This guy from Ao Cheng didn’t come alone.

There are three people following him!

One of them is Jiang Xiaobai's defeated general, Chu Hong.

These two people were not easy to deal with before, but for some reason, they are now getting together.

The other two, one male and one female.

Jiang Xiaobai also knew the man, Liu Chun, the young man in linen clothes.

The woman was extremely charming. Her face seemed to have no expression, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

The whole person looked extremely charming, like a enchantress.

Every frown and every smile makes people think about her, and their thoughts are almost all on her.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaobai himself felt a little depressed, but the Zixiao Yuan Shen in his body suddenly trembled, and his whole body suddenly woke up.


Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this time, Ao Cheng had already led the three people to rush in front of Jiang Xiaobai and others.

Aocheng was unusually arrogant.

"You guys want to touch Jiang Xiaobai? Have you asked me?"

"You're a bunch of trash, come here if you have the guts, how can I still be afraid of you?"

Ao Cheng sneered.

A terrifying golden light erupted from his body, which was not dazzling, but had a rich and simple aura.

Like a real dragon from ancient times!

Now he has fully unleashed the power of the dragon bloodline!

Many geniuses frowned when they saw this scene.

They didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai could find so many helpers?

And none of these people are easy to mess with!

The young man in linen clothes and the charming woman didn't seem to have a good ranking on the list of three thousand evildoers.

But the strength is extremely terrifying!

Many people have encountered them, and they are extremely powerful.

Although there are nearly a hundred people on their side, it will still be very difficult to besiege them!

Especially the guys at the front were almost certainly killed.

Yuan Chongwei's fists and Ao Yan are not vegetarians.

"What, you don't dare to come up?"

When Ao Cheng saw that no one responded, he immediately sneered and said: "You are trash, but you are really trash."

"Don't they all want to take Jiang Xiaobai's life? He is right here. Do you have the guts to come up?"

Jiang Xiaobai: "???"

"Hey, hey, hey Ao Cheng, be careful what you say!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted immediately.

Ao Cheng curled his lips, but still stood domineeringly in front of the crowd, looking at them coldly.

For a moment, no one knew whether to take action or not.

"Humph, who are you people? If nothing else happens, more people will be coming here. Can you stop them?"

The leading genius sneered: "Jiang Xiaobai is already a useless person. Is this necessary for him?"

"There's nothing unnecessary. The killing trial is just for killing people. I can't help but deal with you guys!"

Ao Cheng rubbed his fists: "In a word, do you want to take action or not?"

Everyone on the opposite side looked at each other and finally gritted their teeth.

Do it!

This is the closest opportunity to kill Jiang Xiaobai.

Not only because Jiang Xiaobai had tricked them so many times, but also because Jiang Xiaobai had a lot of killing points.

More than half a million!

If Jiang Xiaobai is killed, half of his points will be taken away.

Even if he is killed again by then, he will still be able to keep more than 100,000 points!

Who doesn't want that?

In an instant, hundreds of people took action.

The overwhelming attacks came from all directions.

Seeing this, Ao Yan rushed directly into the sky, with a simple golden light emerging from his body.

A golden dragon claw appeared in the sky.


Ao Yan let out a sweet cry, and the dragon claws came down from top to bottom, hitting all the attacks hard.


The sky and the ground were trembling, and the world seemed to be destroyed.

Terrifying spiritual power fluctuations erupted, and all the trees, flowers and plants within a radius of one mile were beaten into powder.

Ao Yan actually blocked the attack of hundreds of people with one person's strength!

This strength is shocking!

"What are you doing standing still? Take action!"

Ao Cheng had already rushed forward and smashed a man's head with his iron fist.

Yuan Chongwei and Chu Hong also took action instantly.

The young man in sackcloth held a strange-looking woodcutter and rushed towards the crowd while waving it.

Only the charming woman did not move.

She originally wanted to take action, but was told by Ao Yan to stay and protect Jiang Xiaobai.

There was a riot for a while.

The melee was like a big fight. A group of people didn't want to get entangled anymore. They just wanted to rush forward and kill Jiang Xiaobai and leave quickly.

But they simply cannot do this.

Ao Yan and the others are too strong!

You will almost die if you touch it!

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai was lying on the ground, looking at this scene, feeling very moved.

He has been out there for so long and has been moved twice.

One time, An Ran, the little fat man, regardless of his own life and death, rushed to the ancient tribe's territory with many masters of the third cultivation to save him.

The second time is now.

Jiang Xiaobai has very few friends, and his character is extremely poor in the eyes of outsiders.

Almost an enemy of ten thousand people!

Jiang Xiaobai never thought that he would be in such a situation and be protected like this.

It's really a very comfortable thing.

"Jiang Xiaobai, why do you always like to cause trouble?"

Suddenly, the charming woman walked up to Jiang Xiaobai and smiled.

"There's nothing I can do. There are too many people who want me dead. I can't survive without doing something."

"But many times it was you who took the initiative to cause trouble."

The woman blinked.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly: "Bullshit, they were the ones who attacked me first."

"Then also when you sign up?"

"What's wrong? I'm hugging my own wife. Is it wrong? That's right!"

Jiang Xiaobai curled his lips. He was now enjoying the protection of everyone with peace of mind.

A thoughtful look came over his face.

Don't know what to think.

"What's your name?" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly asked.

"My name is Chen Yulu."

"Good name!"

"Well, your method of flirting with girls is also pretty good."

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned. Hey, hey, hey, stop talking nonsense. What do you mean I'm flirting with girls?

By this time, the battle had become intense.

Those guys can no longer break through here. Even if dozens of people attack together, they are no match for Ao Yan, Aocheng and others.

They were all confused for a moment.

Everyone is a genius, why are you so strong?

But there are exceptions to everything.

While they were fighting, many people took the opportunity to sneak around here.

Some people came here for Jiang Xiaobai, and some people came here to pick up the missing pieces.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

But it was a fact that Jiang Xiaobai was lying on the ground unable to move, and many people sneaked up to attack Jiang Xiaobai.

They took advantage of the opportunity for Ao Yan and others to attack and struck with lightning.

Jiang Xiaobai could be killed immediately.

Suddenly, a water curtain appeared next to Jiang Xiaobai. Anyone touched by the water curtain fell to the ground screaming.

The water curtain is terrifyingly corrosive!

Only then did everyone realize that the charming woman standing next to Jiang Xiaobai was also an extremely terrifying existence.

Things have reached a deadlock!

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