Jiang Xiaobai has not forgotten Chen Yulu's agreement.

You must do what you promised others.

And Jiang Xiaobai also wanted to know what the function of Tianyu Xuanshi was.

When there was no one around, Jiang Xiaobai put Qiongyu into the Qibao Exquisite Tower.

The system directly took Jiang Xiaobai away from the Wood Spirit Realm.

Then Jiang Xiaobai started a cheat again, using only a piece of world raw stone, and returned to the wood spirit world with Qiong Yu.

Still outside the secret realm.

When Qiao Yunshen and others saw Jiang Xiaobai appear like this, they were also confused.

"How on earth did you do that?"

Qiao Yunshen opened his mouth in shock and looked around Jiang Xiaobai: "You have so many secrets."

"Little secret, little secret."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, and then looked at Qiao Yuyan who was standing aside: "Elder, I still have some things to do in the wood spirit world, can I return to the sect later?"

"Is there any world rough stone?"

After all, in the Dacheng realm, it is impossible to cross the world barrier without the world raw stone.

"Yes, it's enough."

"Okay, pay attention to safety. If you have any problems, use the token to contact the sect. Remember, in the Three Thousand Worlds, the sect is your biggest supporter."

Qiao Yuyan chuckled, and her attitude towards Jiang Xiaobai was very good.

Jiang Xiaobai no longer has time to think about why this is. Anyway, it has something to do with his sea of ​​consciousness.

After saying goodbye, he and Qiong Yu left the place directly and quickly moved away from the area where the elves were.

Save yourself the trouble.

At the same time, in an attic of Blackwater Pavilion.

Tang Yuanhua, who had closed his eyes to rest, opened his eyes.

"Boy, I'll see how you die this time!"

Two days later, Jiang Xiaobai and Qiong Yu appeared in a place called Yuheng City.

The city here is very large and the forces inside are complex.

"You have quite a few tricks up your sleeve."

Qiong Yu said calmly while looking at the situation on the street.

Jiang Xiaobai handed a few snacks he had just bought to Qiong Yu: "It's a joke, how can you travel around the world without some skills? I know a lot."

"Can you make elixirs?"

Suddenly Qiong Yu said: "If you know how, can you help me refine an elixir? I have the materials here, and they are carried in the skeleton's storage ring."

"Okay, no problem. Can I practice for you now?"

"Waiting for two days."


The conversation between the two was quite concise and concise, like old friends who have had a tacit understanding for many years.

Even Qiong Yu would not suspect that Jiang Xiaobai was lying to her about alchemy.

This feeling is amazing.

Jiang Xiaobai himself didn't notice anything wrong with it.

Not long after, the two of them came to a restaurant, got two guest rooms to rest, cleaned up, and met in the lobby to have dinner together.

Qiong Yu didn't ask Jiang Xiaobai what happened, and Jiang Xiaobai didn't ask Qiong Yu what elixir he wanted to refine.

The two sat drinking quietly opposite each other.

While eating, a figure suddenly walked into the restaurant. The moment he saw that figure, Jiang Xiaobai was stunned.

Jiang Yu?

Jiang Yu seemed to sense something when she walked into the restaurant, and immediately turned around and saw Jiang Xiaobai. It was really awkward for the two of them to meet here.

"Come over for a drink?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly and raised the wine bottle.

Although Jiang Yu seems to have some opinions about herself in the God of War space, she won't make enemies unless she can.

And Jiang Xiaobai thinks this boy is a little cute in his innocence.

Jiang Yu stood there and thought for a while, then walked up and sat next to Jiang Xiaobai. What shocked Jiang Xiaobai was that this guy was already a true immortal, and he was in the middle stage of a true immortal!

"You can't do it, are you still powerful?"

Jiang Yu sneered.

"Tch, I came here to let you drink to save face. If you don't talk like this, I won't let you drink."

Jiang Yu relaxed his shoulders, picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"Are you here to find that thing too?"


Jiang Xiaobai looked at Jiang Yu and said, "What are you talking about?"

Jiang Yu was also stunned: "Aren't you here for Zilong Yujue?"

"Then you are?"

"No, I'm here to fight."

Jiang Yu said, looking downcast for a moment: "Ma De is so weird, why am I so unsmooth along the way?"

He complained and informed him of his situation over the past two days.

It turned out that when his unreliable master had just thrown him over, Jiang Yu got lost and was walking in the opposite direction. After walking for two days, he realized there was a problem with the route and walked back.

As a result, I met someone fighting. This guy was also a fighting maniac.

He couldn't help but join the side with fewer people, but after the fight, he realized that he had beaten the wrong person. The one with fewer people was a thief.

Then Jiang Yu was chased by the party with more people. Although Jiang Yu wanted to fight, she didn't dare to mess around knowing that she was in the wrong.

After running all the way, I finally got away from him and came to the edge of Yuheng City, where I bumped into an old acquaintance, Yuan Chongwei!

Two fighting madmen, the bastard looked at Mung Bean and saw eye to eye.

A direct fight.

Yuan Chongwei also broke through to become a True Immortal. Yuan Chongwei, who was in the early stage of True Immortal, pushed Jiang Yu, who was in the middle stage of True Immortal, to the ground and rubbed him.

"I'm so convinced. Why am I so miserable?"

Jiang Yu said and drank another glass of wine.

Even Qiong Yu on the side couldn't help laughing, poor child.

"What is the Purple Dragon Jade Jue?"

"I don't know. My master said that thing was very precious and useful. He didn't tell me its specific function and just asked me to come over. But I just want to fight."

"Then being pushed to the ground and rubbed?" Jiang Xiaobai chuckled.

Jiang Yu suddenly became angry.

"You bastard Jiang Xiaobai, are you willing to give me a try?"

"I can also push you to the ground and rub you, do you believe it?"

Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

His current state is already infinitely close to that of a true immortal, and he is only one step away from becoming an immortal.

With all the means available, it was just a matter of dealing with Jiang Yu.

Don't waste time.

Jiang Yu was obviously dissatisfied and stood up: "Let's go and have a fight outside. I don't accept my defeat to you in God of War Space before!"

"Just leave."

Just when the two of them got excited and were about to take action, several people rushed in from the door of the restaurant.

Seeing those guys, Jiang Yu immediately sat down with her neck hunched and her head lowered, trying not to let others notice her.

"over there!"

The group of people saw Jiang Yu at a glance, and immediately rushed over to surround them.

"You bastard, keep running. Aren't you very good at running?"

"You are basically an accomplice of that thief. Where is that guy? He dares to steal our things and is looking for death?"

The scene was quite lively, and the surrounding diners looked over curiously.

Jiang Yu's face turned red and she explained in a low voice: "I really didn't mean it. I just drew my sword to help when there was an injustice!"

"Damn it, can you figure out the situation before you draw the knife?"

The leading young man was furious: "That's the bracelet I bought for the goddess. It's priceless. You can either tell me where your accomplice has gone or pay for it!"

"Or, find something that my goddess will like!"

After speaking, the young man stretched out his hand towards Jiang Yu.

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