Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 853 The Secret Realm Opens

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned for a while.

Good guy, the Dark Night Emperor, the Void Dragon Realm, the genius who was expelled from the elves...

No matter how you look at it, this is too fantastical.

"How powerful is the Dark Night Emperor?"

Qiao Yunshen asked curiously: "Is he better than the ancestor?"

"Master Patriarch was not even qualified to lift shoes in front of that great emperor!"

Qiao Yuyan smiled bitterly.

Then everyone listened carefully to Qiao Yuyan's account of the situation at that time.

The Dark Night Emperor, wherever he goes, there is darkness.

The Three Thousand Worlds at that time could be called the darkest time.

The emperor is invincible alone!

All forces have been swept away, and no one is her opponent.

But that was all tens of thousands of years ago.

Time shows no mercy.

Time has destroyed many things.

"The most important thing is that the great emperor was just a flash in the pan. He suppressed many forces and disappeared in less than two or three hundred years."

"But no one will think that the emperor is dead. She is too strong."

Qiao Yuyan shook her head: "Okay, that's probably what happened. This time the secret realm is just very suspicious of the one that was opened at that time. Don't worry, all the masters of the Immortal Alliance are here."

"In other words, the great emperor came out of the secret realm at that time?"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows: "Is that a secret realm or a seal?"

"God knows?"

Zhang Yuhua shook his head: "The secret realm has its benefits after all. If the Void Dragon Realm hadn't intervened to make the matter so big this time, we wouldn't have come to get involved."

"That's it, let's go."

Everyone had a good meal and a good drink, and went straight away.

Jiang Xiaobai cleaned up the mess alone.

But I don’t know why, but I always feel a lot of palpitations in my heart.

When he knew that the great emperor came out of the secret realm, he felt that this trial journey was not easy.

I'm afraid there will be big trouble.

"Forget it, why are you thinking so much? If there is any trouble, just summon Master Tiandao."

"I don't believe you can handle Master Tiandao."

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged his shoulders and continued practicing.

In the early morning, the entire gathering place was extremely quiet.

Jiang Xiaobai and other Sword Sect disciples left the Sword Palace very early, and were led by Zhang Yuhua to the edge of a large pit.

How big is this pit?

Anyway, people from all the forces stood on the edge and lined up, but they couldn't surround him.

There is a giant arch in the pit.

At this time, many forces over there sent representatives to prepare to open the secret realm.

However, these people seemed to be chatting happily with each other as if they were old friends. One of them, an old man in a yellow robe, looked unhappy.

You can guess that they are people from the Void Dragon Realm.

"So, Yan'er is here too?"

Jiang Xiaobai was delighted to see this and took out his communication token to contact Ao Yan, but there was no reply.

"Yes, if she is here we will definitely meet."

Jiang Xiaobai muttered: "It's a pity, there are not many opportunities to meet in person."


At this moment, the arch suddenly shook, the ground trembled, and the sky was filled with wind and clouds.

A black light curtain appeared in the arch.

The secret realm is opened!

The masters of their respective forces came back and kept giving some instructions to the many disciples who wanted to enter and explore.

Then they entered the secret realm one by one according to the strength ranking of the Immortal Alliance.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly discovered that they were the fifth to enter!

In other words, there are four sect forces ahead that are stronger than the Sword Sect!

Passing through the light curtain, all you can see are mountains and rivers.

The scenery is exceptionally beautiful.

"No more ink stains, everyone can act on their own!"

"Contact via token if necessary."

After the leader of the True Immortal disciple finished speaking, he instantly turned into a sword light and disappeared.

Qiao Yunshen, Jiang Xiaobai and several other familiar people acted together.

Several people turned into sword lights and rushed toward the southeast.

Just after all the disciples from the forces entered, the senior leaders started chatting.

They are all members of the Immortal Alliance, although their interests are entangled.

But before they break up, everyone can sit down and have a good chat.

At this moment, a black light and shadow rushed towards the secret realm door.

"Who dares to be so presumptuous?"

The masters of the elves immediately stood up and reprimanded, and the masters of the Void Dragon Realm also stood up.

The two of them took action almost at the same time and smashed towards the black figure.


The black shadow was blown away, but everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Because the direction in which the black shadow flew was exactly the gate of the secret realm.

"It's you!"

In a hurry, the elder of the Elf clan was shocked when he saw the man's appearance.


It was too late, the figure had already rushed into the secret realm.

"Damn it, this guy actually entered the secret realm. Are you elves eating shit?"

The master of the Void Dragon Realm scolded.

"Hmph, if you hadn't messed up things in the Void Dragon Realm, would we be in the current situation?"

"You blame me?"

"If you don't blame me, who do you blame?"

"Let's fight if you don't accept it!"

"Come just come, am I afraid of you?"

Both sides yelled angrily, but had no intention of taking action.

Other power masters were shaking their heads secretly.

How old are you, don’t you think it’s embarrassing?

In the secret realm, Jiang Xiaobai and others were carefully searching a small valley.

They just saw a strange deer entering it and planned to come over to find out.

"It's strange. This valley is only so big, and that thing doesn't run very fast. How come I didn't see it?"

Qiao Yunshen was very curious.

"Maybe there are some other passages that we haven't discovered. Let's take a closer look." Han Yulong said, his eyes constantly searching for unnoticed corners.

Jiang Xiaobai squinted his eyes and looked at the stone wall in front of him.

This place gave him a very dangerous feeling.

Especially the stone wall in front of me, it seemed like something would jump out of it.

Subconsciously, Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand and pressed it against the stone wall.

Nothing feels.

Just as he was about to walk away, suddenly, there was a terrifying suction force on the stone wall, and he screamed and was sucked in.

The other people gathered around.

"What's going on?" Qiao Yun knocked on the stone wall deeply, hoping to be sucked in.

But there was no response for a long time.

"What did Jiang Xiaobai do? Why was he the only one sucked in?"

Several people were confused.

At this moment, a black figure came here quickly, and when he saw someone else, his face became wary.

"Who are you?"

The two sides confronted each other, with Qiao Yunshen taking the lead and looking coldly at the woman in front of him.

After taking a closer look, this man seemed to be wearing elven clothing.

"Are you from the elves? We are from the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect. I'm warning you, don't bring trouble on yourself."

Qiao Yunshen scolded, several people showed fluctuations in spiritual power.

It was as if he would take action if he disagreed.

Qiong Yu didn't say a word, and her figure turned into a black phantom. The few people could not catch it at all, and they saw that Qiong Yu's figure had submerged into the stone wall.

At the same time, they were also sucked in by a terrifying suction force!

The small valley fell into silence again.

A young deer jumped out of the stone wall and slowly ate the tender grass on the ground.

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