Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 844 You and I have a fight

Chapter 844 You, fight with me

When Jiang Xiaobai was dragged over for no apparent reason.

The place is already overcrowded.

The crowd was bustling and gathered in front of a huge ring.

"Lin Zijin is really a little ungrateful this time."

"It's a joke. What does it mean to be ignorant? There's not much difference between the two of them."

"But have you forgotten? Senior Brother Zhu has warned him not to get close to Song Xue again."

"Hey, now he is..."

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned when he heard the words of the people around him.

Lin Zijin's battle?

The scene where Lin Zijin cut off Tao Chenhu's arm with a sword yesterday was still vivid in Jiang Xiaobai's mind.

At least he is one of the stronger ones among the immortals!

Jiang Xiaobai and Su Qingchen squeezed into the crowd and spent a lot of effort before reaching the edge of the ring.

I saw a fairy-like woman standing in the middle of the ring.

On the edge is Lin Zijin.

"Junior sister Song, what are you waiting for?"

Lin Zijin smiled, looking like a reserved big boy.

Sunny and handsome.

But Song Xue didn't say anything, her eyes were lowered, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

After Jiang Xiaobai made some inquiries, he found out that Lin Zijin was here to challenge Song Xue today.

Song Xue's swordsmanship is also very strong among his direct disciples, ranking very high.

"Senior Brother Lin, it's true. He is obviously about the same strength as Song Xue. I even feel that he is stronger than Song Xue. How come he still loses every challenge?"

Su Qingchen said angrily from the side.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai completely understood.

"I asked you to study more, but you have to feed the pigs. Now it's okay. You don't know anything anymore, right?"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled.

"Then what do you think he is doing?"

"It's not obvious yet, isn't it that you are pursuing a woman?"

The smile on Jiang Xiaobai's face grew stronger.

It has to be said that Lin Zijin is still pretty good at it. He loses to Song Xue every time. He is probably using this to get closer.

"Is this the battle between disciples you asked me to observe?"

Su Qingchen shook his head: "No, I heard in the morning that two inner disciples were going to duel, but you missed it."

"Elder Song wants you to see the gap between you and these people. I hope you won't be too arrogant."

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes, when did he become so arrogant?

At this time, there was still no intention of starting a fight in the ring, and everyone around was making noises and shouting.

Lin Zijin was not as high-spirited as yesterday, his face flushed, and he spoke to Song Xue again.

"Junior Sister Song Xue, you..."

"Lin Zijin!"

At this time, an angry rebuke came.

An extremely burly guy, at least two meters tall, came to the edge of the ring.

Zhu Wuhe pointed at Lin Zijin and angrily yelled: "You bastard, I told you not to get close to Song Xue before. You don't have ears, do you?"

Lin Zijin sneered: "Who I want to fight is my own business. You are not qualified to give me advice, are you?"

"Bullshit, what's Junior Sister Song Xue's identity? What's your identity?"

Zhu Wuhe sneered: "Do you really want to eat swan meat? Don't forget, you are just a mud-legged person. Even if you have a little strength, so what? Are you worthy of Junior Sister Song Xue?"

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes suddenly widened.

Good guy, is there something good going on?

If nothing else goes wrong, these two will have a fight, right?

As for Song Xue, Jiang Xiaobai was curious about what she was doing and why she kept standing still?

At this moment, Song Xue suddenly opened her eyes.

Her eyes were emotionless and fell directly on Jiang Xiaobai.

At that moment Jiang Xiaobai felt like he was facing a super iceberg.

Cold, biting cold!

"You, come up and fight me."

Song Xue pointed at Jiang Xiaobai and spoke calmly.

As soon as this statement came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

Jiang Xiaobai himself was stunned.

"I'm sorry, I just came here to watch the excitement. What do you care about me? Little girl, you can't deliberately mess with me just because I'm handsome?"

Subconsciously, Jiang Xiaobai wanted to walk back.

As a result, Zhu Wuhe immediately rushed to Jiang Xiaobai with a ferocious look on his face.

While looking at Jiang Xiaobai, he snorted coldly: "Who are you?"

"I...I'm just a waste, an ant, take the first step."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled.

He didn't bother to get involved in these things.

After all, they are all immortals. How can I, a small adult, play with them?

He's going to be killed.

As a result, when Jiang Xiaobai was about to leave, Zhu Wuhe stopped him.

"Stop, do I want you to leave?"

Zhu Wuhe's face was full of sinister aura, and the divine pressure on his body enveloped Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai frowned.

What does this thing mean?

I didn't do anything.

Just because that Song Xue wanted to fight with him, he was going to start causing trouble?

For a moment, Jiang Xiaobai felt unhappy.

"Senior brother, I didn't get involved, did I?"

Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes.

He has already given in, and pursuing him any further would be too much!

Zhu Wuhe did not expect Jiang Xiaobai to have such an attitude, and was stunned on the spot.

"Boy, are you crazy? Aren't you afraid of death?"

Zhu Wuhe's aura exploded.

"Zhu Wuhe, you are really capable of finding a Dacheng disciple to be powerful?"

Lin Zijin's sarcastic voice came.

"Shut up, I haven't settled your debt with you yet!" Zhu Wuhe turned around and yelled angrily.

The scene was at a stalemate.

Jiang Xiaobai originally planned to leave. No matter what his reasons were, he just wanted to settle matters in the Wood Spirit World.

But now, he doesn't want to leave.

I really wanted to stay and see what was going on.


At this time, Song Xue suddenly spoke.

"Zhu Wuhe, don't be too pushy. I have never had anything to do with you. Get out of the way and let that disciple come up and fight with me."

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows: "No, I don't think I know this senior sister. Why is it me? Just because I'm more handsome?"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a fuse ignited a powder keg.

Zhu Wuhe exploded directly.

"You bastard, do you have the right to speak here? Shut your mouth. If you dare to speak again, I will kill you!"

He grabbed Jiang Xiaobai's collar, got closer and scolded him.

The muscles in his body bulged and veins popped out.

It seemed to be on the verge of an explosion.

"Let go." Jiang Xiaobai looked at him coldly.

For a moment, many onlookers were shocked.

"Damn it, who is this kid? He's so brave?"

"How dare you speak to Senior Brother Zhu like this and risk your life? Doesn't he know who Senior Brother Zhu is?"

"Interesting, this disciple is very cool. He is probably a genius that an elder found somewhere. However, such a guy still has no self-awareness."

"That's right, you claim to be a genius, but in the Sword Sect, there are so many geniuses? How dare you be so presumptuous that you are not even an immortal even though you are a mere Dacheng?"

Everyone ridiculed.

Just kidding, Zhu Wuhe is a heavenly being. Who gave you the courage to achieve great success?

Zhu Wuhe also narrowed his eyes.

The aura of confidence exuding from Jiang Xiaobai was shocking.

"Zhu Wuhe, let go, don't make me angry."

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