Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 851 Nine Nether Divine Water

Along the way, Jiang Xiaobai was asking Gu Ning some things.

For example, the identity of the other party, where to go...

Even gossip was asked.

But Gu Ning is very principled, saying everything that should be said and not saying anything that shouldn't be said.

It's like where Jiang Xiaobai is about to go and has no idea what he is doing.

When he was free, Jiang Xiaobai took a look at the storage ring that Gu Ning had given him before.

There are so many resources in Goodfellas!

It's not fairy stones, but treasures that contain special powers. These things are more precious than fairy stones!

Jiang Xiaobai estimated that after absorbing these things, he should be able to reach 70%!

It’s not far away from breaking through to true immortality!

Just as they were thinking about it, the three of them landed on the edge of a lake.

"You, get down."

Gu Ning pointed to the lake and said, "It's huge."

"This girl has no problem following me."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, but even though he had thousands of words in his heart, he still didn't speak.

He rushed into the lake and headed straight for the hidden spring.

Sure enough, a hole was found, and the water above formed a huge vortex. The scary thing was that after Jiang Xiaobai got close, no matter how hard he struggled, it was of no use, and he was directly sucked into the vortex.

After a while, Jiang Xiaobai hit the ground hard.

When he looked up, he realized that there was a different world here.

There is a large waterfall in front of it. It is estimated that all the water sucked in from the lake falls from here.

In the back, there is a dilapidated small temple.

Jiang Xiaobai could vaguely see one of them sitting cross-legged, and Jiang Xiaobai immediately became alert.

"Trick me, is there anyone else here?"

Jiang Xiaobai underestimated and slowly touched it.

"Okay, who are you secretly showing to? I'm the only one here."

Jiang Xiaobai immediately felt embarrassed when the old voice came.

"Well, my master said..."

"I know. Come and sit down. I have a question for you."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't feel any hostility from the other party and knew that Gu Ning would not deceive him, so he sat down with peace of mind.

There was no light at all in this place, and Jiang Xiaobai could only see a thin silhouette on the opposite side.

"What is cultivating immortality?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xiaobai was stunned.

So sudden?

Are you going to ask such a huge question?

"I just need to become stronger so that people don't bully me."

"But if there is a huge danger in front of you, will you continue to cultivate immortality? If you knew that there would be thousands of dead bones behind you when you embark on the journey of cultivating immortality, would you still be willing?"

The old man's words stopped Jiang Xiaobai.

"Probably not."

"Haha, mortal heart."

"But it's okay to think like this. Who wants to kill people every day, who wants to be in danger every day?"

Jiang Xiaobai told the truth.

"I didn't say there was a problem. On the contrary, this is truly natural!"

The old man laughed, and the sound was like a pump.

"No more words, since Gu Ning asked you to come here, you have been chosen."

"Go, there is a pool at the back, sit in it, the divine water will build your foundation and make you stronger than ever before."

After that, the old man stopped saying anything, and Jiang Xiaobai walked straight to the back without leaving any trace of ink.

Sure enough, I saw a small pool...

"This is a pool? This is a lake!"

Jiang Xiaobai roared angrily, and just as he finished speaking, someone kicked him from behind, and he fell into the lake with a pop.

A sense of clarity spread in his mind, and Jiang Xiaobai had never felt so refreshed.

Very comfortable.

Like a popsicle on a hot summer day.

"Didn't you tell me to resist? I thought it would be painful..."

Jiang Xiaobai muttered and sank to the bottom of the lake.

The surrounding divine water was absorbed by Jiang Xiaobai autonomously. He also wanted to try Kunpeng's sky-swallowing technique, but found that he could not move at all.

He had no choice but to sink slowly, looking at the boundless darkness and feeling the clarity in his mind.

On the shore, Gu Ning and Qiao Yunshen were grilling fish.

The two of them ate with gusto.

"Sister, your skills are really good. The grilled fish is so delicious. I have never eaten such delicious grilled fish!"

Qiao Yunshen shouted.

"Xiao Bai's craftsmanship is better. I learned all this from him."

Gu Ning chuckled, then wiped the grease stains from the corner of his mouth: "Girl, have you ever thought that what you have is not a disease, but a chance."


Qiao Yunshen looked at Gu Ning blankly: "Sister, how did you know?"

"It can be seen that this opportunity has only advantages and no disadvantages for you."

"But it's Xiaobai who's involved."

Qiao Yunshen didn't understand what Gu Ningzheng meant, so she saw Gu Ning handing her a piece of jade.

"Putting it on you will be good for your situation."

"If Xiaobai needs your help one day, I hope you can help him, okay?"

Qiao Yunshen patted his chest and nodded: "Of course, Xiaobai is one of my few friends, I will definitely help him!"

"I don't have many friends, but I like him very much."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know how long he had been immersed in the dark lake.

Suddenly I felt like I was being scooped up.

"Why did you ask me to come up all of a sudden?"

Jiang Xiaobai said in surprise.

Only then did he see clearly that the old man's face was no different from a skeleton!

The old man was looking at Jiang Xiaobai with strange eyes.

"No, you are here

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "No, it's very comfortable, just like eating popsicles."

"Hiss, you kid, you are really defiant!"

"Do you know what kind of water this is?"

"It's divine water, you said so."


The old man took a deep breath and looked at Jiang Xiaobai carefully. After making sure that Jiang Xiaobai was okay, he felt as if he had seen a ghost.

"This is the Nine Nether Divine Water. It's bone-chilling. Even a drop of it will make the immortal cold. It doesn't make sense for you, a great master, to have no reaction when you put it in!"

"You hope I have a problem with my feelings?" Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes: "Okay, stop studying, I'll continue to practice."

"You're practicing nonsense, look at this

Looking in the direction of the old man's finger, Jiang Xiaobai found that the entire lake was empty!

Nothing is left!

"No, I clearly felt like I was in the water just now."

"This is a normal effect, you kid, you are weird, weird!"

After the old man finished speaking, he shook his head and left. Jiang Xiaobai was puzzled for a while.

Scratching his head, he hurriedly began to check himself.

Didn't find anything wrong with me.

But when he checked Zixiao Yuanshen, he was stunned.

Zixiao Yuanshen was originally black and purple, but now, there are actually traces of thin blue threads constantly wandering in it.

Add a touch of lightness.

It's really beautiful.

"It's over, is it over? Do you want my soul to improve a little?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously, and the next second, his eyes suddenly widened.

A terrifying power spread outward from Zixiao Yuanshen.

He felt like he was about to burst!

"Quickly start your spiritual cultivation, this is the gift of Jiuyou Divine Water to you!"

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