Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 834 Weird stories from past years

Blood Demon Sect, this place is already in a mess.

Because of the battle with Tang Yuanhua, half of the sect was almost destroyed. Fortunately, the place where they fought was not very close to the area where the disciples practiced.

The disciples had already fled as soon as they sensed the danger, and only a few people were affected and died.

The loss is nothing.

But the fact that the sect leader is in coma is really worrying!

Many elders of the Blood Demon Sect appeared, looking at Liu Aoshuang who was seriously injured and unconscious, with sad and solemn expressions on their faces.

"Mr. Jiang, what do you think we should do now?"

The great elder looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai has been here for such a long time, it is impossible for the Blood Demon Sect not to know his identity.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai was also in extremely miserable condition. His legs were broken and he was lying on the ground unable to move. He could only crazily stuff the fairy stone into his mouth while taking out a pill and slurring his words.

"Give her to eat this."

This is an elixir that Jiang Xiaobai spent two million points to redeem from the system!

Excellent healing effect.

He had probably checked Liu Aoshuang's condition. On the surface, the serious injuries were nothing, but because of this serious injury, her old injuries were involved.

Only this pill can help her temporarily.

The Great Elder did not dare to be vague and hurriedly fed the elixir to Liu Aoshuang.

Her injuries had recovered a lot, and her face became rosy, but she was still unconscious.

Everyone hurriedly carried the two of them to the room and laid them down.

Someone specially came to treat Jiang Xiaobai's injuries.

Half a day passed, and Jiang Xiaobai finally regained his composure after eating more than 100,000 high-grade immortal stones.

"Although the inheritance is complete, there will be no side effects, but if you want to restore the state of the angry blood limit, the amount of immortal stones absorbed is shocking."

Jiang Xiaobai lamented that his broken leg had recovered, but it was just a small matter.

But the serious matter lies with Liu Aoshuang!

The old wounds on this woman’s body are terrifying!

Jiang Xiaobai only made a cursory inspection and discovered that the injuries were too serious, and some of them were hidden injuries caused during practice. Although it was extremely difficult to fix, Jiang Xiaobai could still redeem the elixir.

However, the most important old wound is extremely unique.

This woman's Dantian is actually riddled with holes. Who dares to believe this?

The Dantian Qi sea is like this, and there is still cultivation. How can I still practice?

Treatment can be cured. Jiang Xiaobai can treat without using the system. Among his alchemy techniques is the Hantian Pill, which can repair the Dantian.

Even a useless person's Dantian can be cultivated again after taking this elixir.

Needless to say, Liu Aoshuang’s situation.

But Jiang Xiaobai always felt that something was wrong, and there must be something else that he had not discovered.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai got up and walked to the bed next to him.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on Liu Aoshuang's wrist, and his spiritual power turned into hair-like thin lines, constantly checking Liu Aoshuang's injuries.

"Have you seen a ghost? Your meridians are also riddled with holes? How did you survive?"

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but exclaimed after checking the situation.

At this time, Liu Aoshuang suddenly opened her eyes, her face as calm as water.

"let go."


Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly retracted his hand, feeling shocked in his heart. Before he finally let go, he seemed to have discovered that this woman's soul was missing?

What the hell, is it a human or a ghost?

"Are you shocked by my condition?"

Liu Aoshuang slowly sat up and saw that the two rags on her chest were still intact, then she said calmly.

Jiang Xiaobai naturally felt her movements, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"You don't think I would have any thoughts about you, do you?"

"No, I'm afraid you have no idea about me."

Liu Aoshuang said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xiaobai was shocked.

"Changing the topic, what's going on with your health?"

"Generally speaking, monks can't be like this. It's a shame that you can practice like this."

Hearing this, Liu Aoshuang sighed: "I can't help it. This is caused by the inheritance of the Blood Demon Queen. The old injuries are getting worse day by day. Even if the injury can be cured today, it will look like this in a few days." .”

"Unless I find the perfect inheritance of the Blood Demon Queen, I will be hopeless."

"And the Blood Demon Queen, hiss, I feel like there's a strong flavor of gossip in it."

Jiang Xiaobai became excited: "Is there something between the man and the old man?"

"Absolutely. In fact, the Blood Demon Queen appeared even longer than the Grandmaster. That woman was so strong that she criticized her."

Liu Aoshuang said calmly: "Then the Patriarch named himself the Blood Demon Emperor, and this woman was very unhappy. She didn't even dare to call him the Emperor!"

"So she went to find Grandmaster to trouble her, but she still couldn't beat Grandmaster. It's really weird."

When Jiang Xiaobai heard about this fantastic past, he was also amazed: "So, the two of them are getting along?"

"Well, it was really getting better, but then, for some unknown reason, the Patriarch suddenly disappeared, and the Blood Demon Queen suddenly passed away. This was all a long, long time ago."

Liu Aoshuang said calmly: "I am just a direct disciple of the Blood Demon Sect. Who knew that the leader disappeared more than a thousand years ago."

"Before he disappeared, he found me and gave me a piece of blood jade to eat. After eating it, I got the Queen of the Blood Demon. Then the sect master never appeared again."

"As for me, I also inherited the great responsibility. Later, it was also because after I became an Earth Immortal, I couldn't stand being lonely and went out to wander around. I went to the Wood Spirit Realm. Because I was using the skills of the Blood Demon Queen, I was discovered by Tang Yuanhua, who dealt with me for a long time. , but he has some special problems and cannot leave the Wood Spirit World, otherwise I would have died long ago."

Jiang Xiaobai now understood everything.

The word "missing" is very strange.

Just because you're missing doesn't necessarily mean you're dead!

Jiang Xiaobai keenly felt that there was something fishy in it, and it was probably involved in something terrible.

Well, it's not something he can worry about now.

"The situation in the sect is like this now. What about Tang Yuanhua? Did you win?"

Liu Aoshuang was surprised that Jiang Xiaobai was actually intact!

She can also sense that Jiang Xiaobai's inheritance is still there through the Blood Demon Queen's mark!

So it was Tang Yuanhua who ran away?

"Yeah, a narrow win."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and said, "Okay, you can rest in peace and recuperate while I go out for a walk."

"Don't worry, I'll go with you."

Liu Aoshuang chuckled: "My injury will never recover, so in my lifetime, it is enough to see your junior brother become stronger."

"If you go to the Wood Spirit Realm this time, you must be careful. Tang Yuanhua is not a good person."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "I know, I will be careful, I am not the only one in the Wood Spirit World."

It is estimated that the events in the Wood Spirit World will cause many geniuses to pass by.

Gu Ning ran away without thinking before, guessing that he would go to the wood spirit world.

Just kidding, with Gu Ning here, Jiang Xiaobai is really not afraid of Tang Yuanhua.

He had no idea that Tang Yuanhua had already been dealt with by Gu Ning once before.

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