Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 859 Go to the Treasure House

Chapter 859 Go to the treasure house

The black and purple Jiang Xiaobai turned around and looked at the real owner.

Sigh slightly.

"You're not very strong, so why are the enemies you provoke so strong?"

"It's a miracle that you are alive,"

Shaking his head, he murmured softly: "I don't know whether my birth was right or wrong... You guys are so lucky!"

Then the black and purple Jiang Xiaobai disappeared, and the sea of ​​consciousness returned to calmness from the previous storm.

I don't know how much time passed before Jiang Xiaobai woke up in a daze.

He looked at Qiao Yunshen and the others blankly.

My head hurts a little.

He didn't know what happened at all. He only knew that the skeleton soul ran into his sea of ​​consciousness before he fell into coma!

This is a big trouble, but Jiang Xiaobai doesn't know what will happen next.

But now it seems that he has not been taken away.

After all, there is the Zixiao Yuanshen, and there is also the Yuanshen sharp blade to control the situation.

But he couldn't figure out why he didn't know anything?

"woke up?"

A strange voice came, Jiang Xiaobai turned around and saw a young man with long white hair.

Handsome and personable.

Young Master Wen Ruyu may not be like this anymore!

Who the hell is this!

"Don't worry, I don't have any thoughts about you."

"You're a strange boy. I've never seen such a spirit before."

The young man smiled and said: "Since everything is fine, let's leave this place. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time."

After saying that, the young man disappeared out of thin air.

It's like it never happened.

Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his head and stood up, but Qiao Yunshen and others looked at him warily.

"I was not taken away!"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled bitterly: "You believe me!"

"How do you prove that you were not kidnapped?"

Qiao Yunshen said seriously, and the others were also staring at Jiang Xiaobai.

The thing about seizing a body is so terrible. Even a seizing body can have the memory of the original owner. Who can know whether it is true or false?

"This... doesn't seem to work."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know how to solve it for a while. At this moment, there was movement in the Qibao Linglong Tower, and Qiong Yu woke up.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly released her and then told her everything.

Everyone was also stunned, but still didn't quite believe Jiang Xiaobai.

"Why don't you go back and let my dad show you?"

Qiao Yunshen probed.

"Yes, no problem. A master of your father's level will definitely be able to tell if I have been kidnapped!"

Jiang Xiaobai said excitedly.

After all, there are traces of seizing the body.

Yuanshen Gangduoshan will never be able to perfectly match this body.

Although Jiang Xiaobai promised so freely, no one dared to get too close for fear of any danger.

"Hey, Xiaobai, there's nothing we can do, it's just to protect ourselves!"

Qiao Yunshen said: "Don't mind it when the matter is over."

"I don't mind. After all, this kind of thing is indeed a bit mysterious."

Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his head. He still couldn't understand why he was unconscious?

It was obviously the other party who took away my body, and my own spirit and soul should be involved. Why didn't I feel anything at all?

However, Qiong Yu looked miserable. After she regained consciousness, she leaned against the wall weakly.

She originally thought that the old woman took her in to pass on her legacy, for her own good and to feel sorry for her.

But now it seems that this is simply a trap.

The old woman's purpose was to let her enter this secret realm and then be snatched away by the skeleton!

For a moment, Qiongyu felt like she had been abandoned by the whole world.

Who else can she trust in this world?

He grew up without a father and a mother, and was bullied in his clan. When he grew up, he accidentally touched the taboos of the elves, and now he was kicked out.

I thought I could change everything through inheritance, but my goodness, even the inheritance is fake!

Qiongyu is doubting life.

"Relax, things aren't as bad as you think." Jiang Xiaobai coughed and comforted.

"How much worse can it be?"

Qiong Yu smiled miserably: "I have nothing."

"Yes, the inheritance is still there!"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "Then everything is there in the main hall. Cheer up. At worst, you will leave the Wood Spirit Realm. There is still no place for you in these three thousand worlds?"

Qiong Yu looked up at Jiang Xiaobai with cold eyes.

"Does it make sense?"

"I should never have been born in this world from the beginning."

Qiongyu is really going to collapse.

All the hard work turned out to be being played like a dog.

All struggles are in vain.

She originally wanted to prove to herself and tell the clan that even if she touched the taboo, she was still a genius, still a monster, and could still contribute to the elves.

I just want to pray that they will not drive me away!

The results of it?

Not to mention driving away, the strange things she encountered later shocked her even more.

"Well, let's just walk around. Maybe you will change your mind after getting the inheritance. The inheritance is probably very strong." Jiang Xiaobai continued to comfort.

Qiao Yunshen also couldn't bear the experience of such a girl: "Yes, the world is still very beautiful. It's better to live than to die."

"Bah, bah, don't talk nonsense!" Su Qingchen tugged at her hurriedly.

Qiao Yunshen stuck out his tongue: "That's what I'm saying, but don't worry, everything will be fine. There are many beautiful things in the three thousand worlds that you have never experienced."

Everyone didn't know what Qiong Yu was thinking, but they all knew that she must not be feeling well.

God knows how much despair such a woman has experienced along the way?

I was very strong before, but because of what happened now, the last bit of strength was completely broken and disintegrated.

There was silence in the underground palace passage for a while.

I don't know how much time passed before Qiong Yu stood up.

"Let's go and have a look at the main hall."

She was as cold and aloof as before, but this time Jiang Xiaobai felt that something was wrong with Qiong Yu.

Soon, the group returned to the hall.

Things are still there.

In order to cover up the true appearance of the skeleton, everything is true!

It really couldn't be truer.

The inheritance is naturally real, including the inherited treasures, the resources in the storage ring, etc.

Qiong Yu stepped forward to take the things away and looked through them. It was indeed fine.

The secret books, exercises, and martial arts recorded in it are most suitable for a special elf like her.

"Go to the treasure house, I can't let you waste your energy in vain."

Qiong Yu said calmly, leading everyone around many circles and finally arrived at the treasure house.

Everyone was shocked when they saw what was stored inside!

This resource is quite terrifying!

There are countless immortal stones, treasures, materials, and elixirs!

Something special, absolutely amazing!

"Woof woof woof!"

Goudan screamed inside the Qibao Exquisite Tower. Jiang Xiaobai let it out. The dog actually rushed straight to a small hill and started messing with it.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't bother to care what it was doing. He was now considering whether he could directly break through to the True Immortal here!

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