Are you kidding me, trying to catch up to him?

With Jiang Xiaobai’s talent and strength, it’s only a matter of time before he catches up with him!

He, Lin Zijin, had just practiced for a while longer than Jiang Xiaobai.

People can condense the sword heart in a month!

Can he compare to such a monster genius?

"Okay, just watch it first. I have to do something. There are still a few sect tasks that have not been completed."

After Lin Zijin finished speaking, he left sadly.

Jiang Xiaobai had a slight smile on his face.

For some reason, Jiang Xiaobai, who was slightly resistant to the sect, suddenly felt like he was back home after entering the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect.

Well, the entire sect is as crooked as him!


Jiang Xiaobai chuckled.

Then he began to walk slowly within the Jianzong, looking at every place that Lin Zijin had introduced to him before.

Jian Zong is too big!

This huge level shocked Jiang Xiaobai. A sect was like several super cities connected together.


There are too many disciples living in the main sect to die for.

It is said that there are tens of thousands of outer disciples alone!

There are tens of thousands of inner disciples.

More of them are handyman disciples!

That is, people who are not yet qualified to become informal disciples.

They come to the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect for different purposes, but they all have one goal, which is to become a true disciple of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect.

Feeling the new environment, he looked around at the Sword Sect disciples who were all smiling and doing whatever they wanted.

Jiang Xiaobai felt as if he had suddenly found an organization.

"Go back first."

Jiang Xiaobai slowly walked to Song Huonan's yard.

As soon as he entered, he saw Han Yulong lowering his head and being criticized by Song Huonan.

"You have the same virtue as your junior sister, and you know how to be lazy. I asked you to do ten tasks, and you really did ten tasks?"

"Can you be a little more ambitious?"

Jiang Xiaobai was slightly stunned. He couldn't tell that Song Huonan was just like an old woman. She talked too much.

At this time, Song Huonan also noticed Jiang Xiaobai walking in.

He immediately pointed at him and shouted to Han Yulong.

"Learn from Xiaobai, who has been practicing diligently. Look at you two guys again. I was really blind when I let you two be my disciples!"

Song Huonan was extremely angry.

Han Yulong lowered his head and did not dare to say a word. Even because he was scolded, his attitude towards Jiang Xiaobai was not very good.

Jiang Xiaobai would not pay attention to this.

"Elder Song, when will Jian Zong go to the Wood Spirit Realm?"

Hearing this, Song Huonan said calmly: "There are still a few days, so don't be so anxious. In these few days, you can get familiar with the sect."

"Do you know where your own yard is?"

The current Song Huonan is not Jiang Xiaobai's real master yet.

He is just Jiang Xiaobai's guide.

Not every disciple of the Sword Sect has the opportunity to become a disciple of a super strong man!

Most people practice together in a general way, and only super monsters, or even monsters among monsters, have a chance.

Even some direct disciples don't even have a half-master.

However, they have a strong backer.

He is a disciple of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect!

Jiang Xiaobai never thought about becoming a disciple of Elder XX.

"Yes, I understand. It's quite close to Senior Brother Lin."


Suddenly, Su Qingchen appeared out of nowhere: "You're so close to Senior Brother Lin, does that mean you're also close to me?"

"Hahahaha, not bad, not bad, I will come to fight with you often in the future!"

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned, fighting?

But Su Qingchen stopped talking and disappeared.

After saying a few words to Song Huonan, Jiang Xiaobai left the yard and rushed to his residence.

Huo Shuyu and Li Fugui were walking around the Sword Sect.

I won't be back for a while.

Walking into his own yard, Jiang Xiaobai sat in it and poured himself a glass of wine.

"I have a backer. Well, although I have a master named Gu Ning, this woman seems to be less reliable than the Divine Sword Sect..."

At the same time, another top three thousand worlds.

The base camp territory of Mocheng.

Tao Chenhu's face was full of ferocity, and his left hand was completely lost!

Lin Zijin's sword contained extremely terrifying sword intent!

In this way, the sword intent continued to attack his internal organs through the wounds.

The wound was completely destroyed, and even if there was any magic elixir, there would be no way to regrow an arm.

"You bastard, Lin Zijin, Jiang Xiaobai, I will remember this account!"

How could Tao Chenhu be as confident and arrogant at this time?

It's like a lost dog, barking in its own territory.

But after all, he is not as strong as Lin Zijin!

"Just wait, Mo Cheng will never give up this time, Jiang Xiaobai, you must die!"

"Lin Zijin, you..."

Tao Chenhu was silent.

Is Lin Zijin something that he, a little deacon from Mocheng, can handle?

He is a direct disciple of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect, and he has even reached the level of a swordsman in black!

No matter in terms of strength or status, nothing can be compared to him!

After roaring for a while, Tao Chenhu sneered and a token appeared in his right hand.

Just when he was about to use the token.

Suddenly the whole person froze on the spot.

Thin black threads began to wrap around his ankles.

Tao Chenhu was so frightened that he tried his best to get rid of all the black thin threads, but these thin threads were like maggots on the tarsal bones and could not be shaken off at all.

In just a few breaths, the black thread completely wrapped Tao Chenhu!

Immediately afterwards, Tao Chenhu turned into dust and scattered on the ground.

He didn't know how he died until he died!

I don’t even understand why he wants to die!

Two minutes later, the room where Tao Chenhu was located was pushed away.

A middle-aged man walked in angrily.

"You bastard, Tao Chenhu, are you seeking death? Forget it that you caused trouble last time, do you dare to trouble the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect this time?"

"You give it to me..."

When the man came in and took a look, he was stunned.

Tao Chenhu disappeared.

Just a handful of dust on the ground.

The middle-aged man searched around for a long time, but found nothing. Then he looked at the dust.

Among them, there is a token.

It was the communication token that Tao Chenhu had taken out before.

"Impossible, how could this happen!"

"Who dares to take action in Mo City and kill the people in Mo City?"

Angry, frightened.

Under the blessing of many emotions, a terrifying aura erupted, followed by dozens of black figures rushing here.

"Check for me, what's going on!"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly and was about to leave when suddenly someone screamed in fear.

"No...impossible, how could it be this way?"

"Could it be that person's successor has appeared?"

Shouting and shouting, the man retreated frantically.

The expression on his face was as if he had seen something extremely terrifying!

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