Chapter 828 Divine Killing!

Li Fugui lay on the ground and wanted to vomit blood.

It's really not easy to adapt to the three thousand world rules.

"So, it is quite good to come to the Southern Sky Territory first for a while."

Liu Aoshuang looked at everyone with a smile.

She was slightly possessed, and that set of clothes really made people feel like something was about to come out.

Huo Shuyu's face suddenly turned red and he didn't dare to look. He could only lower his head and try his best to resist the pressure of the rules of the world.

Jiang Xiaobai is not bad. He adapts quickly. He uses Kunpeng's Sky-Swallowing Technique directly and absorbs spiritual power like crazy. He has always adapted to the rules here.

Within ten minutes, Jiang Xiaobai felt that the terrifying pressure on his body had disappeared a lot.

My body has become lighter, but it still takes a lot of time to adapt to being as comfortable as a fish in water.

"Teacher...senior sister?"

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, Liu Aoshuang's face showed excitement: "I'm here, what's wrong?"

"Do you know what is going to happen in the Wood Spirit World?"

"I know, of course I know. I have always been paying attention to the Wood Spirit World. It is a very unique world."

Liu Aoshuang laughed and said, as if he was a chatterbox: "A grand event is about to happen in the wood spirit world, but there is still more than a month. If you work harder, you can catch up."

"Okay, but senior sister, I feel that I need resources."

Just when Jiang Xiaobai wanted to estimate how many fairy stones he needed, Liu Aoshuang smiled and threw a storage ring over.

Jiang Xiaobai took a look, what a boy, there were more than one million high-grade immortal stones inside!

This is a good thing, so much is enough for him to adjust his situation!

"You guys stay here and practice well first. I will prepare. In two days, senior sister will take you to a good place. I will give you great benefits!"

Liu Aoshuang laughed, and then did not give Jiang Xiaobai and the others a chance to speak, and directly led them to a small courtyard with strong spiritual energy.

She herself was sitting in the hall with a smile on her face.

"Since then, the inheritance of the ancestor has been perfected, but I don't know if that boy can bear it, and can he be a partner in a big task?"

Liu Aoshuang muttered in her heart, then shrugged her shoulders and stretched out the two pieces of thin cloth on her chest with her hands.

Jiang Xiaobai entered the courtyard and discovered that someone seemed to have set up a special gathering of souls.

The concentration of spiritual energy here is extremely rich. Even if you practice without using anything in it, it is almost the same as absorbing a middle-grade immortal stone!

Jiang Xiaobai had never seen such a terrifying spirit gathering array before.

"It's interesting. Did you give me such a shock when you just got three thousand?"

Jiang Xiaobai said in a daze.

Such a spirit gathering array can be said to save him more time. Counting these high-grade immortal stones, he can completely integrate with the rules of the Three Thousand Worlds in less than a month!

However, Jiang Xiaobai did not start practicing immediately, but instead sorted out all the goods he had received this time.

First, he took out the two storage rings obtained from the God of War space.

The first ring looks the same as the top ten, so the rewards are probably more casual.

Sure enough, in addition to some heavenly and earthly treasures, including immortal stones, they were all top-grade immortal stones worth one hundred thousand yuan.

Moreover, there are many gadgets that Jiang Xiaobai has never seen before, and it seems that he should cherish them very much.

Among them is a huge Tianyu Xuan Stone.

But compared to the one in Jiang Xiaobai's hand, this piece of Tianyu Immortal Stone seems a bit small.

"Leave this to Chen Yulu and see what's in the other ring."

After opening it, Jiang Xiaobai felt blinded!

There are three million high-grade immortal stones inside! How much is this, 300 million middle-grade immortal stones!

In addition, there is a long sword and a jade slip.

Jiang Xiaobai was shocked at the first sight of this Changjian. It was almost to the level of a pseudo-acquired spiritual treasure, but of course it was much worse.

With such a long sword, even the two eldest fathers had no intention of absorbing it.

Jiang Xiaobai flipped through the jade slip and found that it was a book that could help calm the mind.

Other than that, there are no rewards.

"I guess a long sword like this is the best reward. Unfortunately, I have the acquired spiritual treasure."

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and smiled. Sure enough, for him, only the Immortal Stone was effective in this reward.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know whether the God of War space was generous or not, but these things could help him improve a lot. He thought he would get some other spiritual stones.

It’s enough to break through and become a true immortal!

Then, that is the reward of the system!

This time Jiang Xiaobai will be rewarded with points for every trial he completes, and the first place will be five million points!

And because of what he did, his reputation also skyrocketed a lot.

Count the points awarded for the third option, plus his own points on hand.

Well, a full 50 million, almost 60 million points!

Jiang Xiaobai didn't even know how to spend such a huge sum of money!

"As expected, the biggest reward from wandering around is the reward given by the system."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled from ear to ear.

With nearly 60 million points, you can get a lot of good things from the system.

With an additional amount of merit, Jiang Xiaobai's two arms are now full of merit and are spreading to his right leg.

Jiang Xiaobai felt ridiculous. Why does the Golden Body of Merit start with the limbs first?

But among them, the most mysterious part of the reward is the two divine killing techniques!

Originally there was only one copy, but because Jiang Xiaobai finished in first place, the system rewarded him with an extra copy of the Divine Killing Technique!

Out of curiosity, Jiang Xiaobai asked the system to fuse the two divine killing techniques. The name of this thing sounded extremely domineering.

As a result, when Jiang Xiaobai understood the technique, he was shocked.

God kills God, this is really the way to kill God!

"There are two exercises, one is about sword moves, and the other is about kicks?"

"The divine killing sword technique only requires one sword in total. With one divine killing sword, you can stand up to the gods with a mortal body. With one sword strike, the gods will perish!"

"The god-killing kick technique is just a simple and rough side kick... Damn it, can you actually kick out the soul like this?"

Jiang Xiaobai thought that the introduction of this sword technique was exaggerated enough, but after seeing the effectiveness of the kick technique, he was completely confused.

Think about it, with one kick, someone’s soul was kicked out?

Doesn't it mean that the flesh and blood body can be killed easily without the control of the soul?

So awesome?

For a moment, Jiang Xiaobai's eyes widened.

These two skills are so powerful that they can be regarded as Jiang Xiaobai's own trump card.

"System, can I still enjoy the half-price promotion?"

Jiang Xiaobai said excitedly in his heart.

"Yes, but the host does not have enough points to improve it perfectly."

"Then, how many points are needed to improve?"

"A book of skills has 100 million points, which is half price."

When the system's voice ended, Jiang Xiaobai was not stunned.

On the contrary, I am even more delighted!

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