Chapter 863 The strange emperor

Because Qiao Yunshen had already given away the things, the matter with the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect was settled.

Everyone continued to return to normal and began to explore the secret realm.

Jiang Xiaobai and others were also on the way to continue to develop the secret realm, but along the way, he looked at his sea of ​​consciousness several times.

I didn't find any problem.

This is even scarier.

He was confused, was this sea of ​​consciousness still his own?

But in the end he couldn't figure out the reason, so he planned to ask Gu Ning then.

In the secret realm, the space is very large, and there are still many skeleton teams, but they can only cause some trouble for everyone.

For Jiang Xiaobai and others, the Skeleton Team is not a problem.

Not too much, Qiao Yunshen's treasures can take them out of here. As for the others, is it none of his business?

The secret realm is huge, and the things I found after walking for a long time were some special elixirs or other things.

Jiang Xiaobai also wants to see if there are any immortal stone veins here, so that the earth veins can have some effect.

But he thought too much and really didn’t.

Not long after, Jiang Xiaobai and others came to a hilltop. They no longer knew which direction they were in, so they were just walking aimlessly.

As a result, when I climbed to the top of the mountain, I discovered that there seemed to be ruins not far ahead!

And there are already people there!

"Let's go over and join in the fun."

Qiao Yunshen waved his hand and led everyone there directly.

When we arrived at the ruins, many people were looking around, trying to find something from the ruins.

The ruins are so big that you can't even see the end of them.

A few people didn't find anything useful here. They didn't see anything good. They just watched people searching here.

"Nothing interesting, let's go take a look at the front."

Qiao Yunshen said and ran forward. She was not worried about any problems here!

Jiang Xiaobai and others followed behind, and soon a black hall appeared in front of them.

"Have you seen that hall? Go and take a look." Jiang Xiaobai shouted hurriedly.

"What kind of hall is the main hall?"

Several people were stunned and looked around. Now it was Jiang Xiaobai's turn to open his eyes.

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he saw correctly.

Then he told everyone the direction, but they couldn't see there was a black hall here.

"Are you sure you really saw it?"

Qiao Yun looked at Jiang Xiaobai suspiciously: "Are you causing trouble?"

"How is it possible? There really is a hall."

Jiang Xiaobai walked forward, walked to the edge of the hall, pointed at it, and shouted back: "Look, it's right there...fuck!"

When he turned around, he found that there was someone else behind him?

Just a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!


Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly backed away, wanting to leave this place, but he found that he was finished, as if he couldn't get out after entering!

In addition to the main hall, there is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood around it, which is extremely terrifying.

Corpses piled up in mountains and blood flowed in rivers, but that was all!

At this time, Qiao Yunshen and others were also confused.

Jiang Xiaobai just disappeared in front of them out of thin air!

Extremely weird.

"Isn't it the same situation as before? There is also inheritance in it?" Several people surrounded Qiong Yu and asked.

Qiong Yu herself was dumbfounded. She only knew that there was an elf in this secret realm who had touched the same taboo as herself.

Where do you know the others?

Now everyone feels uncomfortable again. Jiang Xiaobai is gone. Should they continue walking or wait here?

"Let's go, let's go, this guy is smart, nothing will happen to him."

Qiao Yun thought for a while: "We can't delay our opportunity because of this matter, right?"

Several people continued to move forward, but Qiong Yu stayed where she was and waited.

She found a piece of ruins and sat down in it, with no expression on her face.

She looks like a lost woman.

Qiong Yu carefully recalled her own words. It had only been a few decades, with ups and downs.

She is the best among the geniuses of her generation. Otherwise, she would not have been able to break through to the peak of the late-stage Tribulation or even the Great Success with such little effort.

It was logical that she would become a saint and make great contributions to the elves.

But, everything has changed.

It has become so strange, so painful.

Suddenly, Qiong Yu chuckled.

She recalled the first time she saw Jiang Xiaobai in the God of War space. At that time, Jiang Xiaobai was not distracted.

She was also surprised at the time. How could she be distracted when she was at the peak of her late tribulation?

The subsequent meetings also made her laugh.

Looking back, I have a different feeling.

"It seems that from the beginning to now, everyone is changing, but you are the only one who has not changed."

Qiongyu murmured.

At this time, in the illusion, Jiang Xiaobai found that there was nowhere to go, so he could only bite the bullet and walked into the black hall.

I thought there would be something strange going on inside, but when I entered, there was only a white-haired young man standing inside.

It's the one I saw in the underground palace before.


The young man turned his back to him: "Sit down first."

Jiang Xiaobai swallowed a mouthful of saliva, this matter seemed to be getting more complicated.

He sat on the futon nearby and looked at the young man's back.

While standing tall, a strong air of confidence exudes from it.

This is the aura that only the strong have!

"Who are you and why did you ask me to come here?"

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but ask.

The young man turned around with a faint smile on his face: "Nothing, I just want to see you and chat with you or something."

"You're not really...a person from a certain dusty era, are you?"

The young man raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly: "You can understand it this way."

"But in my time, you couldn't imagine it, just like I can't imagine how the world would be like this now."

The young man sighed: "How do you call it?"

"Jiang Xiaobai, it's you."

"Call me...Emperor, no one has called me by that name in years."


Another proclaimed emperor.

"How strong are you?"

"It's very strong, so strong that you can't even imagine it now."

The emperor smiled lightly: "You don't have to think so much now. Slowly practice and improve your strength. When you become an immortal, the path to immortality is right in front of you."

"When the time comes, you will realize that the world you see now is just a corner of mountains and seas."

"There are many, many things you have never seen before, waiting for you to see them."

Jiang Xiaobai looked solemn after listening to the emperor's words.

"I have a question, why?"

The emperor chuckled: "You make me very friendly and feel like a person from that era."

"Is it because of this?"

Jiang Xiaobai showed off his merits. Seeing this, the emperor nodded.

"The world now is different from the past... Well, I don't remember much about what happened before, and I don't know why. I can't recall it. I don't even know why I am here."

"Okay, I've told you enough. Let's improve slowly. I'll wait for you at the front."

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