Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 869 Yuan Chongwei is also unlucky

Chapter 869 Yuan Chongwei is also in trouble!

Tang Yuanhua's attack was just a minor episode.

Overall it's innocuous.

As for Jiang Yu...

This guy was completely convinced by Jiang Xiaobai. After Tang Yuanhua left, the two had another one-on-one duel.

Jiang Yu couldn't defeat Jiang Xiaobai with all his methods, and Jiang Xiaobai didn't use much force, otherwise Jiang Yu would be defeated with one sword.

Then the group stayed in Yuheng City.

At night, Jiang Xiaobai sat alone on the roof of the building, looking at the stars, thinking about some future plans.

Chen Yulu, the Elf clan, still has many tasks...

"Calculating the time, it's almost almost here."

"The deadline is more than half a month away."

Jiang Xiaobai muttered: "Wait for two more days. If Chen Yulu doesn't show up, let's go and deal with this old dog Tang Yuanhua first."

Then he took out another communication token.

This is Ao Yan's piece.

So far, the token has not moved at all, and Jiang Xiaobai is inexplicably worried.

Will something happen to Yan'er?

At this time, Qiong Yu's figure appeared next to Jiang Xiaobai, holding two bottles of wine in her hands.

"Drink a little?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and took the wine bottle, then drank it in one gulp.

The spicy wine passed through his throat, making Jiang Xiaobai's head clearer.

"Can you tell me about your past?"

Qiong Yu said suddenly.


Jiang Xiaobai was stunned. He had nothing to say in the past. After all, he had only been in this world for more than a year.

Well, it’s been almost two years.

Time flies really fast.

"I have nothing to say about my affairs, but I can tell you about my hometown."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and told Qiong Yu some interesting things about Blue Star.

And, he was once an orphan on Blue Star.

Somehow, some of Jiang Xiaobai's oral experiences touched Qiong Yu.

How similar are the two of them?

"You are also a miserable person."

Qiong Yu sat on the tiles with her legs spread apart. She didn't look like a lady at all, but was full of the atmosphere of the world.

She looked a little bold when she drank.

"It doesn't matter whether life is miserable or not. Things in the past are in the past. The most important thing is the present and the future."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the starry sky and rested his hands on his hands: "Actually speaking, I never thought that I would reach this point. At that time, I just wanted to spend my life peacefully in that small world."

"The world is not big, not as big as the Wood Spirit World, but there are many beautiful places. You may not be able to finish them all if you walk for decades. It would be great to live in each place for a while..."

Jiang Xiaobai muttered.

After all, he has no grand ambitions.

From the beginning to now, everything seems to be like this because I have no choice but to do so.

But who can say clearly?

The two of them sat on the roof tiles and talked all night. Jiang Xiaobai didn't even remember what they said.

Early in the morning, Jiang Yu suddenly and mysteriously found Jiang Xiaobai.

"I just met Yuan Chongwei across the street!"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows: "If you see him, you will see him. Let him come over and let's go together."

"Hey, he seems to be in the same situation as me now. I saw him arguing with a woman."

Suddenly, a picture appeared in Jiang Xiaobai's mind.

A bald, strong man looked extremely fierce, but when he was entangled by a woman, his face turned red and he was extremely embarrassed.

"Hahahaha, it's very interesting. Let's go and see it together."

As a creature like a man, you don’t have to eat or sleep, but you must watch the excitement!

The two sneaked onto the street and happened to see a woman not far ahead grabbing Yuan Chongwei's hand and yelling.

Yuan Chongwei's face turned red as Jiang Xiaobai thought, wanting to take action but not daring to do so.

As he got closer, he heard a woman yelling.

"You are a slut, you will ruin this girl's life!"

"You must be responsible for me!"


Big news!

Isn't it too exciting?

"Can't he see that he is still such a libertine?" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but sigh.

Jiang Yu covered her mouth and did not dare to laugh out loud: "Jiang Xiaobai, what you say can really make people mad. If Yuan Chongwei hears it, he will definitely chase you and beat you."

"Am I afraid of him?"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered.

At this time, many people on the street surrounded the two to watch the fun.

Yuan Chongwei's face was full of embarrassment.

"Don't be so silly, I don't know you at all, I've never seen you before!"

"Fart, you irresponsible man, what did you say and how did you treat me last night, have you forgotten?"

The woman shouted at the top of her lungs.

Yuan Chongwei's face immediately turned red: "Don't talk nonsense, I've never seen you!"

"Okay, you lost your memory after drinking, right?"

The woman gritted her teeth and shouted, and then she sat on the ground helplessly and cried, making everyone around her sympathize with her.

"What are you looking at, so serious?"

Qi Chuan's voice suddenly sounded next to Jiang Xiaobai's ears. Jiang Xiaobai was stunned: "When did you come?"

"A long time ago, I just saw you two sneaking around here across the street, so I came over. Do you know that guy?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Well, I have dealt with him several times before, but I feel like there is something fishy about this matter."

"Have you seen those people over there? Their eyes are wrong."

Jiang Xiaobai pointed at two guys in the crowd and said, "Hey, is this the version of the Immortal Dance in the world of cultivating immortals?"


"It's nothing. I always feel like this kid has been tricked, hahahaha."

Sure enough, after Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, the two guys in the crowd walked up.

It was revealed that he was the woman's brother, and he insisted on holding Yuan Chongwei responsible and dragging him out.

Those three people are all in the late stages of True Immortal cultivation!

Jiang Xiaobai could already imagine what kind of trap this was. It was a pity that Yuan Chongwei looked dumbfounded, but he couldn't lose face in this kind of thing.

However, Yuan Chongwei was not a fool and immediately realized that something was wrong.

After scolding twice, the other party was still insulting, so Yuan Chongwei took action directly.

"It's over, this guy actually started something in the city?"

Qi Chuan was surprised when he saw this.

"Are the consequences serious?"

"Well, it's very serious. There are many masters in Yuheng City, including many immortals."

Qi Chuan said: "Why don't you tell your friend to run away quickly, otherwise something will happen."

Jiang Xiaobai squinted his eyes and was about to say something when three immortals immediately appeared in the sky.

These three people appeared too fast, as if they had been waiting for them for a long time!

There's something fishy about it.

"Things don't seem to be as simple as imagined, Jiang Yu, are you sure everyone is here because of the Purple Dragon Yujue?"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows.

"I'm not sure. Anyway, I came here to fight."

At the same time, Yuan Chongwei and others had been taken away by the three immortals.

The direction to go is to the City Lord’s Mansion!


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