The middle-aged man frowned and scolded.

"What's wrong with you? What are you shouting for?"

"To report to Hall Master Cao, this... this may be the legendary Dark Night Emperor..."

"What Dark Night Emperor..."

Cao Huo raised his eyebrows: "You know things that even this hall master doesn't know?"

"To be honest, I accidentally saw this from an ancient book."

The man hurriedly explained: "There was a dark time tens of thousands of years ago. During that time, a strong man named the Dark Night Emperor dominated the three thousand worlds!"

"She was so frightened after hearing the news that no grass grew anywhere she passed. Anyone who has offended her will be worse off than the nine tribes involved!"

"And one of the most distinctive features at that time was that everyone killed by the Dark Night Emperor would turn into a handful of dust!"

"That's exactly it!"

Such a thing made Cao Huo sneer.

Mysterious, what kind of mess?

"Do you believe a journal written tens of thousands of years ago?"

Cao Huo sneered, waved his hand and left.

But not long after he walked out, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

What if this thing is true?

He immediately contacted people and asked people to investigate this information.

In the starry sky, Gu Ning, wearing a black robe, stepped lightly.

The boundless starry sky is as smooth as walking on the ground here, and every time she walks, she can cross countless distances in an instant.

But looking at her, it was as if she was right in front of him.

"The water is ringing, the boat is drifting, and the girl on the shore is swaying..."

Gu Ning softly hummed a song similar to a lullaby.

He looked like he was stuck in a meeting.

"Well... It's too easy for you to die like this... Who can't you look for? Do you have to look for him?"

With a slight snort, Gu Ning continued to move forward.

She didn't know where she was going, and she had been wandering like this for tens of thousands of years.

"Go back soon..."

Purgatory Divine Sword Sect, it is already night here.

Jiang Xiaobai was drinking and eating meat with Huo Shuyu and Li Fugui in the yard.

Not too fragrant at all.

"Xiao Bai, Elder Song Huonan has told Jianzong about me today, and I have also accepted the test. Now they let me be the outer elder!"

"Oh ho? Outer sect elder, isn't it said that not everyone can be an elder?"

Jiang Xiaobai said in surprise.

"The outer sect elders only need to be as strong as me. They must reach the level of a true sword and must be an Earth Immortal. There is nothing else."

Li Fugui took a sip of wine: "I don't know much about the inner sect and personal inheritance, but I really don't want to leave this time..."

After arriving in his own paradise, Li Fugui just wanted to stay here for the rest of his life and study the art of swordsmanship!

Jiang Xiaobai pouted: "You promised to follow me..."

"Didn't I follow you to the Divine Sword Sect? I will stay in the Divine Sword Sect from now on."

Jiang Xiaobai curled his lips: "Beat Xing."

Soon the three of them were almost drunk. Jiang Xiaobai, an inner disciple, had a large courtyard and was qualified to bring his friends into the Sword Sect.

The two rested in the room, while Jiang Xiaobai sat outside, looking over today's reputation and income in his mind.

It can be said to be quite an exaggeration!

After browsing carefully, Jiang Xiaobai realized that at the beginning, when he was pretending to be cool and deliberately causing trouble, his reputation increased slowly, only increasing by ten or two thousand.

But when Tao Chenhu appeared, his reputation skyrocketed!

After Lin Zijin and others revealed that Jiang Xiaobai was a disciple of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect, their reputation increased to a terrifying level.

After some calculation, I did this today and earned 15 million reputation points!

And its reputation is still growing.

I guess the matter must have spread.

Almost a world brought Jiang Xiaobai more than 10 million points.

Now counting all the points, he has more than 20 million on hand.

It may seem like a lot, but it is totally not enough to feed Shensha two skills!

Twenty million is enough for one upgrade!

The previous 40 million has been increased twice.

The Divine Killing Sword Technique was already so powerful that Jiang Xiaobai didn't even know how powerful it would be if it could be upgraded to the full level.

"Well, it's a new life..."

Looking at the night sky, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but sigh.

He is now a disciple of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect, a status he once rejected.

After all, there is a system, and there is absolutely no need for anything from the sect.

But now the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect is like home, which makes Jiang Xiaobai feel very comfortable.

"I don't know how Yan'er is doing. I hope she can go to the Wood Spirit Realm."

Jiang Xiaobai murmured.

I don't know how much time passed, but it was almost getting cold before he sat up from the ground.

"Let's go and see the Valley of Gods."

Spending one million points, Jiang Xiaobai rushed into the Divine Valley.

The Divine Valley is still like that, it has entered, and the terrifying power is tearing Jiang Xiaobai's soul, causing him extreme pain!

He immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, began to stabilize his mind, and slowly became quiet.

Then, under the influence of his mind, he understood the meaning of the sword.

You can't fall behind when you improve.

I don’t know why, but this time Jiang Xiaobai’s understanding turned out to be extremely satisfying.

Nothing bothered him, and he truly felt what it was like to experience enlightenment in the Valley of Gods.

So cool!

The improvement of sword intent made Jiang Xiaobai feel extremely happy.

There are many things that are incomprehensible at this time, and it is like learning by yourself without a teacher!

Then nearly thirty minutes passed,


Jiang Xiaobai fell to the ground.

When Jiang Xiaobai woke up in a daze, he saw Su Qingchen looking at him curiously.

"Are you awake?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what have you done? Your mental strength has been so severely depleted?"

"You almost took time out of yourself, you know?"

"This is very dangerous. Once your spiritual power is exhausted, you will be a living dead!"

Su Qingchen kept talking.

Jiang Xiaobai was a little confused.

Before he fell into coma, he only remembered that he was swimming in an ocean of sword intent.

Those sword intents are extremely terrifying!

There are even many auras of sword intent that are stronger than the sword intent on the gate of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect!

"How long have I been unconscious?" Jiang Xiaobai murmured.

"It's only half a day."

Su Qingchen poked the corner of his mouth with his hand: "Elder Song asked me to take you to experience the genius competition in the sect this morning, but I saw you lying on the ground motionless."

long time?

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned, but he woke up very quickly this time.

Before, each trip lasted two to three days.

And my head doesn't hurt now, but I feel a little dizzy.

"Are you okay?" Su Qingchen stepped forward curiously.

The two looked at each other almost face to face.

"Fuck, what are you doing!"

Jiang Xiaobai retreated suddenly.

"Let me see if you are okay. If not, let's go. It should be too late now!"

Su Qingchen said excitedly, took Jiang Xiaobai's hand and rushed out of the room, rushing to a huge training ground in the Sword Sect.

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