"What do you mean, follow me and have a look?" Jiang Yu raised her eyebrows.

Qi Chuan was also interested: "I really want to see the follow-up. Since we are Brother Jiang's friends, it doesn't matter if we help out."

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while, then looked at Jiang Yu and asked.

"Do you know what Yuan Chongwei's background is?"

"I don't know, but he was number one on the list of three thousand monsters before. He must have a strong background. It is said that he is the person who rules and perfects the world!"

Jiang Yu said: "Why do you ask this?"

"There must be something fishy about it. Those immortals came out too fast. They arrived in a swish. They seemed to have been waiting nearby."

Jiang Xiaobai analyzed: "You martial arts idiot is not smart. It's useless to talk to you. Let's go and take a look first."

Jiang Xiaobai and Qi Chuan followed, while Jiang Yu was stunned.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm not a martial artist! Are you actually insulting my brain?"


At this time, in the palace of the city lord of Yuheng City, Yuan Chongwei was standing in the lobby with a face full of indignation.

More than a dozen immortals surrounded him, and he could only grit his teeth and wait.

After a while, a young man appeared.

"Zhao Jiang, I knew it was you!"

Yuan Chongwei roared immediately when he saw this man.

But the young master Zhao Jiang sneered: "Lengtou, you can't beat me on your own. What can you do? In other words, you are not strong enough."

"Do you think this little bit of magic can kill me?"

Yuan Chongwei snorted coldly: "Don't go too far. If you push me too hard, I'll kill your Tiandaomen!"

"Am I afraid of you? It's true that these immortals can't kill you, but it's enough to disgust you."

As soon as Zhao Jiang said this, Yuan Chongwei scratched his head.

I am so angry that I have nowhere to vent my anger!

Because what he said makes sense, he is indeed disgusted to death now!

For a moment, Yuan Chongwei actually thought of Jiang Xiaobai.

"Damn it, I wish I had a brain as smart as Brother Jiang. Damn it, I suffer the loss of not studying!"

Just as he finished thinking about it, Yuan Chongwei heard a laugh coming from the door.

"Hahaha, Old Yuan, I asked you to study more, but you have to feed the pigs. Is this okay? Are you disgusted?"

Jiang Xiaobai finished laughing and appeared in front of Yuan Chongwei.

Beside him were Qi Chuan and Jiang Yu.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai, Yuan Chongwei's mood instantly improved.

"Hey Jiang Xiaobai, how do you know I'm here?"

"Nonsense, you were taken away from the sky just now, and everyone can see it."

It was naturally impossible for Jiang Xiaobai to say that he had seen the whole process.

Otherwise, Yuan Chongwei's stupid character would really fight against him.

"You are indeed a good brother, I saw you right!"

Yuan Chongwei smiled excitedly.

Jiang Xiaobai also smiled, and at the same time signaled to Jiang Yu and others that all the things I had done secretly watching the excitement were rotten in my stomach!

Zhao Jiang also frowned when he saw Jiang Xiaobai.

"Jiang Xiaobai? The guy who won first place in the God of War trial?"

"Yes, that's right."

Jiang Xiaobai raised his head: "Lao Yuan, don't be afraid, I'm here to support you!"

"Haha, it's a joke. Yuan Chongwei violated the rules here by taking action in Yuheng City. How can you support him?"

Zhao Jiang sneered: "Yuan Chongwei, you don't really think he can help you, do you?"

Just as he finished speaking, the city lord and others had already walked in.

As soon as the city lord came in, he saluted respectfully to Zhao Jiang. He knew that Zhao Jiang's identity was extremely terrifying and he couldn't afford to offend him at all.

Everything today was actually arranged by Zhao Jiang.

Of course, Zhao Jiang didn't think Yuan Chongwei could be killed with such little means.

It's just simple and disgusting.

At this time, the city lord looked at Yuan Chongwei among the immortals.

"Boy, you are very brave. You dare to do something in my Yuheng City. You don't know the rules, right?"

"No matter who you do something here, you will die. This is the rule of Yuheng City!"

The city lord had a sneer on his face: "Don't think that just because you are a true immortal, a true immortal must die. This is the rule of our Yuheng City."

"Oh? So, you are very cool?"

Qi Chuan suddenly laughed.

The city lord frowned: "Who are you, who dare to act so recklessly in the city lord's mansion?"

"I'm the Holy Son of the Imperial Palace. My father is the master of the Imperial Palace. How about this? Is this status enough for me to be arrogant here?"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked!

The Holy Son of the Imperial Palace?

The legendary palace lord's son, the one who was favored to heaven?

How can it be?

"Fart, you said it was you? Where's the evidence? Show me the evidence?"

The city lord really didn't believe it. What role did Qichuan play?

Why would you come here to help a stranger?

And how could Qichuan be here!

The Imperial Palace was as crazy as it was, and protected Qichuan so tightly that it was impossible for him to run around.

"Then I'm here, can you prove this?"

A loud voice sounded, and an old man walked into the lobby with a sneer: "You, the Lord of Yuheng City, are so amazing, how dare you even doubt the identity of the young Lord?"

Seeing the old man, the immortals in the lobby were completely stunned.

This is the top immortal of the Imperial Palace, and can even represent the existence of the Imperial Palace outside.

In this way, Qichuan's identity is immediately revealed!

"No... Elder Yang, that's not what I meant... After all, there is no basis for such things. We have never met the young master, right?"

"So now that you know, what are you going to do?"

Elder Yang sneered: "I'll protect this man. Do you want to try killing him?"

Such an aggressive attitude is worthy of the Imperial Palace!

Jiang Xiaobai was also shocked. Qi Chuan said he could handle it before, but he only thought Qi Chuan had a strong background.

But now it seems that the Imperial Palace is not so strong!

For a moment, the city lord was in a dilemma.

On one side is the Imperial Palace, one of the most powerful forces in the world, and on the other side is a super young master.

He can't afford to offend anyone!

Zhao Jian also had a serious look on his face: "Imperial Palace, do you really want to block it like this?"

"Zhao Jiang, stop being so arrogant, you can't handle me."

Yuan Chongwei sneered: "If you beep again, I will ask my father to visit your house."

"Disgusting to me, huh?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Jiang's face instantly turned livid.

If Yuan Chongwei really wanted to do this, he really had no choice.

Their family's power simply couldn't stop Yuan Chongwei's father from causing trouble.

"Okay, you'll get away with it this time."

"But Yuan Chongwei, things won't end like this!"

With a cold snort, Zhao Jiang immediately rolled up his sleeves and left.

A handsome face full of gloom.

The disgusting person even disgusted himself, which is simply unlucky!

And Elder Yang from the Imperial Palace has come forward. How dare the City Lord Palace hold on to this matter?

Didn't you see that Zhao Jiang has already left?

After all, Zhao Jiang is from another world. Even if he is strong, it doesn't matter. The other party may not be able to mess with him.

But the Imperial Palace is different. The other party can destroy his City Lord's Palace at any time!

Just when the city lord was about to laugh and say something nice, Qi Chuan had already left with Yuan Chongwei.

For a moment, the city lord looked bitter.

Just now I was talking about the rules of Yuheng City.

Now it seems that this rule is a joke!


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