Chapter 864 The Power of Qiongyu

Jiang Xiaobai was baffled by the emperor's words.

Very confused.

But it is obvious that Qiao Yuyan's previous guess is true!

A super strong man really came out of this secret realm!

Like the Dark Night Emperor, even Jiang Xiaobai knew better, that is, they did not belong to this era.

Don't know why this is the case.

This may involve ancient times, but what strength does Jiang Xiaobai have now?

He's not even a true immortal, why are you even thinking about this?

"Whatever, as the emperor said, improve slowly."

"Ah... Speaking of promotion, it's really been a long time."

"When will the real immortal arrive?"

As Jiang Xiaobai complained in a low voice, everything in front of him turned into ashes, and he reappeared in the ruins.

Also appearing at the same time was the Emperor.

"Little guy, let me go on a tour and give you some advice when I come back."

The emperor smiled lightly, jumped up, and rushed toward the exit of the secret realm.

Jiang Xiaobai squinted his eyes, wondering if a war would break out?

The reason why there are so many masters outside is entirely to prevent such a situation.

At this time, Qiong Yu walked to Jiang Xiaobai.

"Let's go, I just met a few acquaintances from the elves."

Qiong Yu said calmly.

Jiang Xiaobai found a trace of tears on the woman's face that was not easily visible.

He sighed, not knowing what to say.

A miserable person.

"The elves can't tolerate me anymore, so... I'll go with you."

Qiongyu murmured.

"Follow me, okay, go to Jian Zong, Jian Zong doesn't care about this or that."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and said that it would not be a problem to enter the Sword Sect with Qiong Yu's strength.

At this moment, a group of elves suddenly appeared in front of several people.

The two leaders, a man and a woman, both carry the nobility and arrogance of the elves.

As soon as the two people came and saw Qiong Yu, they immediately showed a hint of ridicule.

"Qiongyu, I didn't expect you to dare to appear in the wood spirit world?"

"Are you very brave?"

The man, Feng Lan, sneered: "You're a lost dog, a different kind of dog, do you think you deserve to die?"

As soon as Feng Lang finished speaking, the woman beside him also laughed strangely: "Qiongyu, Qiongyu, you don't really think you are still a saint of the elves, do you?"

"You loser dog, shouldn't you kneel down and salute when you see me?"

"Why, do you still want me to teach you?"

At this time, Qiong Yu's face was extremely pale.

She probably knew that she was expelled mostly because of the relationship between these two people.

"Liu Zhen, did you do this?"

Qiong Yu said coldly.

"What happened? Did you get kicked out and treated like a useless dog?"

Liu Zhen sneered: "How is that possible? It's obviously because you have touched the taboos of the elves. How can a person who is not cursed be qualified to continue to be in the elves and become a saint?"

"That's right. If you tell me this, other forces will laugh. We, the elves, cannot afford to lose this person."

Feng Lan said contemptuously: "So now, it seems that you are not from the Elf clan anymore."

"It doesn't matter if I kill you here, right?"

As they spoke, these elves showed a murderous aura.

The man and woman at the head kept laughing sinisterly.

"I've been lusting after your body for a long time. If you obey me now, what if I not only don't kill you, but also give you resources to practice?"

"After all, you are a trash cultivator with no resources and no backing. It's really..."

"Shut up!"

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly interrupted this guy's sarcasm.

Everyone in the Elf clan was stunned, even Qiong Yu was stunned.

Jiang Xiaobai's face was full of ferocity: "What's wrong with the casual cultivator? Isn't it good for the casual cultivator?"

"What the hell do you want to show your face?"

"What's done is done, forget it, don't push yourself too far here."

Jiang Xiaobai's voice was cold.

He knew that it was not only because of the other party's attitude, but also because of Qiong Yu's injustice.

That’s it, what else do you want?

"Boy, who are you, this bitch's new mistress?"

Liu Zhen sneered: "Looking at how pretty you are, you might as well follow me. What's so good about this woman?"

"Sister, I have resources and background. In the wood spirit world, I will protect you and no one can bully you."

"It's better to be a dog to our Liu Zhen than to follow this woman."

"It's just Dacheng, there's no future with her."

Many elves ridiculed him.

They want to take everything away from Qiong Yu.

"What are the names of each dog?"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered: "The elves are amazing. Look at the clothes on my young master. Do you see it? The Purgatory Divine Sword Sect is no worse than your elves, right?"

"Hmph, so what, today I give you one last chance, leave or die."

Liu Zhen's face was ashen.

They have always wanted to kill Qiong Yu, but they have never been able to find any trace of this woman.

Now that I saw her in a secret realm, how could I let her run away?

"Oh, so you're cool?"

"Are you going to fight? I'll accompany you."

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, not because he wanted a hero to save the beauty, but because these people really disgusted him.

He deceives people, he harms people, all because the other party attacks him first.

He traps all his enemies.

But the most hateful person in the world is a guy like Liu Zhen!

Adding insult to injury can drive someone to death with just a few words.

Qiong Yu's expression turned extremely ugly.

She is full of hatred for the elves.

Now this hatred has finally been detonated.

"Come on, since you want to kill me, do it."

Qiong Yu spoke coldly, and a slender golden sword appeared in her hand.

This is the pseudo-acquired spiritual treasure taken from the skeleton.

"Hahaha, Qiongyu, since you want to die so much, I will help you!"

Feng Lan laughed: "Remember to keep the body alive. If it doesn't work, leave a whole body. Don't make it too ugly. You can also play with it while it's hot."

There is simply no lower limit to this statement.

Qiong Yu was completely furious.

"Son of a bitch, you deserve to die!"

Qiong Yu gritted her teeth and roared, her breath flowing around her body, and terrifying black thin lines spreading across her body.

The aura of the true immortal realm is comparable to that of an earth immortal!

The next second, Qiong Yu's body turned into black sword light and rushed towards Feng Lan.


Feng Lan and others did not expect Qiong Yu to be so strong!

She was only at the peak of the late Dacheng period when she was driven away!

In shock, Feng Lan, who had just become a true immortal, was unable to block Qiong Yu's attack, and she easily pierced her shoulder with her sword.

This sword could have killed Feng Lan, but Qiong Yu didn't!

"The first sword was because you attacked me several times in the clan."

Qiong Yu's cold voice came, followed by another sword, directly cutting off Feng Lan's arm.

"The second sword was made by you who added insult to injury and made rude remarks."

"This last sword blow, you are the one who caused me to do this, I will take your life!"


As her voice fell, Feng Lan's head had been severed.

The remaining elves were all frightened.

They are no match for Qiong Yu's strength!

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