Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1901: The Love of Dongsheng Shenzhou

The alien race focuses here, perhaps because there are so many powerful people in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

This is the strongest place in the four continents.

"Everyone, I don't know how well you have explored these foreign secret lands. Is this all you have?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the map and asked.

For a moment, Hong Wuqing was a little embarrassed.

He didn't speak, but the beautiful woman Liu Yan'er beside him said: "Little friend Jiang, the situation in Dongsheng Shenzhou is really different from other continents. There are too many aliens and black fog people here. We have spent a lot of energy and lives, and Can’t get even half a minute deep…”

When she spoke, she felt helpless.

At first, I thought that this was the case in all major states and didn't pay much attention to it. But now after hearing about the situation of Ancestor Origin, I feel a bit of toothache.

Why is there more pressure on Dongsheng Shenzhou?

Jiang Xiaobai understood clearly when he heard this. After all, the foreign race originally planned to set up the core of the super formation in Dongsheng Shenzhou, even the origin of their ancestors was placed here.

It is understandable to have more manpower.

However, Jiang Xiaobai felt helpless when looking at the alien formations that only surrounded the human defense line.

"Can anyone mark the location of Dongsheng Shenzhou's super spiritual vein?" Jiang Xiaobai said suddenly.

Alien formations all require the support of spiritual veins, and it is also feasible to infer the formation from the location of the spiritual veins.

Soon, Hong Wuqing and several powerful transcendental forces marked the locations of their spiritual veins on the map.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly understood a lot.

But after looking carefully, Jiang Xiaobai was stunned.

Near the entrance to the underworld, there is actually the largest super spiritual vein in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

What's happening here?

"Sect Master Hong, this spiritual vein is..." Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows.

"This was once a super spiritual vein, but I don't know why. It has not been mined much, but it just can't get close. Even if the Supreme One passes by, it will be useless."

Hong Wuqing also raised his eyebrows and said, "Perhaps the foreign race can't do anything about this spiritual vein, right?"


Jiang Xiaobai let out a breath.

He felt that there was something fishy here. As a spiritual person, how could he not be able to get close to it and not be able to obtain resources?

Even so, the aliens will try their best to use this spiritual vein.

Jiang Xiaobai even discovered that this spiritual vein was stronger and larger than the spiritual veins in Luzhou, Beiju, and was most suitable for the formation to place the ancestral origin.

And here, it is close to the entrance to the underworld.

It is inevitable not to make Jiang Xiaobai suspicious.

After thinking about it, he decided not to tell anything about the underworld. It was impossible to tell whether some of them knew or not.

However, talking more at this time is useless and will only increase the pressure.

If the underworld is invaded or even plotted by aliens, it will be difficult.

With this thought in his mind, Jiang Xiaobai planned to go over to see the spiritual veins first, and then find the core of the formation to get rid of the ancestral origin. Only then would he have the opportunity to visit the underworld.

But he felt that nothing would happen in the underworld.

It is a world on a different plane than the Earthly Immortal World, and the underworld can be called the second heaven.

Back then, because of the existence of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the strong men would definitely be more vigilant inside, and it would not be that simple for aliens to invade.

Even Jiang Xiaobai doubted whether the aliens knew anything about the underworld?

"Then let's do this for now. I also ask you to increase the defensive strength of the human race's defense line in the recent period. The three of us will go out to check the situation."

"No matter what, the origin of the ancestors must be destroyed."

Jiang Xiaobai expressed his plan.

Anyway, the two existences of Gu Ning and Taoist You Lian are estimated to be able to rival all the supreme beings.

There is no need to worry about his safety.

As long as the alien race doesn't suddenly and madly attack the human race's defense line, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Hong Wuqing also knew Jiang Xiaobai's abilities. At the same time, he couldn't see through Taoist Youlian's strength and could only guess that he was immortal.

In this way, there is no need to worry about Jiang Xiaobai's situation.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, little friend Jiang. If the troubled times come to an end, I'm afraid little friend Jiang will soar into the sky." Hong Wuqing said with a chuckle.

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand: "It's not that simple. Besides, it's not certain when the troubled times will end."

Hong Wuqing didn't say anything. He didn't know what Jiang Xiaobai meant.

The real troubled times have not yet begun.

The alien attack was just an appetizer.

Later, Jiang Xiaobai learned some information about the outside world from Hong Wuqing. Without staying longer, the three of them immediately left through the opening prepared by the defense line.

Watching Jiang Xiaobai and the others leave, Hong Wuqing's expression became more solemn.

"Everyone, I believe you also know the current situation in the Earthly Immortal Realm. As for Jiang Xiaobai's opportunity, I think you won't be fooled at this moment, right?" Hong Wuqing swept his eyes around the people around him.

Most people remained silent, only a few lowered their heads slightly.

Obviously those people still have their thoughts.

People are like this, selfish and self-interested, there is nothing to say.

Hong Wuqing warned again: "The cause and effect on Jiang Xiaobai is too great, and it is related to the end of the troubled times. Even if you can deal with him, can you guarantee that you can use this to end the troubled times?"

"I advise you to keep it in mind. If you are discovered by me, don't blame me for being rude."

As the leader of the human race gathering place in Dongsheng Shenzhou, Hong Wuqing's words are very intimidating.

His strength is among the top few, and his swordsmanship is terrifying.

Not to mention that there are many unborn old monsters in the sect. Unless they can gather all the strong men in the gathering place to besiege them, they are no match for them.

Soon, Hong Wuqing and the others did not care about Jiang Xiaobai's departure, but analyzed and adjusted the layout of the defense line.

In case the aliens attack the defense line wildly, after all, no one knows the specific situation of the super formation at present.

While everyone was discussing, a human supreme who was near the camp suddenly found an excuse to go to a place with few people.

Then a piece of news was spread.

On a high mountain in Dongsheng Shenzhou, A Qian, who was sitting cross-legged and practicing, suddenly opened her eyes.

"Xiao Qi, are you ready?" A Qian looked at a girl beside her.

The girl's eyes were dull and her expression was sudden, like a delicate porcelain doll.

Hearing A Qian's words, she nodded.

"If you have the chance, try it out. Don't kill yourself, and don't let yourself get hurt. Do you understand?"


No matter she is talking or doing things, this little girl named Xiaoqi is always stiff and dull.

If she didn't really have the aura of a living creature, they would all think she was a puppet made out of something.

After making arrangements, A Qian looked at a hidden formation behind her.

There was a figure sitting cross-legged among them.

"How long can you resist?" A Qian sneered and left with Xiao Qi.

When there was no one outside the formation, the figure inside suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.

Look carefully, it is the King of Equality of the Underworld!

"Little foreign race, don't know whether to live or die..."

King Pingping murmured and walked out of the formation.

He was always pretending to be imprisoned.

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