About Song Xuefei forcing Jiang Xiaobai to fight.

The entire Purgatory Divine Sword Sect was in a big commotion.

The martial arts training ground was packed with people early in the morning.

Everyone was talking about it.

"I really don't understand why Song Xue, my personal successor, is so interested in that boy?"

"Is it really because he is handsome? In fact, I feel that he is mediocre and not as handsome as me."

"Can you be more shameless? What do you call handsome? Don't face me with your face, I'm disgusting!"

When Jiang Xiaobai came to the martial arts training ground, he was also shocked by the scene here.

Are all these people here to watch the fun?

This Song Xue is really quite proud!

In fact, it's not that Song Xue has enough face.

Just because Song Xue suddenly wanted to fight with a mature person, it really shocked people!

Song Xue has always been a relatively quiet woman in the sect.

Wonderful and talented all in one.

But no one could have imagined that Jiang Xiaobai would suddenly be in trouble, and he would also say harsh words to suppress his cultivation. In a fight with Jiang Xiaobai, the loser would have to agree to any of the other party's conditions!

To be honest, when they learned the news, many male disciples in the Sword Sect were angry.

Why wasn't this opportunity presented to them?

That's Song Xue!

At this time, when Jiang Xiaobai's figure appeared here, everyone looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a strange look.

It looked like he was going to kill him.

Jiang Xiaobai was not surprised by such a scene, and now he probably knew that the person behind Song Xue was a pawn shop.

However, Jiang Xiaobai didn't know how deep the relationship between the two parties was.

Song Xue had been waiting for him in the ring.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai coming over, the chill in her eyes deepened.

She became angry when she thought of what Bai He said to her.

"Come up quickly, and I will fight quickly!"

Song Xue looked at Jiang Xiaobai and snorted coldly.

Jiang Xiaobai was really puzzled, it didn't make sense!

This woman wants to have a fight with herself, why is she looking at her with such hateful eyes?

There is no place for him to offend her?

"Is it because I have a better relationship with Bai He and she thinks I threaten her position in the pawn shop?"

Jiang Xiaobai had a sudden idea.

It seems that there is indeed such a possibility.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai walked onto the stage and cupped his hands towards Song Xue.

"Senior Sister Song Xue, to be honest, I didn't mean that."

"I just…"

"Shut up!"

Song Xue snorted coldly, and waved the long sword in her hand to create a cold sword flower in the air.

"When you are ready, take action. I will suppress the realm to the same level as you, and only exert the sword intention at the level of the sword heart."

"If you lose in this case, remember that you have to agree to one condition."

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows. He really couldn't figure out what this woman was thinking.

However, this battle must be fought.

After all, the entire Purgatory Divine Sword Sect knew about this. In addition, Jiang Xiaobai found that the token in his pawn shop seemed to be unusable.

Can't contact anyone!

It seems that we can only contact Song Xue?

It was a toothache.

"Okay, but senior sister, please be careful, I..."

Before Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, Song Xue turned into a sword light and rushed towards him.

"You talk too much!"

Dang, Dang, Dang!

In an instant, the two of them made moves hundreds of times!

The sound of metal clashing was painful to the ears.


Jiang Xiaobai was accidentally kicked in the chest by Song Xue, and his body flew out.

"No, you don't have martial ethics!"

Jiang Xiaobai stabilized his figure and shouted at Song Xue: "I'm not ready yet!"

"In a life-and-death battle, the enemy will not give you a chance to prepare."

Song Xue snorted coldly and continued to rush towards Jiang Xiaobai.

The long sword in her hand seemed to be alive, and the angle of attack was extremely tricky.

Jiang Xiaobai relied on his fighting instinct and could only barely resist. After a while, several sword marks appeared on his body.

After all, Song Xue is an immortal. Although he deliberately suppresses his realm, his own soul and other powers cannot suppress him.

Jiang Xiaobai is still inferior to her in this aspect!

Of course, this is only in terms of realm. In fact, it is too easy for Jiang Xiaobai to deal with Song Xue now.

"Senior Sister Song, are you sure you want to do this?" Jiang Xiaobai stood at the edge of the ring and looked at Song Xue with a sneer.


Song Xue was angry. When she thought about that incident, she wanted to kill Jiang Xiaobai.

After thinking of this word, Song Xue's spiritual power became even more violent.

She rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai very fast.

However, this time Jiang Xiaobai just sneered.

He doesn't want to waste time.

Only after defeating this woman can you know what she is doing!

Yuan Hong danced a sword flower in the air.

The sword intent is Lingran!

"Nine Heavens Star Sword Technique!"

Just reaching the first level of Immortal Level is enough.

Jiang Xiaobai is very powerful now!

Sure enough, the moment the sword came down, Song Xue's expression was quite shocked.

This is an immortal-level martial arts technique!

How could a little guy at the Dacheng realm do this?

She didn't have time to think more, so she responded hastily and was unable to stand in her way.

Just kidding, the realm is suppressed at Dacheng. Although she can also use immortal-level martial arts and martial arts, it is impossible for her to be Jiang Xiaobai's opponent at such a realm.

The next second, Jiang Xiaobai turned into a red sword light and appeared beside Song Xue.

"Sister, be careful!"


The long sword sliced ​​through the air, emitting a cold whisper.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The two fought wildly together, and everyone was shocked when they saw the scene on the ring.

Although it is said that Song Xue suppressed his realm to a different level than Jiang Xiaobai.

But after all, he is an immortal and a true legend!

Even so, he should have the advantage. Why is he being beaten by Jiang Xiaobai now?

Even during the battle, Song Xue was injured several times.

Outside the ring, many people who were interested in Song Xue were staring at Jiang Xiaobai, wondering if Jiang Xiaobai dared to hurt a hair of Song Xue.

Then he will die!

Just when everyone was wondering, Jiang Xiaobai activated Zixiao Yuanshen.

The power instantly surged to a level that shocked Song Xue!

Song Xue couldn't even block the sword, and she almost subconsciously tried to break through her sealed cultivation.

"Oh oh oh? Senior sister, you agreed to suppress your cultivation level and fight with me. If you break through your cultivation level, it will be against the rules."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and said: "Of course I also know that I am very powerful. If senior sister can't handle it, I won't care if I improve my cultivation level."

"Son of a bitch, shut up!"

Song Xue roared angrily and attacked Jiang Xiaobai madly.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and chuckled, then casually flashed a star sword light.

Song Xue cannot stop the power this time!


She responded hastily, but she couldn't shake the power of the sword at all. She quickly retreated and actually rushed out of the ring!

The outcome is decided!

The whole place was in an uproar!

What on earth is this Jiang Xiaobai?

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