Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 829 The real blood demon inheritance

Chapter 829 The real blood demon inheritance!

Just kidding, a book with 100 million points is still half the price.

It is enough to prove how difficult and powerful this technique is.

Isn't this a treasure?

Jiang Xiaobai had previously thought about developing a more powerful swordsmanship book or other means to expand himself.

Now it's fine, these two divine killing techniques are simply amazing!

Jiang Xiaobai also wanted to search the system to see if there were any other divine killing techniques, but found that there were none!

"System, doesn't it say everything is available?"

"The Divine Killing Technique is a systematic and special technique that does not exist in this world."

The answer given by the system made Jiang Xiaobai not know what to say for a while.

The divine killing technique is not from this plane?

"Forget it, leave it alone, otherwise, let's start with twenty million for each person with sword skills."

Jiang Xiaobai said calmly.

He doesn't have that many points on hand now. Although he has more than 60 million, he still has other things to do!

The Nine Heavens Star Sword Technique also needs to be improved!

It’s an upgrade of 10 million!

Then the 40 million points disappeared instantly, and Jiang Xiaobai's two divine killing techniques were upgraded by two levels.

There are ten levels in total.

He couldn't wait and rushed into the God of War space. This was the best place to test the God's Killing Technique.

Although, he has almost no opponents in the God of War space.

But the experimental power is still good.

The first opponent appeared. When the opponent found out that it was Jiang Xiaobai, he was stunned.

How could I meet this guy?

In a daze, the man only saw a black and red light appearing in front of him.

Then I couldn’t feel anything anymore!

Jiang Xiaobai, who had tested the power, was even more shocked.

He just used a little bit of power. This speed and power are so terrifying!

"Good stuff, a surefire move!"

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't wait to find someone again and tested the divine killing kick.

Good guy, he discovered that this kick can really kick out a person's soul.

Of course, it is not the state where the soul is separated from the body, but the person who was kicked was completely unable to move.

The soul cannot control the body at all and can only let Jiang Xiaobai bully him.

One control, one final kill!

What a perfect match!

It's just that this consumption is so intense that almost half of the spiritual power is drained out at one time!

"It can only be used as a sure-kill move. If you use it casually, my spiritual power reserves are still not enough, far from enough."

Jiang Xiaobai returned to the real world and murmured.

He made an estimate and took action with all his strength. With Yuan Hong's acquired spiritual treasure blessing, he might not be able to kill the Earth Immortal instantly!

The killing move is really the best killing move!

"Hahahaha, the wood spirit world is probably stable this time!"

The divine killing technique is too powerful.

However, the road to improvement is still very long.

There is only one chance to upgrade at half price. Jiang Xiaobai has already used it, and he can only upgrade once with 20 million points!

If he gets another copy of the Divine Killing Technique, the road to improvement will be even longer.

"Let's improve the Jiutianxingxing Sword Technique first. The remaining nearly 10 million points will be reserved for later use."

Jiang Xiaobai said secretly in his heart, and decisively improved the Nine Heavens Star Sword Technique.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai experienced the excitement of falling from a rich man to a poor person.

Looking at the remaining nine million points, Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes again.

"Points, reputation."

"It seems like it's impossible to go to the Wood Spirit World without doing something."

Jiang Xiaobai made some plans for the Wood Spirit Realm. After feeling the incredible success of the God Killing Technique, Jiang Xiaobai's desire for points reached a new height.

In this way, all the gains have been achieved.

The next step is to practice hard and adapt yourself to the rules of the Three Thousand Worlds.

The days of cultivation pass quickly.

For two days, Jiang Xiaobai felt like he could only close and open his eyes.

Only when Liu Aoshuang came and knocked on the door did Jiang Xiaobai withdraw from practice.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a good place. If you can survive, your cultivation will improve a lot."

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned.

You managed to survive by luck?

Suddenly he was stunned and shouted: "No, where are you taking me to fuck me?"

"I am your senior sister, why would I mess with you? It must be for your own good, right?"

Liu Aoshuang said with a smile, as if what she said was true.

Jiang Xiaobai naturally didn't believe it and didn't want to go at first, but Liu Aoshuang grabbed his arm and started moving in space.

When Jiang Xiaobai reacted, he had already appeared in front of a cave, and bursts of bloody smell came from the cave.

Very penetrating!

"This is it, go in."

"Wait a minute, tell me first what exactly is this for?"

Jiang Xiaobai said hurriedly.

Just kidding, what if you just walk in and get tricked?

He felt that Liu Aoshuang was quite unreliable.

"Keke, it'll be okay. This is the inheritance of our Blood Demon Sect, left behind by the founder of the Blood Demon Emperor."

Liu Aoshuang chuckled and said: "The ancestor said a sect rule before he left. If someone gets his inheritance, he can enter this place to receive a more complete inheritance."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai was stunned.

"Holy shit! Does that old guy still have a trick up his sleeve?"


Liu Aoshuang smiled lightly and said, "You will soon know the traditions of our sect."

Then Jiang Xiaobai didn't even have a chance to react before he was pushed into the hole by Liu Aoshuang.

The next second, Jiang Xiaobai felt that the blood mark on his hand was getting hot.

Immediately afterwards.


Jiang Xiaobai felt like he had been slapped on the face, and his whole body flew backwards.

"You brat, are you talking bad about me outside?"

The Blood Demon Emperor appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai with a sneer on his face.

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned: "No, you can hear me competing with you outside with just one thought?"

"Nonsense, you are talking next to my ear. Do you really think that I am deaf with this divine thought?"

The Blood Demon Emperor sneered: "Boy, there are many things I haven't told you yet."

"for example?"

"Your inheritance is only half."

Jiang Xiaobai sneered: "Tsk, I have known for a long time that many of your skills are incomplete."

"Are you pretending to be yourself?"

The Blood Demon Emperor sneered: "The martial arts and martial arts I gave you are all complete! There are just some things that I couldn't give you under the circumstances at that time. You can only come here to receive the inheritance."

Jiang Xiaobai's face suddenly showed a look of embarrassment.

You were caught pretending to be cool?

"Ahem, then you, old man, hurry up and pass the inheritance to me. I'm in a hurry."

"Since you ask so, fine."

The next second, Jiang Xiaobai felt like he was being picked up like a chicken, and then he was thrown into a pool of blood with a pop.

At that moment, Jiang Xiaobai felt only piercing pain all over his body.

Every inch of skin is burning, and every inch of soul is cracking.


He couldn't help but scream in pain: "Old man, what did you do to me?"

"You are eager to go in, so I will grant your wish."

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