So many resources go to waste if they are not used.

Just as Jiang Xiaobai was thinking about it, everyone on the side went crazy and looked at the treasure.

"This sword is so powerful!"

"Let me go, what is this clock for? It seems to be a defensive treasure!"

"Why can't I tell the level of this treasure? Is it too rubbish or too good?"

"What is this thing for? It looks... like a chamber pot?"

"Yes, you guessed it right, that is the chamber pot."


Everyone looked at the mountains of treasures in front of them, and for a moment they really didn't know what to do.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't have any special requirements for treasures. Of course, it would be nice to have some super defensive magic weapon.

But that's obviously not the case here.

How about the two acquired spiritual treasures I have on hand for the things here?

Jiang Xiaobai cares about resources and materials.

Just contain huge energy!

When everyone was surprised by the wealth, Qiao Yunshen, the eldest lady of the sect, showed her abilities.

"Quiet, quiet, everyone!"

"We will definitely make a fortune this time, so let's distribute it like this. You pick what you need first, and then everyone will share the rest equally!"

Qiao Yunshen chuckled, his face flushed.

As a big sister, I finally played a role.

Everyone reveled and searched for what they wanted in the treasure pile.

Looking at these treasures, Jiang Xiaobai skipped them and started looking for gadgets containing huge energy.

Don't tell me, there are a lot of these things here.

He probably feels like he can use these things to break through and become an Earth Immortal?

"Well, the three major delusions in life, I thought I could."

Jiang Xiaobai sighed secretly, feeling like he was dreaming.

Then he began to take these things out and put them in his storage space.

Soon everyone had picked out their things.

There are not many, but they are all excellent.

Only Jiang Xiaobai chose a bunch of gadgets that seemed to be of little use to a few people.

"Let's divide the remaining things equally, or put them all away, and they will go to the sect for redistribution."

Qiao Yunshen said calmly.

As a result, everyone else shook their heads: "No need, getting such a treasure is an accident, forget about other resources."

Qiao Yunshen didn't expect everyone to be so indifferent?

Only Jiang Xiaobai said calmly: "Then if you don't want it, I will take these fairy stones."

"lay down!"

Qiao Yunshen shouted: "Jiang Xiaobai, a huge amount of wealth cannot be digested by one person. Let me take it back to my father. My father will definitely give us better things."

Jiang Xiaobai felt embarrassed after saying this.

"My cultivation requires more fairy stones."

Qiao Yun thought deeply and pondered: "Well, I don't know how many spiritual stones there are here. There are too many. Can you take a third of them?"


Others just vomited blood.

Okay, you young lady really have no idea?

one third?

One-third of the number of spiritual stones here is probably enough to cover the expenses of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect for half a year!

You are really able to give!

Jiang Xiaobai also smiled awkwardly: "That's not that much. A hundred million high-grade immortal stones is almost enough."

"Okay, it's settled."

Jiang Xiaobai also nodded. After all, immortal stones can only be used as immortal stones, but if these resources are donated to the sect.

The sect will definitely be in a hurry for you because of this.

When the time comes, wouldn't it be easy for the sect to take action on things that cannot be accomplished by relying on one's own strength?

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai took the things away, he heard a cry.

Damn it!

He immediately rummaged through the treasure pile for dog eggs, and finally found this guy lying on the ground, Yangtian.

My belly pointed towards the sky was still twitching regularly.

Jiang Xiaobai was dumbfounded.

"No, what did you bitch eat?"

The scene was quite chaotic just now, and Jiang Xiaobai didn't care what Goudan was doing.

As a result, Goudan caused trouble without anyone noticing!

He checked hurriedly, but he couldn't see anything.

But Goudan groaned for a while, then opened his eyes and glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, as if to say don't worry, it's fine.

Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head. When could he understand the dog?

He could only put the dog eggs inside the Qibao Exquisite Tower first.

At this time, Qiao Yunshen had already started collecting treasures. She was holding several bags in her hands, and one storage bag could no longer hold so many things.

Just when he was about to pack up his things before leaving, a group of people suddenly broke in.

When the two sides met, they immediately stared at each other.

"There is treasure!"

"Put the thing down, if you move it again you will be killed without mercy!"

That group of people drew out various weapons, and more than a dozen people stared at Jiang Xiaobai and others.

This is where we come to grab something!

"Good guy, how many things are there in such a big hall? They must have stolen a lot."

"Stop talking nonsense and take out your things, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

The strong man led by you snorted coldly.

Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes. This was a group of true immortals, more numerous than them.

And these guys are all injured?

Qiao Yunshen didn't care about these people at all and continued to put things into the storage bag.

"You bastard, that little girl, are you looking for death?"

"Brother, stop talking nonsense and do it!"


The swords roared softly, and the group rushed directly towards Jiang Xiaobai and the others.

"Do it!"

Han Yulong also snorted coldly. He held the sword he had just obtained from the treasure house in his hand and rushed forward to slash at someone.

The war broke out instantly.

However, although the opponent has a large number of people, they are disciples of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect after all!

Even people like Su Qingchen who don't like to practice and are lazy every day are still inner disciples.

The necessary condition for becoming an inner disciple is to understand the heart of the sword!

The power of the sword heart can definitely bring great blessings to sword cultivators, at least 30%.

Those guys were no match for Jiang Xiaobai and others, and two of them were killed in the first wave of encounters.

Now they are losing ground!

All of them had horrified expressions on their faces, it was so scary.

"They are members of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect!"

Only then did the strong man at the head react, feeling a chill in his heart.

Are you seeking death and going to cause trouble with the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect?

And just in this stunned moment, two more guys had their necks cut off with a sword.

Screams and blood filled the hall.

At the same time, Qiao Yunshen finally had everything in his pocket.

She clapped several bags in her hands, a smile on her face.

"My father will definitely reward me when I go back this time."

Then Qiao Yunshen didn't even look at these guys, and shouted to Jiang Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, hurry up, we have to leave."

Those guys are even more resentful in their hearts.

To be ridiculed like this?


In the end, they knew they couldn't defeat these Purgatory Divine Sword Sect disciples, so they hurriedly fled.

Jiang Xiaobai's expression changed drastically.

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