Chapter 822 Crazy fighting!

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai didn't know about people from other places rushing over.

He is now on a killing spree.

Except for Jiang Yu, those people are not Jiang Xiaobai’s enemies!

Because of this change in the trial rules, the world will gradually shrink, and it will really be a super brawl later.

If he doesn't fight quickly now, it will be even worse later with his hatred value.

So he didn't hold back.

Poof! Poof!

With one sword strike after another, Jiang Xiaobai killed seven or eight people at the most terrifying speed.

His firepower was fully unleashed and his speed was so fast that Jiang Yu felt frightened just looking at it!

"So, you are so strong?"

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai who was in the midst of a killing spree, Jiang Yu frowned.

Before, he thought Jiang Xiaobai and he were equal in strength.

But now this concept has been directly overturned.

Just with his speed and terrifying swordsmanship, he was no match for Jiang Xiaobai.

Even Jiang Yu felt that she was unable to deal with Jiang Xiaobai's attack!

And with just this stunned effort, Jiang Xiaobai almost cleaned up the small fish around him.

His cold and bloodthirsty eyes fell on Jiang Yu.

"It's a shame you trash guys still want to join forces to mess with me."

"It's ridiculous, they were all dead before you joined forces."

Jiang Xiaobai, who has no hidden strength, can be said to be in the top 100 of the Three Thousand Monsters list!

He is now in the state of Dacheng and Dzogchen!

All he saw was a touch of the sole of Jiang Xiaobai's foot, and his whole body turned into sword light, pulling out streaks of phantom lightning in the air.

In an instant, he arrived in front of Jiang Yu.

Quick, so quick that Jiang Yu can't react!


Relying on his combat experience and subconscious behavior, Jiang Yu held the spear horizontally in front of him to block the attack.

But Jiang Xiaobai no longer held back, one sword strike followed by another.

The power is not weak, and the speed is terrifying.

Jiang Yu can't bear it anymore!

"Nine Heavens Star Sword Technique!"


A seemingly ordinary star sword light appeared in front of him. Compared with the previous mighty sword light, this sword made people unable to feel a sense of crisis.

Jiang Yu did not dare to look down upon him, and waved the spear in his hand, showing off his strongest martial arts skills.

Three fire dragons came alive in the air, roaring and charging towards the sword.

They still imagined that they would tear the sword light into pieces with their claws and mouths as before, but the first fire dragon was just wiped out on the spot as soon as it came into contact with the star sword light!

The remaining two are naturally unavoidable.

The sword light rushes towards Jiang Yu!

"Go to hell!"

A cold voice rang in his ears, and Jiang Yu didn't even respond. A silver moon appeared in front of the scissors.

In a moment of shock, Jiang Xiaobai had already cut off Jiang Yu's head.

Jiang Yu's body turned into fragments and dissipated, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't even look at it.

Because there are more people coming around!

"Hmph, then go crazy and have a fight!"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, roared to the sky, and flew into the air.

Zixiao Yuanshen riots!

Use all the strength in your body!

A sword light that almost tore this world apart erupted in mid-air.

He hit the people rushing towards him hard!

The war broke out tragically.

In the lounge, Jiang Yu has been completely eliminated.

He didn't care about his grades or think about anything else.

Just stared blankly at the palm of his hand.

Was he just that weak?

"Do you understand?"

Suddenly, an old voice sounded in his ears, and Jiang Yu turned her head in shock.

I only saw an old man sitting aside with a faint smile. On the high platform, Gu Nan looked at this side with eyes full of respect.

"You are naive and immature. Do you think that Jiang Xiaobai is not a good person now?"

The old man murmured softly.

"Master, he does everything he can. I'm not as good as him."

"Oh? With such a change, it seems that this War God trial is of great benefit to you. At least you can grow up a lot."

The old man gently rubbed Jiang Yu's head: "Let's go home with our master. It's time for you to accept the true inheritance."

Jiang Yu didn't say a word and subconsciously stood up to leave the God of War space.

Suddenly he was stunned.

"Master, were you like Jiang Xiaobai back then?"

The old man staggered, and a hint of anger appeared on his face: "Don't compare me with this little bastard, I'm not as shameless as him!"

"However, you have a lot to learn from him. In this era, new developments have begun, and everyone will inevitably be involved, especially a kid like you."

The old man chuckled and shook his head: "Work hard. As the curtain of the times opens, you will always make a mark."

Afterwards, the master and apprentice left the standing space.

On the high platform in the lounge, Gu Nan's face looked a little pale.

She doesn't know why there are so many big names appearing in this God of War trial!

This is already the third one. Could it be that there are more people hiding?


Jiang Xiaobai's figure was shot away like a cannonball and hit the cliff hard.

Spurting out a mouthful of blood, he transformed into a long sword again. The previous one had already broken.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you did all this yourself!"

More than a dozen people in front rushed over with sneers, the various weapons in their hands shining like a rainbow.

A series of terrifying martial arts skills took shape, and they were aimed at Jiang Xiaobai and slashed at him.

In an instant, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly increased his speed, narrowly escaping another combined attack, and staggered onto the ground.

Looking around, there was a steady stream of people rushing over.

He has killed hundreds of geniuses.

But there were more people rushing over, Jiang Xiaobai didn't know why, it was as if these guys knew where he was.

Although he was strong, he couldn't stand it when faced with the siege of so many evil geniuses of the same realm.

If it were in the real world, the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower would be able to withstand it.

Even in the real world, it wouldn't be a problem for him to kill these people in an instant.

But, it is a trial after all.

"Don't insist, it's just a trial. Even if you die now, your points are enough to make you one of the top ten."

"Jiang Xiaobai, you have tricked us so many times, so what if you let me win once?"

The leading feminine man sneered.

Jiang Xiaobai sneered and spit blood on the ground.

"Why should I make you happy?"

"Are you because I care about this trial? Yes, this is just a trial, and it won't matter if you die, but you don't know that when I come to the God of War space, what I enjoy is every life and death! "

Jiang Xiaobai roared angrily, and his aura gradually began to rise!

There is no other way but to use the limit of angry blood!

But he still doesn't believe that he can't defeat these bastards!

"Hahahaha, Jiang Xiaobai, do you think you are great like this? You just moved yourself!"

"Do you think you have many tricks and are very powerful? You are just rubbish. How do you think we got here?"

"To tell you the truth, we can sense where you are as soon as you come in!"

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