"Has he always been so shameless?"

Lin Yaoyao walked on the road and looked at Qiong Yudao beside her.

That's right, Lin Yaoyao was abducted.

Now that Dongsheng Shenzhou has basically been taken by Jiang Xiaobai, the idea of ​​using Lin Yaoyao to deal with the Demon Emperor's Palace is of no use.

But this woman cannot stay in the Demon Emperor's Palace, if she suddenly reveals her news.

It might be a little troublesome.

After listening to her words, Qiong Yu and Nangong Wuyou looked at each other and smiled.

"That's right. The biggest characteristic of this person is that he is shameless."

"Just get used to it slowly."

Qiong Yu said lightly.

At the same time, she looked at Lin Yaoyao's figure and thought about something in her heart.

Lin Yaoyao didn't notice. She looked at Jiang Xiaobai who was walking in front, feeling resentful in her heart.

I had suffered big losses at his hands several times in succession, and now I was even being abducted to Nanzhan Buzhou.

If he accidentally captures it, wouldn't it be a blood loss?

"Hmph, just wait. Once I figure out the secret about me, I will make you kneel down and sing Conquer to me!"

Lin Yaoyao gritted her teeth and even clenched the fists in her sleeves.

But there's something strange about it.

If it were anyone else who dared to treat her like this and let Lin Yaoyao take the opportunity, it would be crazy revenge, and it would not be an exaggeration to cut her into pieces.

But facing Jiang Xiaobai, she couldn't hate him.

She has been like this from the first time she was taken care of by Jiang Xiaobai to now. It is obvious that she has a deep hatred, and blood debt cannot be repaid with blood.

But he just couldn't bear the thought of killing Jiang Xiaobai.

Even now, Lin Yaoyao still wants to follow Jiang Xiaobai.

The sudden thought made Lin Yaoyao feel panicked.

"Impossible. Could it be that I was captured by this person when I wasn't paying attention?"

Lin Yaoyao was at a loss.

Subconsciously, he pouted his mouth and bit his little tiger teeth.

She didn't realize that she had seen this expression countless times in the broken images in her mind...

Finally, the group spent a while and finally arrived in front of a giant teleportation array that could go to Nanzhan Buzhou.

"Little friend Jiang, I won't follow you when we go to Nanzhan Buzhou this time."

Ao Feng looked at the teleportation array and said with a smile: "The dragon clan still has a lot of things to deal with. They will return soon. There are many places that need to be sorted out. These three people can follow you."

"Well, I can't accompany you to Nanzhan Buzhou. I have to go back to the sect to deal with some things. After all, I also have to visit Dongsheng Shenzhou and Baihong Valley."

Li Liuqing also spoke.

After all, no one thought that Jiang Xiaobai was going to Nanzhan Buzhou before this.

But Ao Feng saw something.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know much about Xudu before. After encountering the passage of Xudu, he asked about the location of Xudu last night.

Perhaps his bigger purpose in going to Nanbuzhou this time was for Xudu.

Various speculations emerged in his mind, and Ao Feng suddenly felt that Nanzhan Buzhou, which had been quiet for a long time, might be in chaos because of the arrival of this guy.

Jiang Xiaobai is really a weird person. He is bound by chance and cause and effect, causing chaos wherever he goes.

Even a trip to the Xingchen Imperial Palace directly led to the outbreak of civil strife in the Xingchen Imperial Palace.

Tell me, who else has this physique?

But what does the chaos in Nanzhan Buzhou have to do with him?

"That's fine. You can just say goodbye. If anything happens after this, you can contact me in time."

Jiang Xiaobai cupped his hands and said.

After all, he was accompanied by Ning Lan, who didn't know his identity, so it was hard to say something clearly.

The two sides said goodbye to each other, and the number of people suddenly decreased a lot.

On the contrary, the atmosphere in the team became more lively and cheerful. Qin Ruo and the other two women were chatting happily and didn't care.

He even dragged Lin Yaoyao along with him.

"Boy, what are you going to do in Xudu?"

Roaring Sky Dog suddenly jumped beside him and said.

"Go and have a look. When you come to the Earthly Immortal World, you have to see how special it is, right?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly, but had another idea in his mind.

If possible, he would even like to visit the Tower of Babel.

If the system can give him a map of the Tower of Babel, it means it has a certain meaning.

It's a pity that that place was too scary in Ao Feng's words, and Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to go there casually before reaching a certain level of strength.

Xudu can barely go and take a look.

Immediately afterwards, without any delay, everyone used the giant teleportation array to rush to Nanzhan Buzhou.

"Master, where are you going?"

In a mountainous area, in a lush forest, the two of them were walking slowly.

Gu Ning looked curiously at the old man in black robe in front of him.

"It's time to go to Nanbuzhou, where it all begins."

Li Zhengtian smiled faintly and looked in the direction of Nanzhan Buzhou, but his eyes were full of cold light.

"Aren't you talking about the alien race? It has nothing to do with us?"

Gu Ning raised her eyebrows. She remembered asking about the alien race after meeting her master, but Li Zhengtian said that the alien race was just Jiang Xiaobai's training.

But now, what does it mean?

"Don't worry, you'll know when you get there."

Li Zhengtian put his hands behind his back and walked slowly among the fallen leaves: "If nothing happens, that kid should have gone to Nanzhan Buzhou."

"So the alien race will take action in Nanzhan Continent?"


Gu Ning thought of something, but was confused and said: "But the seal of Xudu is impossible to break. It should be impossible for them to use Xudu to cause chaos."

"No, it is true that the seal of Xudu cannot be broken, but who said there is nothing in Xudu?"

Li Zhengtian smiled: "Besides, of the four continents in the Earthly Immortal Realm, Nanzhan Continent has the most prism space. It should even be that alien races first appeared in Nanzhan Continent, right?"

For a moment, Gu Ning felt that she had caught something, but she wasn't quite sure.

She knew that she was just a pawn in this calculation.

Immediately, she didn't ask any more questions. What happened, her master was responsible for it, and her master was also a part of this conspiracy.

"Sister, are you leaving now?"

Ah Xing followed Ye Ling carelessly: "Now that we have the stone, we won't be so anxious to go to Xudu. Master, didn't he say anything?"

"Why are you talking so much?"

Ye Ling turned back coldly.

"Ask me, there are many outstanding people here in Dongsheng Shenzhou. They haven't had enough fun. They finally escaped from the old man's palace. Can't we have more fun?"

"If you want to play, when you die and go to the underworld, you can play for countless years."

"Ah this..."

Ah Xing opened his mouth in confusion: "Sister, why are you always so mean to me?"

"you deserve it!"

Ye Ling galloped forward without looking back. He had to start quickly, otherwise there would be some trouble.

There isn't much time left.

Ah Xing hangs behind, his expression still cynical and evil.

The two of them didn't notice that there were several figures standing on the top of the mountain behind them.

The leader is a woman in green.

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