Chapter 850 Are you the big devil?

Facing this woman, Jiang Xiaobai still had an unusual headache.

"No, I just want to go out for a walk."

"Okay, if you want to go out and have fun, why don't you take me with you?"

Qiao Yunshen said angrily: "I was also thinking about going out for a walk, but I couldn't find anyone. Several senior brothers and sisters with whom I have close relationships are practicing in seclusion. Hehe, you didn't expect that I would wait here!"

Qiao Yunshen smiled slyly.

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes: "What if there is danger?"

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of danger."

After saying that, Qiao Yunshen winked at Jiang Xiaobai.

Needless to say, there must be a protector behind such a wealthy lady.

Who is crazy enough to go back and attack her?

Jiang Xiaobai also suddenly realized, yes, this girl's identity is extremely terrifying.

So he's afraid of Jill?

If that old dog Tang Yuanhua dares to come over and cause trouble, he is asking for death!

So the two of them walked out together.

Where they are, the entire huge area is where many powerful forces from Three Thousand Worlds rest.

It's almost a small world here, with all kinds of people walking around.

Qiao Yunshen looked around as if he had never seen the world.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but wonder: "Do you rarely have the chance to come out?"

"Haha, not only are there very few, but there is no chance at all. This time, it was my sister who begged my father for mercy so I could come out."

Qiao Yunshen curled his lips: "I have some minor problems. My father won't let me walk around anymore... Forget it, why are I telling you all this? Come on, do you see that white hair over there? Let's go over and deal with him!"

Jiang Xiaobai: "???"

Fuck him?

Is this the beginning?

Are you a great demon king?

Before Jiang Xiaobai could react, Qiao Yunshen had already rushed out. This girl was extremely fast and was behind the white-haired figure in an instant.

Jump up and aim at that person's head.


A curtain of light flickered between the two of them, and Qiao Yunshen's sneak attack failed.

"Yun Shen, don't be naughty."

The man turned around and it was a woman.

With a head full of white hair and a cold face, he is very charming.

Qiao Yunshen was taught a lesson and just smiled: "Third aunt, why are you still so good?"

Qiao Yuyan sighed slightly, with helplessness on her brows.

"Stop messing around. Why are you running out this time?"

"No, I'm just going out for a walk. Are you going to come with us? I heard that there is a special fruit in the wood spirit world that is very delicious."

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned behind him.

Three…three aunts?

Damn it, you are really a big devil, you can even kill your own third aunt?

Qiao Yuyan glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, nodded towards him, and then rubbed Qiao Yunshen's hair lovingly.

"Just go with him, Third Aunt has something else to do."

"Remember, don't mess around, or your father will punish you in confinement for thirty years."

Qiao Yunshen stuck out his tongue and started running around.

However, Qiao Yuyan walked up to Jiang Xiaobai and smiled lightly: "Jiang Xiaobai?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded in astonishment: "No, am I just so famous? Do you all know me?"

"Almost, Elder Song has told you about you, and who in the main sect doesn't know about you and Song Xue?"

Qiao Yuyan warned: "Take good care of that girl, she is very good at playing around."


Did Jiang Xiaobai become a baby daddy inexplicably like this?

This girl is not young anymore!

The two of them walked in tandem and finally walked out of this gathering place.

Seeing the special environment, Qiao Yunshen was very excited and happy.

It's like a wild horse, running around everywhere.

Jiang Xiaobai really felt like a baby daddy.

"You can't go there, it's someone else's home!"

"Get down here, you can't go up there."

"Hey, hey, hey, do you want to eat lunch when someone else has made it?"

Jiang Xiaobai shouted again and again.

While shouting like this, the two came to a city on the edge of the Elf area.

The secret realm will begin in three days, and Jiang Xiaobai still has some time.

While he was shopping with Qiao Yunshen, he was thinking about how to make money.

Suddenly a voice sounded next to him.


Jiang Xiaobai suddenly turned around and his eyes lit up.

Gu Ning!

"Master, you are here, I want to file a complaint!"

"That old bastard Bai He tricked me, he almost tricked me to death!"

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly complained.

Gu Ning laughed dumbly: "What he learned from you is not serious."

"Master, what you said is going too far. But Master, how do you know where I am every time?"


Gu Ning chuckled: "Hello, little girl."

Qiao Yunshen looked longingly at the beauty in front of him.

So beautiful!

Women can't help but be tempted.

"Sister, are you Master Jiang Xiaobai?"

"Well, let's go sit down and have a drink first. I want to talk to you about something."

Gu Ning pulled Jiang Xiaobai into the nearest restaurant.

After sitting down, Gu Ning went straight to the point: "Your current strength should almost break through to a true immortal, right?"

"Yeah, but I don't have enough resources. I'm having a headache on how to make money."

Jiang Xiaobai sighed.

He was thinking about going to the auction house, refining some elixirs on the spot, and selling them to make money.

In the end, Gu Ning just told him to throw a storage ring to him.

"These resources are enough for you. In addition, I said before that I would take you to a good place. Do you remember?"

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up: "Of course I remember, is it in this wood spirit world?"

"Yes, we will set off after dinner."

"What about her?" Jiang Xiaobai pointed at Qiao Yunshen who was looking at the menu.

Qiao Yun was stunned and suddenly raised his head: "I don't care, you have to take me with you, otherwise I will tell my third aunt that you bullied me!"

Jiang Xiaobai's head was covered with black lines.

Gu Ning smiled lightly: "Of course there is no problem, but Xiaobai, you have to be prepared. This time it may be a little troublesome. You have to handle it yourself."

"Could it be some kind of inheritance?" Jiang Xiaobai was stunned.

"No, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation. It will build the strongest foundation for you in advance. This foundation will help your cultivation in the immortal realm."

Gu Ning chuckled, and when the food was served, she remained silent.

Jiang Xiaobai was meditating on one thing while eating, and finally asked.

"Master, who are you...? Is it because of that weird old man that you are so kind to me?"

"That's not the case, that old guy is also very mysterious. Unknowingly, I was trapped by him."

Gu Ning shook his head: "Don't you think I will use you again? I will use you, but you are my disciple after all. If I don't do you good, who should I do better?"

"Okay, if I leave after eating, I'll talk to you about other things on the way."

After eating, the three of them set off.

The moment they left the restaurant, two white-haired old men walked out of the shadows.

"Who is this? I've never seen him before, but the mysterious aura on him is really scary."

"Does she have any thoughts about Miss?"

"No, such a powerful person has sensed us a long time ago. She naturally knows that we are from the Sword Sect. However, we should tell the Supreme Elder."

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