Chapter 830 The horror increases!

Hearing the Blood Demon Emperor's words, Jiang Xiaobai felt like he was going crazy.

He still wanted to speak angrily, but the pain all over his body made it impossible for him to find the energy!

Jiang Xiaobai just wanted to escape, but he didn't expect that just as he was about to leave, countless pairs of red bloody hands appeared in the blood pool.

He grabbed Jiang Xiaobai tightly, not wanting him to rush out.

Not only that, but he also tried his best to drag Jiang Xiaobai down.


Jiang Xiaobai used all his strength to curse again, struggled for a while, and then his whole body was dragged into the blood pool by those bloody hands.


Two bubbles appeared on the blood pool, and then there was no movement.

Beside the blood pool, the Blood Demon Emperor looked helpless: "I just wanted to tell you that if you want to accept such an inheritance, there is a huge risk of death. You are in such a hurry."

"Hey, I hope you can survive."

"Otherwise, I don't know how many years my plan will take..."

Jiang Xiaobai had no idea what the Blood Demon Emperor said outside, and he couldn't bear to die on the spot!

The pain was beyond words.

Every pore seemed to be eaten by tens of thousands of ants, all the meridians and bones in his body.

There is no place without pain.

What is even more terrifying is the Yuanshen. Even Zixiao Yuanshen cannot withstand such power.

He had no idea what the blood pool was used for.

But it’s impossible to get out!

"Damn bastard, if I don't destroy your soul when I go out, I will take your surname!"

Jiang Xiaobai burst into anger and tried his best to hold it back.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai is pretty good in terms of perseverance.

And the pain disappeared immediately after lasting for ten minutes.

At that moment Jiang Xiaobai felt like he was in heaven.

So comfortable!

"Huh? Am I absorbing this blood?"

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned. He found that his Bloodthirsty Wuji Kung Fu was already running on its own, frantically absorbing the surrounding blood.

The strength is actually improving!

"Good opportunity, take this opportunity to integrate the rules of the Three Thousand Worlds!"

Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved, and then he closed his eyes and practiced.

While using the blood in these blood pools to improve one's own strength, one is constantly integrating into the rules of the Three Thousand Worlds.

More than twenty days have passed since this practice!

The moment the last drop of blood in the blood pool was absorbed by him, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly opened his eyes.

A sound like crackling fried beans erupted from his body.

Jiang Xiaobai found that he had grown a little taller, and the muscle lines on his body became more perfect.

"Well, where are my clothes?"

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned for a while. No wonder he felt cold.

He hurriedly took out a set of clothes from the storage space, put them on, and rushed out of the blood pool.

After feeling it for a while, Jiang Xiaobai didn't feel any changes in himself?

The strength has been improved to the point where it is a perfect match with the three thousand, and at the same time, the realm has reached the peak of Dacheng Dacheng.

There is only one step away from breaking through to become a true immortal!

"Old man, where is the old man? Get out of here?"

Jiang Xiaobai shouted into the cave.

But there was no movement at all.

Jiang Xiaobai shouted twice more, but the Blood Demon Emperor still did not appear.

Instead, Liu Aoshuang walked in.

"What are you shouting for? Where does this old man come from?"

With a slight smile on her face: "Not bad, I survived!"

Jiang Xiaobai's face was covered with black lines. He suddenly felt that the traditions of this sect were extremely improper.

He loves to trick people so much!

"Do you know what the effect of the inheritance here is? How come I don't have any reaction after receiving the inheritance?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously.

"Yes, can you try running some skills now?" Liu Aoshuang said with a faint smile.

Jiang Xiaobai then used Blood Sea to move around.


He lost control and hit the stone wall in the cave.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai was stunned.

Why did the speed become so fast? He couldn't control it for a moment!

Then a surprise popped into Jiang Xiaobai's heart.

Does inheritance mean making your own skills stronger?

Without hesitation, Jiang Xiaobai tried to study the Bloodthirsty Wuji and found that the absorption speed and efficiency of this thing seemed to be much improved than before!

However, this technique requires the absorption of blood to increase strength. Without blood, Jiang Xiaobai would not be able to make a detailed comparison.

As for the top skill, Bloodthirsty Wuji, it goes without saying that it has also improved a lot!

After some understanding, Jiang Xiaobai was really shocked!

I thought that it would be good if the rage blood limit could be increased a little, but I didn't expect that it could actually double the strength!

And the side effect is extreme weakness. If you supplement it with fairy stones and use the swallowing speed of Kunpeng's sky-swallowing technique, you can recover very quickly!

Almost no side effects!

Is this the complete inheritance of the Blood Demon Emperor?

This is too scary. No wonder so many people wanted to inherit such a skill.

It's just a blood rage limit, which is a counterattack trump card in the extreme state.

It’s essential to save your life!

"No wonder the Black Mist guy from before came to snatch it away. Such an inheritance...I suddenly have a question, what was the strength of the Blood Demon Emperor before he fell?"

Jiang Xiaobai was very puzzled. The strength of this angry blood limit was already extremely strong.

The higher the strength of a person, the more terrifying the effect will be. If the Blood Demon Emperor has such a method, he should not be killed, right?

"Probably, very, very high strength, I don't know very well."

Liu Aoshuang poked her chin with her index finger: "Don't worry about it. Your strength has improved quite a lot now. Senior sister is optimistic about you!"

"So besides this, did you bring me here for anything else?"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, he always felt that things were not that simple.

Sure enough, a smile appeared on Liu Aoshuang's face: "As expected of my junior brother, your guess is really accurate!"

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai's face was covered with black lines.

"It's not a big deal. Our Demon Learning Sect is not the only one in the Southern Heaven Territory. Recently, there was a competition between many sects in the Southern Heaven Territory, which related to the resource allocation of the sects."

"It just so happens that junior brother hasn't become a true immortal yet, so I'll let you use it!"

"That's it. It's a small matter. When does it start? I'll just go over and knock them all over with one fist!"

If it was just like this, Jiang Xiaobai would be happy to go.

He even thought in his mind in an instant that this time he could get a huge amount of reputation points!

What Jiang Xiaobai lacks most now is points!

There is no shortage of things like fairy stones.

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, there are exactly three days left. Go back first. Your friends have completed their training. Basically, just go to the Wood Spirit World and get used to it."

Liu Aoshuang chuckled. Just when she was about to leave with Jiang Xiaobai, she suddenly frowned and her expression changed.

At the same time, a black mist suddenly appeared in the open space next to the two of them.

"Tang Yuanhua! You old dog still don't give up?"

Liu Aoshuang was furious when she saw this.

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