Jiang Xiaobai started practicing without any nonsense, trying to absorb this terrifying power.

At the same time he was curious.

what's going on?

Isn’t it about building a foundation?

In fact, the effect of Jiuyou Divine Water is indeed like this, but it requires extremely strong perseverance to resist it.

The stronger the strength, the greater the threat!

Generally, it is best to enjoy the improvement of Jiuyou Divine Water during the Dacheng period.

It's just that Dacheng's manager had to survive a narrow escape to survive.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know at all that after he entered the lake, Zixiao Yuanshen frantically absorbed the Jiuyou Divine Water, and at the same time slowly nourished his meridians and Dantian through the power of Yuan Shen!

Without Jiang Xiaobai noticing, his whole body had been transformed!

Almost a perfect immortal body!

He is the only one who doesn’t know what’s going on with him now…

It took a long time for Jiang Xiaobai to absorb all the terrifying power.

The old man has disappeared.

He could only go back the way he came. When he returned to the shore, he saw Gu Ning and Qiao Yunshen laughing and saying something.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai, Gu Ning stood up and said, "Okay, everything is done. After I send you back, you can practice well."

"Wait, is there any benefit to me this time?"

"You have condensed an immortal body, a dustless immortal body!"

Gu Ning said calmly: "You can't enjoy the benefits now. You will know when you become a true immortal."

"In addition, let me tell you that the world is not as simple as you think. The three thousand you think are nothing from a certain place."

"The rules of the world are beyond your imagination, and with the existence of this immortal body, you will feel much better."

"That's it for now. Let's go. When you become a true immortal, I will come over to fulfill your previous promise."

With a chuckle, Gu Ning dragged the two of them into the sky.

Not long after, they appeared at the entrance of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect's Sword Palace, and Gu Ning had already disappeared.

"Your master really comes and goes without a trace."

Qiao Yunshen laughed and said: "It's a pity that I didn't finish my trip this time. I will definitely go out to play when the secret realm is over. No one can stop me!"

"Okay, okay, just go and play, I'm going to practice."

"Ah? You're just practicing. Why are you working so hard?"

Qiao Yunshen pouted and said aggrievedly: "Then there is no one to accompany me?"

"Don't you practice?"

"I will become an immortal immediately. Once I practice, I won't be able to enter the secret realm."


Jiang Xiaobai took a breath of cold air, how come cultivation with this girl is as easy as eating and drinking?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

In the end, Qiao Yunshen was taken away by Qiao Yuyan who came over.

Jiang Xiaobai rushed into his room and took out the resources Gu Ning gave him and devoured them.

The previous gift of Nine Nether Divine Water allowed him to reach the fifth level. By eating those resources, he can definitely break through to the True Immortal!

All tasks are about to begin!

In a cave in the Wood Spirit Realm.

A silver-haired figure stood up.

Behind her, an old woman looked pleased.

"Yu'er, your inheritance has completely ended, and the glory of this lineage will begin again with you!"

"Why can't the cursed elves become orthodox?"

Qiong Yu looked at the excited old woman in front of her and said nothing.

Just bow deeply.

"If you go here, you will never come back."

After Qiong Yu finished speaking, she jumped away!

As soon as she left, the old woman lay on the ground and died.

But before she died, she still had a happy smile on her face.

There seemed to be a voice circulating in the cave.

"It's good that the inheritance is not broken..."

Three days passed by in a flash.

Jiang Xiaobai was immersed in the world of cultivation and couldn't extricate himself.

The things Gu Ning gave are indeed quite good. Those materials would cost a lot of money to buy with fairy stones.

However, it did not reach final perfection after all.

There is still a little distance between breaking through to the True Immortal.

"It's nothing. It's just right. You can keep it for emergencies."

Jiang Xiaobai sneered.

Thunder Tribulation, this is a big killing weapon, Jiang Xiaobai's unique killing weapon.

But he was also a little curious. In the past few days since he entered the wood spirit world, there seemed to be no movement at all from Tang Yuanhua?

Button, button, button.

There was a knock on the door of the room, and it was Qiao Yunshen who came with Su Qingchen and the others.

"I'm going to the secret realm tomorrow. Hurry up and have some meat today."

Qiao Yunshen excitedly threw a lot of meat aside and looked at Jiang Xiaobai eagerly.

"I heard that your craftsmanship is very good, so I'll leave this meat to you!"

Jiang Xiaobai looked through it and finally started grilling meat and cutting a fish into slices for sashimi.

Everyone was shocked when they learned about Jiang Xiaobai's special way of eating.

But I was shocked when I tried it.

So delicious!

While eating, suddenly someone came again!

It turned out to be Qiao Yuyan and Zhang Yuhua!

The two big guys actually came over to have a meal.

"Xiao Bai, it will be more dangerous to enter the secret realm tomorrow. The situation this time is very special."

While eating, Qiao Yuyan suddenly said: "The matter is too big, many forces have come, and the Immortal Alliance can't control it."

"By the way, what exactly is going on? I'm going to enter the secret realm tomorrow. Can't you tell me now?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously.

Qiao Yuyan thought for a while and nodded: "There is nothing that Dao cannot tell..."

It turns out that the cause of the matter was that there was a big change in the Wood Spirit World some time ago!

The elves in the wood spirit world can be regarded as the king of power, and there is an internal selection battle for the saint.

It was nothing at first, but a monster came out halfway.

All the way up, all the geniuses of the elves were no match for her, and in the end they succeeded in taking the position of the saint.

Logically, such a monster should be well cultivated, but for some unknown reason, this person was expelled from the Elf Clan!

Then there was a big explosion in the ancestral land of the elves, and it was rumored that it was the person who was expelled from the clan.

Big bombshell photos lead to the discovery of a secret place.

While the elves were dealing with it, the Void Dragon Realm came over to cause trouble, saying that this secret realm was closely related to the Void Dragon Realm and they wanted to occupy it by force.

Do you think the elves would be happy?

The two sides argued and fought several times, but after all they were no match for the Void Dragon Realm. The angry elves told the story and most of the superpowers in the Three Thousand Worlds knew about it!

Immediately afterwards, the woman who was expelled from the elves suddenly appeared. I don't know what method was used. The secret realm shook, and a mysterious aura flowed out after the entrance was loose.

That mysterious aura was shocking.

"Anyway, the matter is quite big. There is something wrong with the Void Dragon Realm. They have been aloof for too long, thinking that they can be unscrupulous because of their dragon bloodline."

"But after all, they are just human monks, not real dragons!"

Qiao Yuyan sighed.

"That's what happened. It's nothing. But this secret realm is indeed very mysterious. There is a record in the legend that a similar secret realm was opened tens of thousands of years ago."

"Then, the Three Thousand Worlds welcomed an invincible strong man."

"The Dark Night Emperor."

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