Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 835 Just pretend to be cool

Chapter 835 Just show off!

The two walked out of the house side by side. Jiang Xiaobai was just a head taller than Liu Aoshuang.

Looking at this handsome man and woman, an uninformed person might actually think that they are a couple.

Outside, Li Fugui and Huo Shuyu felt completely relieved when they saw that both of them were fine.

"Don't leave in a hurry, I will continue to help senior sister."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled at the two of them.

In fact, any help or anything is bullshit, what he wants is points!

After driving Tang Yuanhua away, Jiang Xiaobai's reputation skyrocketed. It is estimated that this incident has spread in the world of Nantian Territory.

Anyway, he got more than two million points in a daze.

But he felt that this was not the limit.

The competition Liu Aoshuang mentioned was the highlight, and Jiang Xiaobai had already locked in the script.

This time, I'll do something big for him and get tens of millions of points.

This is three thousand worlds.

Reputation will be gained quickly.

Then the four of them went drinking together. Sure enough, when there are more people, everything will turn into drinking.

After getting drunk alone, the four of them left.

At night, Jiang Xiaobai had already regained his energy. He clenched his fists and felt the power in his body.

The feeling of being powerful is really fascinating.

Now he can casually beat up guys like Yuan Chongwei, but his vision is no longer so narrow-minded.

After the trial in the God of War space is over, there is no doubt that many geniuses on the monster list will try their best to attack the realm of true immortals.

There is no doubt about it.

Because they have basically reached the top level of achievement under the immortals.

The same is true for Jiang Xiaobai. He has defeated a guy suspected to be a golden immortal without anyone knowing.

Although it is just an incarnation, it is still very impressive!

If this record was told to anyone, that fool Yuan Chongwei would definitely be shocked and shake his head wildly to express his disbelief!

"When tomorrow's competition is completed, I will hit the realm of true immortals."

"Hiss, or else the realm will be stuck? When the time comes, I will go to the Wood Spirit Realm to trick people?"

When Jiang Xiaobai thought of this, he immediately thought of Tang Yuanhua!

"That's it. We've decided to block the realm and establish the Wood Spirit Realm. We'll find Tang Yuanhua first. It would be weird if we don't trick him to death this time!"

Jiang Xiaobai was quite angry.

Tang Yuanhua has come to trouble him several times. If the other party hadn't been in the wood spirit world, Jiang Xiaobai would have fought with him to the death.

"Well, I don't know if Yan'er will go this time..."

Early in the morning, Liu Aoshuang came to Jiang Xiaobai's yard.

He was drinking tea slowly.

"Let's go, let's get things done quickly, and then you can go wandering."

Liu Aoshuang urged Jiang Xiaobai with disdain on her face: "Look at how old you are. You act like an old man every day. Is drinking tea something you young people should do?"

"Of course it is a happy life of drinking. There is plenty of time for you to drink tea in your future!"

Liu Aoshuang's temper was still very hot and anxious in some respects.

So she really disliked people drinking tea slowly.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head in disdain, not wanting to say anything more.

Tea is a good thing, it’s a great way to taste life!

But in the end, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't defeat Liu Aoshuang, and was carried away directly, along with many Blood Demon Sect disciples and master elders.

Soon, everyone came to a snowfield.

It is a vast expanse of white and the scenery is exceptionally beautiful.

On the snowy plain, more than a dozen sect forces have gathered, and the Blood Demon Sect seems to be the last one to arrive.

"Liu Aoshuang, you are the last one every time. Do you think we dare not deal with you?"

When a beautiful woman saw Liu Aoshuang, she immediately started to show off her face.

But Jiang Xiaobai could tell that he was jealous of Liu Aoshuang's appearance.

"My sect leader is late like this, what can you do to me?"

Liu Aoshuang sneered: "Old witch, you show off your stinky face every day. No wonder no one wants you even at your age."


The beautiful woman was furious, but before she could speak, a Taoist priest who looked like Qingfeng Xulai suddenly appeared next to her.

"Who says Miss Qin is wanted by no one? The old Taoist likes Miss Qin very much. It's a pity that Miss Qin doesn't give the old Taoist a chance."


Jiang Xiaobai almost laughed out loud when he saw this scene.

These old monsters are really not ashamed.

More than him!

Mrs. Qin sneered: "Call me madam, or call me girl, who are you disgusting with?"

"Yes, yes, Mrs. Qin!"

Liu Aoshuang sneered: "The husband you killed to death is worth two hundred if not one hundred, right?"

"Liu Aoshuang, are you looking for death? You damn bitch, do you believe I will tear your mouth apart now?"


At this time, a middle-aged man suddenly yelled.

As soon as he opened his mouth, no one dared to say a word.

He still exudes the fluctuations of heavenly beings!

This person should be the overlord in the world of Southern Sky Territory?

"The annual resource allocation war is not for you to come here and quarrel. If you don't accept it, you can start a war now, okay?"

Xie Guan sneered.

The two women glared at each other, then turned away and said nothing.

After all, if he could really defeat the opponent, he would have started a war long ago. How could it be the current situation?

"Since you have no objection, just keep your mouth shut. Only by guarding each other's three-quarter acres of land and developing peace of mind can we have a future."

Xie Guan spoke calmly, and then his eyes fell on Jiang Xiaobai next to Liu Aoshuang.

"Aoshuang, this kid looks strange, where did you get it?"

"I won't talk nonsense to you, this kid is our Blood Demon Sect's trump card, the biggest killer in the world. We, the Blood Demon Sect, will definitely win this one!"

Liu Aoshuang chuckled and said, "You can also give up your position as leader of the alliance to me."

"Hahahahaha, Liu Aoshuang, what are you thinking about?"

"Is it a lie that your Blood Demon Sect has withered for more than ten years? Now you just find someone to come over and think you can do it?"

"You are the one who is at the bottom every year. Are you so crazy this year?"

The leaders of many forces burst into laughter.

Feeling carefully, Jiang Xiaobai was also frightened.

What the hell, Liu Aoshuang is actually the only Earth Immortal among all the sect masters here!

The rest of them are all gods!

However, Liu Aoshuang is strong enough, otherwise she would not be qualified to stand here.

Liu Aoshuang paid no attention to this, but blinked at Jiang Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, it's your turn."

"Choke them to death. You can act pretentious and arrogant today. I will make the decision for you."

It's rare for Liu Aoshuang to be so high-spirited, so why not seize the opportunity to show off?

And Jiang Xiaobai did not disappoint her.

"Points, I'm here."

Said secretly in his heart, Jiang Xiaobai was one step ahead.

He exudes a strong aura and is extremely confident.

"Everyone who is doing this, I, Jiang, have never been a humble person."

"So I'm telling the truth."

"All of you who came to participate in this competition are..."


"Okay, now that I've finished speaking, those who oppose it should stand to the left, and those who agree with it should stand to the right."

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