Chapter 867 Finally here!

To be honest, it's really funny when things reach this level with Jiang Yu.

And now that person has spoken out.

You either lose money or you lose stuff.

Anyway, it’s a step down.

As a result, Jiang Yu's face turned red when she heard this.

"How much do you want?"

"I spent more than a thousand yuan on middle-grade immortal stones to get that!"


Jiang Yu's face turned even redder, her head almost buried in her chest.

Jiang Xiaobai laughed on the sidelines.

"You don't even have that little money?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

So... pointy?

"A lot?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at everyone in surprise.

Qiong Yu, who was drinking slowly at the side, nodded calmly: "It's quite a lot. A Dacheng monk probably won't make so much money in two or three months."

"Wow, then you are quite poor in the wood spirit world!"

Jiang Xiaobai subconsciously exclaimed.

This time there were even more explosions all around.

"What the hell, you kid, aren't you afraid of being beaten for what you say?"

"Do you know that if you pretend to be cool, you will be struck by lightning?"

"You seem very conceited. Come on, let me see how much money you have. This table of food contains at least dozens of low-grade immortal stones. Can you eat so much by yourself?"

Many people were sarcastic.

Even Qi Chuan, the young man from the True Immortal who chased Jiang Yu, raised his eyebrows: "Boy, don't talk nonsense. This money is nothing to me, but you... hmph, I'm worried."

After Qi Chuan finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Yu: "Boy, if you don't have the money, just reveal your accomplice and I won't embarrass you."

"I really didn't mean it..."

Jiang Yu's voice became softer as she spoke, and then she looked at Jiang Xiaobai with pleading eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai sighed with emotion.

It turns out that things that I don’t care about are really needed by others.

Is Invincible so lonely?

"I gave it to him."

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and found twenty pieces of high-grade immortal stones: "Take it and don't look for it."

Such a gesture shocked everyone.

Top grade fairy stone!

Although the exchange ratio is one to one hundred, no one is stupid enough to use high-grade immortal stones to buy things. At most, they will use mid-grade immortal stones.

Qi Chuan didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to be so successful and rich?

Looking at him like this, it seems that this little money is nothing at all.

Just kidding, Jiang Xiaobai still has 100 million high-grade displays on hand, and several hundred million mid-grade immortal stones!

He doesn't think these things are money at all, they are just things for cultivation.

"Okay, I actually made a mistake?"

Qi Chuan weighed the spirit stone, and then actually handed it back to Jiang Xiaobai: "You are so loyal, I think you are very pleasing to me, why don't you make a friend?"

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, he really had no interest.

"Damn it, our young master made friends with you just to give you face. Don't give me face for nothing. Do you know who our young master is?"

Qi Chuan's followers hurriedly scolded him, the fighting force was very fierce!

Jiang Xiaobai said contemptuously: "Since you have said that you don't like this little money, then why have you been chasing him for so long?"

"Aren't I angry?"

Qi Chuan said angrily: "I hired someone to make that thing for you. It's not valuable, but it takes a lot of time, three months!"

"And my goddess likes this kind of thing very much."

Qi Chuan murmured, then glanced at Qiong Yu, opened his mouth, and finally coughed dryly.

"A little bit less beautiful than her."

"Pfft hahahaha!"

Jiang Xiaobai burst out laughing: "You are really a fucking talent."

"In this case, meeting each other is fate. Let's come and have a drink together."

"no problem!"

Qi Chuan waved his hand and asked people to change to a large private room, where a group of people sat and drank.

Sometimes relationships are really amazing things.

In the world of martial arts, there are some people who cannot be forgotten after just one glance.

Some people can kill themselves just by looking at them.

This is the wonder of Jianghu.

After drinking for three rounds, a few people chatted loudly, and then talked about the Purple Dragon Jade Jue.

Qi Chuan said that he also came here for this thing.

"I have inside information..."

Qi Chuan chuckled and said: "The Purple Dragon Jade is... a token of a great emperor in our Wood Spirit Realm. Holding this thing can enter the emperor's tomb to accept the inheritance!"

"Even if you don't need to inherit it, you can still get many benefits."

Jiang Xiaobai spoke loudly: "Tch, who cares if inheritance is not passed on? I don't believe in inheritance anymore."

"Besides, the emperor is definitely gone. If he takes the inheritance, he might become a thorn in others' side, and he won't even know if he is killed."

"Interesting or not."

Qi Chuan raised his eyebrows: "I can't say much, at least the Purple Dragon Jade Jue is a treasure in itself."

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes, he was too lazy to care about this.

He wanted to find Chen Yulu, then learn about the function of Tianyu Xuanshi, and then discuss with Qiong Yu to see if he could do something with the elves.

Zilong Yujue has little to do with him.

Getting drunk, Jiang Yu began to chatter again and asked Jiang Xiaobai to practice alone, and the two of them actually arrived outside the city gate.

The cold wind blew by, causing the spiritual energy to vibrate slightly. Both of them were slightly sober from the alcohol.

A fiery red spear appeared in Jiang Yu's hand, and the air around the spear seemed to be twisting with the terrifying high temperature.

Pseudo-acquired spiritual treasure!

Jiang Xiaobai finally discovered that treasures of this level are the ceiling of the three thousand world treasures.

But he has Yuan Hong.

"Jiang Xiaobai, I dissatisfied with you last time in the God of War space. After all, I couldn't bring my spear in. This spear is the best match for me."

Jiang Yu pointed her spear at Jiang Xiaobai: "But don't worry, I will suppress the realm to..."

"Hey, hey, no, just fight like this. I would be really embarrassed if I can't beat you."

Jiang Xiaobai laughed and took the lead.

The star sword light erupted directly, and it was a display of martial arts.

Jiang Yu was not to be outdone, and swung the spear with great force. With all his strength, the space shook and twisted, and he was about to be crushed!

Three fire dragons instantly appeared in the air, roaring and rushing towards the oncoming star sword light.

The two attacks collided in the air with a shocking explosion!

The aftermath of the spiritual power spread in the sky, with such power that the people watching were frightened.

Qi Chuan was also stunned: "This guy is so strong, he's almost catching up with me."

"Master, don't be so modest."

"Go! Go! Go."

The battle continued, with the two fighting back and forth.

Jiang Yu was completely confused. He was already in the middle stage of True Immortal, and he was using all his strength. Why was he still no match for Jiang Xiaobai, shouldn't he?

It makes no sense!

"That's it?"

Jiang Xiaobai laughed and said, "There's no need to compete. You can't beat me. If I try harder, you'll lose."


Jiang Yu shouted in disbelief: "How can you be so strong?"

"Why not?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly: "You don't understand my strength."

After pretending to be cool, Jiang Xiaobai put away his sword and was about to leave. However, the situation in the world changed in the next second.

Dark fog filled the surrounding area.

When he felt the movement, the corners of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth curved.

Are you finally here?

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