As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xiaobai was stunned.

No wonder so many people are rushing towards me, with such clear goals.

So that’s it!

There is only one possibility, and that is that the Ares Space is causing trouble!


Jiang Xiaobai sneered, and Jiang Xiaobai's expression became extremely dark.

The desire to kill is strong and rising.

He knew that the world was unfair, but he never expected that God of War Space, which had always been claiming to be fair, would do such fancy things.

Fortunately, it was just a trial, and if you die, you will die.

The worst that can happen is losing points and missing out on first place.

But what if it’s the real world?

The actions of Ares Space have touched Jiang Xiaobai's bottom line. No matter how much he likes to cause trouble, it's all because the other party did it first.

And there is essentially no conflict of interest between him and Ares Space.

What does it mean when the other party does this to him?

"The God of War Space is awesome."

Jiang Xiaobai sneered and looked up at the people in front of him.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? I, Jiang Xiaobai, have always been a stinking stone in the pit. If you want to mess with me, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

"Even if I die today, I still have to drag you guys with me."

"Let's get in the water together!"


The moment he finished speaking, a terrifying aura erupted from Jiang Xiaobai.

Although the realm is still at Dacheng Dacheng, his aura is comparable to that of a true immortal!

Everyone opened their eyes in disbelief.

Just kidding, how did you, Jiang Xiaobai, do it?

Jiang Xiaobai, who was at the limit of his rage and blood, felt that his condition was so good that he could explode!

"Die to grandpa!"

Jiang Xiaobai roared ferociously, and his long sword burst into bright starlight.

The huge star sword light cut through the sky directly, aiming at the dozens of geniuses in front of them.

Everyone was shocked by the power of the sword in front of them.

They just feel that even if they join forces together, they can't withstand such an attack!

Xingchen Jianmang Town is like a bright star in the vast universe. In the blink of an eye, these guys in front of you can tear it apart and devour it.

Many geniuses who were rushing over not far away were stunned when they saw such a scene.

When did Nima become so powerful?

Jiang Xiaobai, who killed dozens of geniuses with one sword, was not satisfied at all. Now he was slaughtering geniuses like dogs!

He turned into a sword light and rushed towards the people in front of him. Because the power was too strong, the earth was torn apart, and the violent power whipped up a strong wind.

Several geniuses who rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai didn't even have time to react, and they were immediately destroyed by ashes.

Jiang Xiaobai now can be called a great killer in the world!

There were actually people rushing towards this direction from all directions. They didn't know why, but they could sense Jiang Xiaobai's location even after entering the God of War space.

Many people are unhappy with Jiang Xiaobai and even have hatred.

Naturally, he was the first one to rush over, looking for an opportunity to beat this bitch to death.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, it was almost acquiescence to attack Jiang Xiaobai when they saw him.

But now, Jiang Xiaobai, who is at the limit of his anger and blood, has gone crazy!

In the far distance, Ao Yan was running.

Next to her is Yuan Chongwei.

The two met once they entered the trial world, because Yuan Chongwei had a slight affection for Jiang Xiaobai and naturally trusted Jiang Xiaobai's women.

The two sides cooperated well, but as time passed, the two found that many people were rushing in the same direction.

Ao Yan felt something was wrong for a moment and rushed over.

As a result, while running, I found many people screaming and running away in front of me. A group of people seemed to have lost their souls.

Then came the violent fluctuations of spiritual energy.

Jiang Xiaobai appeared in front of the two men with a long sword in hand and scarlet eyes like a god of death.


Seeing Jiang Xiaobai, Ao Yan immediately rushed forward, but Jiang Xiaobai was about to lose his rage and blood limit, and lay weakly in Ao Yan's arms.

"I'm sorry, Brother Jiang, you are so awesome. Are you chasing dozens of people by yourself?"

Yuan Chongwei said in fear.

The aura fluctuations coming from Jiang Xiaobai just now made even him feel palpitated.

Especially the terrifying killing thoughts.

It was so cold that Yuan Chongwei felt like he would be killed in the next second.

"Stop making sarcastic remarks and take him away quickly."

At this time, Shen Lian suddenly came out of nowhere: "His current condition is not very good. If others react in a while, everyone will die."

Ao Yan's eyes flashed with cold murderous intent. Without saying anything, he held Jiang Xiaobai in his arms and the others fled quickly.

Soon the person who was being chased by Jiang Xiaobai felt something was wrong.

Why didn't Jiang Xiaobai continue to chase after him?

Everyone is not a fool. Jiang Xiaobai must have used some special means to suddenly become so strong. Such means almost always have serious side effects.

"Let's go, keep looking for him!"

"I can still sense Jiang Xiaobai's position and rush over."

"Haha, that kid is escaping in the opposite direction. It must be a side effect. He now has hundreds of thousands of killing points!"

A group of bullies who were afraid of the strong. They were chased by Jiang Xiaobai before and even lost their shoes.

As a result, it was now guessed that Jiang Xiaobai had side effects and something was going to happen immediately.

The human heart is the most sinister!

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai was lying quietly in Ao Yan's arms.

He was too tired, and the side effects of the rage blood limit were still terrible. He now had no spiritual power in his body and couldn't even move.

"Let me go, they will know my location."

Jiang Xiaobai's weak voice suddenly came: "Spiritual power cannot be restored during the trial. I am a useless person now. Carrying me will only drag you down."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Ao Yan scolded with a cold face: "I lost you once, this time, I will never lose you again!"

Jiang Xiaobai still wanted to speak, but Ao Yan actually reached out and covered his mouth.

But his eyes are still cold and domineering, and the implication is - shut up!

But even so, the whereabouts of several people were exposed because of Jiang Xiaobai, and they were surrounded in less than ten minutes.

And there was a steady stream of people rushing over.

"Jiang Xiaobai, thanks to your persuasion this time, I can continue to grab points."

Yuan Chongwei chuckled and said: "Although you have no spiritual power and are a waste, you can make a contribution just by lying down. How great."

"That's right. With so many people, it's not a problem to get tens of thousands of points."

Shen Lian also laughed.

Jiang Xiaobai gasped for a moment, could he still be a tool?

"Stop talking and leave the rest to me."

Ao Yan gently placed Jiang Xiaobai on the ground, turned around, and his face became ferocious and twisted.

Murderous intent, covering the sky!

The atmosphere became extremely solid for a moment, and everyone looked coldly at Jiang Xiaobai lying on the ground.

This is a huge walking treasure trove of points!

If you kill him, you can get more than 100,000 points even if you are being killed!

That was the effect of killing a hundred people.

Just when everyone was about to take action, a roar suddenly came.

"Your Grandpa Aocheng is here, who dares to be so presumptuous?"

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