Chapter 861 Chaos

A lot of people poured into this underground palace!

what happened?

Are there other entrances?

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly looked at Qiong Yu who was standing aside. Qiong Yu shook her head slightly.

"I know one entrance, but not the others."

"Okay, don't worry about it, just go out and talk about it."

Qiao Yunshen also looked solemn.

There are many people with mixed eyes, and if others know that they have taken so many things, they may become jealous.

This time, the people who came to the secret realm were all the top forces in the three thousand worlds.

It would be difficult to do it if we really wanted to do it.

After all, the major forces will not interfere in the fighting in the secret realm.

This is a must. Otherwise, if you protect your disciples one by one, then what's the point of letting them come out for training?


Qiao Yunshen gave an order, and everyone rushed out.

As expected, there were many people in the underground palace passage!

It's just that these people all looked in a hurry and were more or less injured.

Don't be surprised, there is probably something wrong with the underground palace!

That skeleton used the entire secret realm as a cover, and must have arranged a lot of things!

Not long after they walked out, they met a group of Purgatory Divine Sword Sect disciples.

"Go, get out of here quickly!"

Qiao Yunshen looked at their makeup and shouted.

"No, Miss, we can't go up there!"

As soon as these words came out, several people were stunned.


"There is an army of skeletons up there, there are too many of them."

Only then did everyone realize that it was a large army of skeletons that had appeared in the secret realm. These skeletons were all from the realm of true immortals, and there were thousands of them!

Because people from many factions move dispersedly, and these skeletons are in teams of dozens of people.

Basically, the two sides can't beat each other when they meet.

We can only run for our lives!

What they meant was that they were ignorant and didn't know where they were escaping. When they saw the entrance to the passage, they rushed in, but the skeletons had no intention of coming in.

But being trapped in the underground palace like this is not a problem.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Qiong Yu: "Do you know the way here? It's far away from the center of the secret realm. Can I get out?"

"Yes, I know how to get out."

Qiong Yu nodded: "Follow me!"

Under her leadership, everyone ran towards the stone wall they came in from before.

In a corner of the underground palace passage, several guys gathered together with resentment on their faces.

"Damn it, I was in such a hurry just now that I didn't see clearly that it was someone from the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect. So many juniors died!"

"This revenge must be avenged. How great is the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect? As long as we let out the news that they took the treasure, everyone in the entire secret realm will besiege them!"

"Yes, the person who killed us cannot be let go like this."

These guys are also extremely despicable.

When you see a lot of treasures, you want to snatch them. If you find that you can't grab them, you use this method to trick them.

Jiang Xiaobai is not so cheating!

But there is no way, this world is like this, insidiousness and cunning are the norm.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai never thinks there is anything wrong with him cheating people. Under normal circumstances, he rarely takes the initiative to cheat people.

Soon, these guys met people from other forces.

Without any hesitation, he informed the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect members about taking away the treasures from the underground palace.

It is even more exaggerated, saying that there are massive supplies!

Of course, the truth was scarier than they imagined.

The total value of those resources might not be able to support the expenses of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect for several years!

That is a super sect!

Then, things spread at an extremely fast speed.

Later, it became even more evil.

Some people actually said that Jiang Xiaobai and the others had obtained secret realm control treasures and could control those skeleton armies.

Anyway, the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect has now become popular in the eyes of everyone.

Whenever you see it, take action.

Those disciples of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect who didn't understand the reason were extremely angry.

Are you crazy? You start taking action as soon as you come up without giving any face?

Suddenly the huge underground palace was in chaos.

Jiang Xiaobai and others also saw many people surrounding them on their way to the exit of the stone wall.

But they were all taken care of, and Qiao Yunshen could kill them all by just using his treasure.

Jiang Xiaobai and others couldn't help but sigh.

When they fight, they all rely on their strength, but you, Qiao Yunshen, actually rely on your treasure to hit people?

What a difference!

At the same time, I also met many disciples of the Purgatory Sword Sect along the way.

Some were besieged, and some were unaware of the situation.

Anyway, whenever we meet, we take them with us.

The token can be used after leaving the underground palace!

They did not have time to search for more Purgatory Divine Sword Sect disciples in the underground palace.

Soon they arrived at the place where they came in. Qiong Yu made a secret with her hands, and a black light appeared in her hands.

The blocking stone wall in front of him turned transparent, and dozens of Purgatory Divine Sword Sect disciples rushed out.

Outside was still the small valley they entered, and Jiang Xiaobai even saw the deer they were chasing before eating.

Seeing them coming out, the deer fled in panic.

"Gan, it's you who caused the trouble!"

Jiang Xiaobai muttered angrily, and then everyone continued on their way.

On the way, Qiao Yunshen had already used communication tokens to contact all the disciples in the secret realm.

No matter what happens outside now, let’s leave the secret realm first!

There are many people from the three thousand world's top forces here. Once the news spreads more widely, I am afraid it will trigger a cumulative siege.

That amount of resources is not too much for a sect.

But for these disciples, that is an astronomical figure!

Jiang Xiaobai took 100 million high-grade immortal stones, which was only a small part!

Then everyone quickly left the small valley and rushed towards the exit.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai and others encountered this place not long after entering the secret realm, and it would be very fast to get out from here.

As a result, not long after I left, I ran into a squad of more than a hundred skeletons!

These guys don't have the slightest meaning, they just walk aimlessly in the secret realm and just kill any creature they encounter.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai and others, these skeletons all rushed forward.

The war broke out.

The sword energy soars to the sky, and the collision between the sword intention and the skeleton is extremely exciting.

At the same time, in the direction in which they escaped, many people who had followed secretly before now also followed them and flushed out the underground palace.

After discovering that the token was usable, the message was immediately passed on.

In an instant, the entire secret realm exploded!

Those who search for resources, search for opportunities, and even fight against the Skeleton Team all have clear goals in their hearts.

Looking for someone from the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect!

It's a pity that Jiang Xiaobai and the others came out earlier. The disciples of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect had already evacuated quickly after learning the news.

If you look from above, you can see countless teams rushing toward the exit from all directions in the secret realm.

It is true that everyone has not developed much in the secret realm in such a short time, but now that they receive orders, they will execute them immediately.

This is the unity of a super sect!

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