Chapter 845 Breakthrough mission!

Song Xue suddenly spoke.

Suddenly, Zhu Wuhe let go of Jiang Xiaobai with a cold snort.

He really obeyed Song Xue's words.

Jiang Xiaobai also snorted coldly. If the other party really wants to cause trouble with him, Jiang Xiaobai is not afraid.

He is not afraid of Tang Yuanhua, what the hell is he afraid of?

He has the ability to flip a table!

I really want to turn the table over, and no one will be able to play!

Then, Song Xue pointed at Jiang Xiaobai: "Come up here, don't let me say it a second time."


Jiang Xiaobai sneered: "I just came here to observe the martial arts competition between my direct disciples. I didn't offend you, right?"

"In the end, all the fingers are pointed at me? You insist on letting me fight with you. How can I say it? Do you have to give a reason?"

Everyone was amazed at Jiang Xiaobai's arrogance.

Song Xue is an extremely powerful person among his direct disciples.

And his origin is extremely mysterious. Among sects like the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect, his background is one of the best.

There are even rumors that Song Xue’s background is almost on an equal footing with that of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect!

"Come up!"

Song Xue suddenly scolded her coldly.

In response, Jiang Xiaobai smiled disdainfully: "What can you do if I don't go up?"

After saying that, he left.

According to the sect's rules, you are not allowed to attack disciples of the same sect within the sect. Violators will be executed immediately!

This is really to die for.

"You'd better go up, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless, senior brother."

Zhu Wu and this licking dog stopped Jiang Xiaobai again.

Jiang Xiaobai just stood like this: "Come on, are you going to hit me?"

Everyone's heads are full of black lines.

Even Zhu Wuhe didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to do this.

"Come on, aren't you very capable? Come and beat me?"

"If you have the guts, hit me. If you don't have the guts, get out of here."

Points smiled, Jiang Xiaobai bypassed Zhu Wuhe and walked out.

No one dared to say anything.

Because, Zhu Wuhe's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

It's so arrogant. Does this Dacheng disciple dare to speak like this to Zhu Wuhe?

Zhu Wuhe looked at Jiang Xiaobai in disbelief: "Boy, you are very good, I remember you!"

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't pay attention at all and disappeared into the crowd.

On the ring, Song Xue's beautiful eyes stared intently at Jiang Xiaobai's leaving figure.

A flash of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

"Junior sister Song, that kid is so presumptuous this time, I will definitely let him get the lesson he deserves, don't worry!"

Zhu Wuhe said hurriedly.

As a result, Song Xue ignored him at all and looked at Lin Zijin: "Do you know that kid?"

"I picked him up."

Lin Zijin said curiously: "Junior sister Song Xue, what are you..."

"Tell him to come here and fight me tomorrow. I will suppress the realm and fight him. Whoever wins can make any demands to the other party!"

After saying that, Song Xue left.

This time everyone was in a rage!

"Hey, this is super big news!"

"My personal disciple Song Xue is determined to have a fight with a Dacheng disciple and makes a huge bet."

"It is said that Song Xue took a fancy to that disciple's appearance and wanted to take him as a concubine!"


Suddenly, the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect made a big news.

Whatever you say.

The protagonist Song Xue doesn't care at all what outsiders are saying, and as for Jiang Xiaobai, he doesn't care at all.

The Purgatory Divine Sword Sect is quite good.

Not only does it stipulate that no action can be taken within the sect, but it is also not allowed to take action outside.

Each disciple's token has special restrictions.

The token will sense whether you make a move.

What if you throw the token into the hands?

Sorry, the first rule of the sect is that you are not allowed to let the token go more than ten meters away from you.

Otherwise, you will directly lose your status as a disciple of the Purgatory Sword Sect and will never be hired!

Everyone worked hard to become disciples of the Purgatory Sword Sect. If they lost their status because of such a thing, they would probably cry to death.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai was sitting alone in the yard.

Li Fugui had already taken up his new post and went out to meet the elders of the outer sect, while Huo Shuyu was introduced to another sect in this world by Song Huonan.

This top three thousand world is called Canghai World.

A drop in the ocean.

After all, it is just one of the three thousand worlds.

There are many sects in the top world, and the sects that can be here are all very strong.

Jiang Xiaobai was also happy that Huo Shuyu could join the sect.

But other things are not important. He is frowning now, looking at a shining token in his hand.

This is the token from the pawn shop.

Ever since meeting Song Xue, the token has been shining strangely.

"Strange, is Song Xue a disciple of Bai He?"

"But if that's the case, why can't she get along with me?"

"Are you sick? Are you yandere?"

Jiang Xiaobai was extremely puzzled.

This is nothing.

Just when he was about to drink some wine, the system's voice suddenly came from his mind.

"Kunpeng's Sky Swallowing Technique's ultimate breakthrough mission is released!"

"The prerequisite is that the host reaches the realm of true immortality!"

"Task content: The host is asked to arrive at the coast under the night within three months. The subsequent mission will be released when the host arrives at the mission location."

"Improvement: If the mission fails, the host will permanently lose the opportunity to improve Kunpeng's Sky Swallowing Technique."

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned.

Is the mission coming now?

But what the hell is that mission location?

"No, system, please give me some detailed reminders. You just mentioned this place. There are so many in the Three Thousand Worlds, how can I find it?"

Jiang Xiaobai was confused.

Just kidding, if it weren't for the detailed information, let alone looking for it in the Three Thousand Worlds, he couldn't find it in the Canghai World even if he spent three months!

But the system's deceptive nature came back again, and it ignored Jiang Xiaobai's shouts.

Helplessly, Jiang Xiaobai could only sigh.

"I'm not sure the Sutra Pavilion here can have such news."

"Huh? That's not right, let me ask Bai He!"

Jiang Xiaobai immediately used the token to connect.

Then I received a message.

"If you don't come to compete tomorrow, you'll never know."

Jiang Xiaobai was completely stunned.

Is Song Xue really from a pawn shop?

Could it be Bai He's daughter?

"Really, you don't care about your daughter?"

Jiang Xiaobai was so angry that his teeth ached. Did this woman have to force herself to the forefront?

In a remote world, the white crane that was tending sheep suddenly sneezed.

"Gan, it must be Jiang Xiaobai who is scolding me again."

"Haha, I wonder if he and Song Xue will get along?"

"According to Song Xue's temperament, she will probably kill Jiang Xiaobai."

Bai He chuckled, and then used the bamboo stick in his hand to slap the sheep on the buttocks.

"Eat, eat, eat, just know how to eat. You guys eat all day long, do you know that I'm exhausted!"

Look carefully, these sheep are not eating ordinary young grass.

It is a kind of young grass that shines with faint starlight.

The next day, Jiang Xiaobai thought about it and left his yard.

Rush to the martial arts training ground.

No matter what, things have become like this.

It’s impossible not to go.

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