Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai quickly asked Master Youlian to stop, and she reluctantly moved her fist away from the face of a strong man.

"Look at you, what do you look like? I just told you not to hit people. Why don't you listen?" Jiang Xiaobai pretended to be angry.

Taoist You Lian was very cooperative and looked aggrieved: "But they besieged the slave family~"

"Isn't it because you are too beautiful to besiege you? I told you to wear a veil, but you didn't listen. It's fine now. How will it end if it's like this?!"

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he looked at Hong Wuqing with a smile: "Sect Master Hong, I'm really sorry. This was all an accident. Don't worry, I promise I won't pursue it."

The corners of Hong Wuqing's mouth twitched.


You kid's thinking is so fast that I can't react!

Is this a question of accountability?

With a toothache, he knew the power of Jiang Xiaobai just from the first contact.

He is indeed a man of great influence who can disrupt the earthly and immortal world!

Fortunately, the Supremes were only beaten up and there were no casualties, otherwise it would be really funny.

"Little friend Jiang, the situation is urgent now. You and I should go to the front and talk first." Hong Wuqing ignored the wailing Supremes and hurried to the front line with Jiang Xiaobai.

Nowadays, the super formation of the alien race is the top priority. Who knows what other effects this formation has. If it attacks the formation of the human defense line, something big will happen.

Soon a group of people arrived at the frontline headquarters, which was filled with the most eloquent and powerful people from Dongsheng Shenzhou.

When Jiang Xiaobai entered, he was startled because he saw an acquaintance, an old acquaintance.

"Hey, Demon Lord, long time no see!" Jiang Xiaobai greeted with a smile.

Yes, this is the demon king who was taken care of by Jiang Xiaobai in the virtual capital. If it weren't for the help of the divine crystal, Jiang Xiaobai would have been tricked by him.

And what should I say about the grievances between the two parties...

It’s very complicated!

When they met at this time, Demon Lord only felt that his tooth hurt.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, I know that Demon Lord and you had a lot of grievances before. In fact, many supreme monks in this camp have grievances with you..."

Hong Wuqing said, feeling embarrassed.

After careful calculation, the good guy found that many people in the camp had evil thoughts towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Many of them even encouraged him to search for Jiang Xiaobai's traces, but Hong Wuqing had his own plan and did not agree.

The current scene is really embarrassing.

"It doesn't matter, it's just one moment and the other. As a monk, it's normal and understandable."

Jiang Xiaobai looked magnanimous and walked directly to the Demon Lord. He stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder: "You old boy, you are amazing. When so many Supreme Beings besieged you in the virtual capital, you actually came back alive?"

"Speaking of which, where is your old friend Yan Zun, why is he nowhere to be seen?"

The Demon Lord's face was livid, and he wished he could slap Jiang Xiaobai to death.

Which pot won’t you open and pick up?

Especially after he came out of Xudu, he realized that he had been tricked!

The transfer stone you got is useless at all!

If his Demon Lord hadn't had so many cards and tricks, he would have died in Xudu on the spot.

When he came out, he was attacked by aliens. He also confirmed under the testimony of Hong Wuqing that he had been tricked by passing on the power transfer stone, which prevented the other supreme beings from continuing to pursue the case.

Otherwise, he would have become a rotting skeleton somewhere.

"Haha, Yanzun went out to investigate the situation."

"There are also Wu Zun, Lu Zun and the others..."

"Jiang Xiaobai, you have a lot of old friends here."

The Demon Lord said with a half-smile, and glanced at the surrounding Supreme Beings.

They all lowered their heads and did not look over.

Although after so many thousands of years, he is still an old monster, he is really afraid to look at Jiang Xiaobai.

There is no way, this person's temperament is completely unpredictable!

"Okay, let's forget what happened before. You all want to get the opportunity from me. To be honest, the biggest opportunity is now."

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly laughed.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's attention was attracted, and Hong Wuqing and the beautiful woman also looked over.

"Everyone, I probably know something. It is true that the troubled times started because of my cause and effect, but the troubled times will also end because of my cause and effect."

"At that time, it will be a glorious and prosperous era, a new era. After the great tribulation, there will be countless opportunities and merits."

"So everyone, please don't fight among yourself and don't mess around. We have to believe that there will be greater benefits after we deal with the aliens."

"Of course, although the treasures on my body are powerful, you probably won't be able to use them."

"Don't think about me anymore. Don't worry, I can understand what happened before. Why don't you all forget about the past grudges?"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was speechless.

Who doesn’t know that there will be causal opportunities after the great tribulation?

But the reason why I'm targeting you and wanting to get your chance is to make it easier to endure the catastrophe.

But Jiang Xiaobai said it so loudly, what could they do?

There was no point in attacking Jiang Xiaobai at this juncture.

"Okay, let's talk about the current situation..." Hong Wuqing also hurriedly spoke and changed the subject.

After being informed of the specific situation of Dongsheng Shenzhou, Jiang Xiaobai also understood the situation of the super formation.

Then the first person to worry was Ao Yan and the others!

Because the formation couldn't help but cover the continent, the sea area around the continent was also affected.

Fortunately, Ao Yan contacted him first and said that the East China Sea Dragon Palace was fine, but the South China Sea Dragon Palace was shrouded in the formation due to its special geographical location.

However, there was nothing serious in the South China Sea Dragon Palace, and the aliens did not attack them.

The teleportation array can also be used. At worst, just rush to the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the map in the camp.

There are also many alien formations marked here, all of which were discovered by the supreme powerhouse of Dongsheng Shenzhou with his life. Two of the less important ones have been destroyed.

Now, according to the intelligence just returned, the destroyed formation did not form a super formation.

"Then let me tell you my information..."

When Jiang Xiaobai told them about the origin of their ancestors, the Supremes were frightened.

"Let me just say, if it is really a super formation, it must have a top core, and this ancestral origin must be destroyed!"

"Don't be careless. The exact situation of this formation is still unknown, and Dongsheng Shenzhou seems to be the focus of the alien race. There are many black mist and alien supreme beings."

"Young friend Jiang, if you have any ideas, just say it. We will definitely cooperate. No matter what, we must destroy this super formation first."

Many Supremes spoke one after another, all of them were shocked by what happened to the origin of their ancestors.

Because no one thought that they would place their ancestral origin in Dongsheng Divine Continent, which means that Dongsheng Divine Continent may be the most dangerous area in the four continents!

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