Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 849 Arriving at the Wood Spirit Realm

The square was already overcrowded.

Only then did Jiang Xiaobai know that this time he was going to the Wood Spirit Realm, and there were hundreds or even nearly a thousand people from the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect going there.

This was shocking.

A secret place with thousands of people? Are they all sword cultivators from the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect?

I'm afraid not just one Purgatory Divine Sword Sect can sweep everything!

He remembered Song Huonan's instructions. There were more things involved in the Wood Spirit Realm this time, and it was very likely that so many people from other sects were rushing there!

"Hey, come here quickly!"

At this time, a somewhat familiar voice came, and Jiang Xiaobai turned his head to look.

Qiao Yunshen!

Standing next to her were Su Qingchen, Han Yulong and several men and women whom Jiang Xiaobai didn't know.

"Come quickly, this time it will be fun. I heard from my uncle that it will be a big fight."

Qiao Yunshen kept waving at Jiang Xiaobai.

He walked over to find out more and found out that other sects and forces had sent countless people to the Wood Spirit Realm!

The reason is that there is a big problem in the secret realm of the Wood Spirit Realm!

The disciples didn't know the specific situation, only the elders knew, but the elders refused to tell.

"Don't worry, Xiaobai. There is nothing dangerous about this trip to the secret realm. Even if there is a threat, it doesn't matter. I will protect you!"

Qiao Yunshen patted his chest and shouted.

"Is there any limit to the strength this time? How come the highest one is not a true immortal?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously.

"Well, the Immortal Alliance has already intervened. People in the past are not allowed to go beyond the realm of true immortals, because it seems that the secret realm cannot bear too many earth immortals. Simply earth immortal disciples will have no chance."

Qiao Yunshen chuckled and said: "I told you not to practice too fast. Now it's okay. If I become an Earth Immortal in advance, I won't be able to go out to play this time!"

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes, you look more confident than Su Qingchen!

It's really not good to be so lazy just because your family belongs to the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect.

Not long after the few people chatted, a huge purple vortex suddenly appeared in the square.

Group after group of sword cultivator disciples re-entered the vortex and headed straight for their destination!

Jiang Xiaobai and others also rushed into it.

After a trance, everyone arrived at the Wood Spirit Realm.

"Wow, the scenery is great. It's not as boring as the Canghai World!"

Qiao Yunshen looked around excitedly and shouted.

The environment here is indeed eye-catching.

It feels a bit like a rainforest.

However, the plants and trees are extremely huge!

A big tree can even reach a height of several thousand meters!

This world is almost full of such huge forest areas, and Jiang Xiaobai also saw many houses built on tree trunks.

Looking around, this is also a huge square.

It is specially developed.

They are not the only ones from the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect around!

Void passages are constantly opening here, and all kinds of people are walking out of them.

Some have snow-white hair and are extremely handsome, while others have their faces covered in black armor and move resolutely.

There are even monsters, demons, and other chaotic forces.

It's simply shocking.

Jiang Xiaobai no longer knows how many people are here!

"Come on, we're going to stay at our own place."

Qiao Yunsheng shouted, she was like a eldest sister at this time. Although she was only in the middle stage of True Immortal cultivation, she was absolutely right!

Soon, after passing through countless trees, they finally came to a splendid palace.

There are densely packed sword blades around the palace. While they are domineering, their sword intent is soaring!

"Did you see it? This is the palace treasure of our Sword Sect. It's awesome!"

Qiao Yunshen winked at Jiang Xiaobai and shouted.

Jiang Xiaobai was immediately shocked.

Such a big palace is actually a treasure!

I still have limited knowledge!

This palace is almost the size of a city!

It is extremely luxurious inside, with many rooms. It is quite comfortable for so many people to live in one room each!

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but feel that he was here for a trip.

However, he did not take it lightly just because he came with the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect.

The wood spirit world is not simple!

There is a Tang Yuanhua who is watching him all the time!

"This bitch won't get tired of living, will he dare to attack me on the territory of the Purgatory Sword Sect?"

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but guess this.

The opponent made several attacks, and the last time he even used his incarnation to come with all his strength.

He seemed to be willing to pay any price to gain inheritance.

At this time, he, Jiang Xiaobai, had already arrived in the wood spirit world, and the other party might be really crazy and come over to take action.

It’s better to always be on guard.

Speaking of the Wood Spirit World, there is another acquaintance here.


Since the abyss trial, Jiang Xiaobai has not heard from this woman.

I have never encountered any trials in the God of War space.

Of course it's just emotion.

"I have a chance to visit the elves. Last time they asked me to buy me a drink."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled softly, and then started to frown again.

"Resources, resources!"

"It will be less than a month and a half soon, how can I break through to the True Immortal?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai walked out of his room and found the elder who had led the team here for training this time.

After showing the token, Jiang Xiaobai saw the other party.

To his surprise, the person leading the team was young and handsome.

"What's wrong?"

The elder looked like a scholar, spoke politely, wore a long gown, and carried it on his left hand. He was indeed very sensible.

"Elder, I would like to ask, can I leave our Sword Sect's territory at this stage?"

Jiang Xiaobai tentatively said.

"Yes, Jian Zong will not restrict anyone because of this. We are very free. If we want to go out to practice and have fun, it is no problem."

"The Elf clan's base camp happens to be nearby. They are considered kings in the wood spirit world."

Zhang Yuhua smiled lightly: "Are you Jiang Xiaobai, the disciple who brought the Sword Sect into chaos?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked embarrassed, he had never done this before.

"The sword cultivator moves and acts according to his thoughts. Neither you nor Song Xue are wrong. The sword master will not care about these things, but you still have to pay attention. You have offended many people."

Zhang Yuhua chuckled: "Go ahead, don't worry outside. If you get into trouble, show your identity. If that doesn't work, pass the token with your mind and support will come."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

Unexpectedly, while the Sword Sect was lenient towards its disciples, it was also extremely strict in its protection.

The needle doesn’t poke!

After saying goodbye to the elders, Jiang Xiaobai was about to go out for a walk.

He wanted to understand the situation here and then see if he could get some resources.

No one knows what's going on in the secret realm, so he doesn't dare to gamble!

I don't dare to bet that he can come out of the secret realm soon.

This time, so many people came to the secret realm, it can be seen that there are many problems within the secret realm, and it is probably impossible to fight for it for ten and a half days.

Just when Jiang Xiaobai was about to walk out of the Sword Palace, Qiao Yunshen suddenly appeared!

She stood directly in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Looks alert.

"Xiao Bai, why are you sneaking around?"

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