Chapter 833 Tang Yuanhua was defeated!

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's terrifying starry sword light.

Tang Yuanhua no longer dared to be careless, he directly took action with all his strength.

The black spear in his hand was waved, and a black light emerged, like the endless night, the darkness that could swallow everything!

The two attacks collided fiercely in the air, and the terrifying aftermath sent both of them flying.

Tang Yuanhua suddenly stopped in the air, his expression extremely ugly.

He could handle this woman Liu Aoshuang easily, so why was he so difficult to deal with Jiang Xiaobai?

Are the inheritance of the Blood Demon Emperor and that of the Blood Demon Queen so different?

However, as a former Golden Immortal, it was a loss of face for him to be suppressed and beaten by a Dacheng like this!

He couldn't bear this breath!

"Arrogant, Jiang Xiaobai, die!"

Tang Yuanhua roared angrily, swung the black spear in his hand, and black lights appeared in the air, cutting off the Zhuxian Sword Intentions flying around and knocking them away.

He rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai with terrifying speed.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The sound of metal plates colliding was heard in the air, and Jiang Xiaobai struggled to resist it with Yuan Hong.

After all, his real strength is still far behind!

Another star sword light erupted in the gap of the battle, but Tang Yuanhua did not choose to resist forcefully, but dodged it with terrifying speed.

After all, this guy's strength is much higher than Jiang Xiaobai's.

If it weren't for the Zhuxian Sword Formation that caused a certain degree of restriction, Jiang Xiaobai wouldn't even be able to capture the trajectory of his attack.

To avoid this attack, Tang Yuanhua swept away with his spear without holding back.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly made the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower grow in front of him, and then blocked this guy's attack.

"I bother!"

"I don't believe I can kill you!"

Jiang Xiaobai roared, his body turned into a sword light, and a mysterious and heart-stopping aura erupted from his body.

Tang Yuanhua was instantly shocked. Does this have a trump card?

Such a breath directly made him feel the threat of death!

God kills with one sword!

The black-red sword light disappeared in an instant, so fast that Tang Yuanhua didn't react at all. He only felt a heat on his shoulders.

A hideous wound appeared.

Seeing this wound, Tang Yuanhua was stunned.

What the hell is this a great achievement?

Whose Dacheng can be so terrifying!

Can it actually cause harm to him?

After one strike, Jiang Xiaobai took out a large handful of high-grade fairy stones and stuffed them into his mouth. He stopped absorbing them at all and swallowed them all into his stomach, which made it faster.

Just like eating popcorn, popcorn popcorn.

After eating a lot of immortal stones, Jiang Xiaobai finally regained his composure, but the next second Tang Yuanhua's black spear had already hit him.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly leaned forward and lowered his head, barely able to avoid it.

The spear almost grazed his scalp.

Bang bang bang!

There were hundreds of attacks in an instant, and Jiang Xiaobai was beaten to the point of confusion. Fortunately, he could barely resist each time.

But after these few times, Jiang Xiaobai had many hideous wounds on his body.

His left leg was even severed by a spear.

"Boy, you really pissed me off..."


Tang Yuanhua never expected that Jiang Xiaobai would suddenly kick him from the side at this juncture.

Doesn't this bitch use a sword?

It was precisely because of this that he had been guarding against Yuan Hong in Jiang Xiaobai's hands, but was successfully attacked by Jiang Xiaobai.

God's kick!

This kick that has been cultivated to perfection can definitely kick out Tang Yuan Hua Yuan Shen!

It's a pity that it's just the second level.

But even so, the moment he was kicked by Jiang Xiaobai, Tang Yuanhua felt his head buzzing.

Of course it’s the main body’s head!

This is his incarnation, and the soul will naturally not get much of it.

"It's now!"

"God kills with one sword!"

Jiang Xiaobai almost vomited blood, and while Tang Yuanhua was stunned, he pierced his chest with another sword.

It's a pity that Tang Yuanhua reacted at the last moment, otherwise this sword would have been to the heart!

Looking at the sword wound on his chest, Tang Yuanhua's face was filled with disbelief.

Then anger and panic emerged in my heart.

This boy must be killed!

This piece of shit is just a great achievement now. What if he grows into a true immortal or even an earthly immortal?

As a result, Jiang Xiaobai’s methods are really endless.

When the murderous intention in Tang Yuanhua's heart surged, he suddenly felt his head hurt even more!

No, it's the soul that hurts.

The extremely sour pain made him scream, and Jiang Xiaobai also screamed.


Jiang Xiaobai even covered his head and rolled on the ground.

He had just used the Soul Blade to make a sneak attack.

But there is no way, even if Jiang Xiaobai is Zixiao Yuanshen, he has a high level of cultivation.

Yuanshen is naturally stronger than Jiang Xiaobai.

This is because Jiang Xiaobai has improved his strength, otherwise he would definitely be blown up on the spot if a sharp blade of soul were struck.

A strange situation occurred, and the two people who were fighting for life and death covered their heads.

One kneeled on one knee and was trembling all over, while the other kept rolling on the ground and screaming.

It hurts, it hurts so much!

The pain on the soul is beyond human imagination!

At this time, the Zhuxian Sword Formation finally left a lot of wounds on Tang Yuanhua's body.

The killing sword intent like killing an immortal continued to swim through Tang Yuanhua's meridians, and he suppressed it immediately.

Just when he was furious, his realm suddenly began to slip!

"No, your strength has actually declined due to damage to your soul?"

Tang Yuanhua was furious.

He is just an incarnation!

After all, he won't have much strength. At this time, the effect brought by the Universe Mirror treasure has disappeared.

The best manifestation is the Zhuxian Sword Formation, which he can no longer bear!

The realm slipped rapidly, and finally Tang Yuanhua stopped at the early stage of Earth Immortal.

Jiang Xiaobai endured the pain of almost breaking his soul and stood up suddenly, gritting his teeth, his eyes were scarlet and his face was ferocious.

"Old bastard, I want you to die!"

Jiang Xiaobai used his life-saving sword to kill again.

This time, all his spiritual power was really drained away!

It’s too weak to be replenished!

"Damn it!"

Tang Yuanhua cursed in his heart, and instantly his whole body turned into a black mist, penetrating the space with a strange method.

Jiang Xiaobai's sword failed.

But even so, the Zhuxian Sword Formation did not let go of Tang Yuanhua, and the sword energy continued to attack.

Black fog penetrated in and out.

Tang Yuanhua could no longer hold on.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai knew that he was extremely dangerous without spiritual power, and then he actually released Li Fugui from the Qibao Exquisite Tower.

"Master Drafting, are you just letting me out now?"

Although Li Fugui roared like this, he still charged towards the black mist with his long sword.

The Storm Sword Master shows off his might!

Helpless, Tang Yuanhua quickly evacuated.

This time it was originally a safe situation, but it ended up like this?

Tang Yuanhua was almost angry to death!

In the main hall of Blackwater Pavilion in the Wood Spirit Realm.

Tang Yuanhua raised his leg and kicked the road to pieces.

"Gan Gangan, what is all this about?"

"Then is Jiang Xiaobai a human or a ghost?"

"You bastard, you bastard!"

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