax, otherwise the stimulation will be too great and things will easily get into trouble.

A group of powerful elders looked at Jiang Xiaobai with fiery eyes.

This is the God of Wealth and a great supporter.

You really need to hold your thighs tightly from now on.

"Everyone, I won't bother you too much. I'm going to leave for Nanzhanbuzhou today. I haven't seen the scenery over there yet."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and nodded to everyone.

"Ah, brother, are you leaving? I haven't played much in Dongsheng Shenzhou, how can I leave!"

Ninglan was the first to be unhappy.

My eldest brother, he has only been following him for a long time, and he is about to leave without even hugging his thighs to warm him. How can he do that?

For a moment, he rushed forward and stood in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

The eyes are firm, and the main message is that you can't leave.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but laugh, "You don't want me to leave so much. If that's the case, it will be over if you follow me. It's not enough if I'm missing you, but it's not too much if I'm missing you."

As a result, a successful smile appeared on Ning Lan's face the next second.

That's what he had in mind!

After all, as a bitch, you can't block your eldest brother's path, so stay with him in another way.

"You kid, were you waiting here for me?"

Jiang Xiaobai subconsciously raised his hand, but Ning Lan moved his face towards her.

Everyone around was ashamed.

I heard before that Ning Lan is a monster whose talent is not weaker than that of the Witch Lin Yaoyao, but I didn’t expect that this guy actually has such a bad side?

It's jaw-dropping.

On the contrary, it made it difficult for Jiang Xiaobai to smoke.

"Okay, how do you know Nanzhan Buzhou?"

"Don't worry, big brother, little brother, if nothing else, he is a know-it-all!"

Ning Lan became happy: "Speaking of it, I have several good brothers in Nanzhan Buzhou. When the time comes, they can all be my elder brother's guides."

He wouldn't let these people become Big Brother's lackeys.

In this case, wouldn't his position as the number one loser be risky?

Jiang Xiaobai nodded. Whether he went to Nanzhan Buzhou or other places, the main reason was the mission given by the system.

There are a hundred prism spaces. If someone who knows Nanzhan Buzhou leads the way, they can be cleaned up quite quickly.

"Then it's settled, you don't need to send me away, just work hard and try to catch the evil Jiang Xiaobai alive as soon as possible. Then I will come to see if Jiang Xiaobai is as handsome as me."

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Xiaobai turned around and led everyone away.

Behind them, Li Tian and the others could only watch helplessly, wondering how envious they were of Ning Lan, who was following Jiang Xiaobai and constantly being attentive.

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