Of course, these things are all later. Now Jiang Xiaobai is thinking about whether he should exchange his skills from the mall.

That designated skill is obtained from the mission!

In other words, you can enjoy the half price increase for the first time!

After looking through it, Jiang Xiaobai now has nearly 30 million points on hand. This time he went out for a while and gained quite a lot of points.

"Three thousand, how do you say that one promotion should be enough?"

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai began to look through the system for the techniques related to Yuan Shen,

The first thing is to search for some special techniques to enhance the soul.

But Jiang Xiaobai found that most exercises required a huge amount of time to practice.

At the moment, he doesn't have that much time.

There are too many things!

While looking at it, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly turned back again.

"Killing God?"

Is it difficult to say that this is a technique similar to divine killing?

After reading the introduction, Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up: "The good guy is you. Eating other people's soul to improve your own soul, isn't this exactly what I need?"

"System, that's it!"

The God-killing Technique was redeemed immediately. The name is quite domineering, and the effect is also quite domineering.

Jiang Xiaobai read through it carefully and discovered that after practicing this technique to an extremely strong level, it can directly swallow the soul!

Killing gods, killing gods, this is killing the soul!

What concept?

Jiang Xiaobai was facing an enemy and found that the opponent's soul was weaker than his own. The good guy came up and swallowed it up!

If your soul is gone, how can you fight me?

And if this thing eats other people's soul, it can improve your own soul. Doesn't it save time in cultivation?

When it comes to laziness, Jiang Xiaobai is naturally number one, and no one dares to call him number two!

"System, how much does it cost to improve your skills?"

"Thirty million points will be raised to the top state. This subsequent skill will be a growth skill and requires the host to devour other souls to improve!"

"Okay, 30 million is just 30 million, I spent the money!"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and spent the 30 million points directly, leaving less than one million on hand.

But enough!

The god-killing power directly promoted him to the Great Perfection, but Jiang Xiaobai discovered one thing, it takes time to swallow other people's souls!

For example, if he devours a highly accomplished Yuan Shen now, it will take him three days to completely turn it into his own Yuan Shen strength!

If it is the soul of a true immortal, then it will take more than ten days!

Earthly immortals and heavenly immortals last longer!

"Although this technique looks a bit evil, it depends on who uses it. I just use it to deal with the enemy. There is no need to use it randomly."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled.

As a result, it seems that except for his own defense, his development in other directions has reached the full level!

"The strongest defense is the strongest attack!"

"I, Jiang Xiaobai, don't need defense!"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded seriously.

Now he can't wait to find a soul to eat and see how much the strength of the soul can be increased.

The Yuan Shen and the Divine Soul are linked and are based on the ascending level of the Divine Soul.

When the soul is strong, the soul will naturally be strong!

When the time comes, you will be even more comfortable using the Soul Blade!

"Not bad, not bad. Then, let's go check out the tasks. There's no way to practice anyway. It's good to do some tasks in exchange for points."

Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes and found that it was already dawn. -

He looked through the exercises all night long.

Just in time, Qiong Yu also walked out of her room.

"Let's go, how about we go check out the sect's mission?" Jiang Xiaobai suggested.

"Okay, it just so happens that I need to fight."

Qiong Yu said calmly.

This might involve Qiong Yu's secret, so Jiang Xiaobai didn't ask any further questions.

But if he asked, Qiong Yu would most likely tell him.

The chemistry and trust between the two has become so strong.

Soon the two rushed to the mission hall.

It can be said that this is Jiang Xiaobai's first time entering the sect and his first time trying things in the sect.

There are many people in the mission hall, thousands of people!

There is a huge wall in front, with at least tens of thousands of mission tokens on it, and each mission token has three things marked on it.

The first is the main purpose and execution location of this task.

The second is the difficulty of the task!

The above will recommend, for example, this task is suitable for Dacheng disciples, and that task is suitable for True Immortal disciples.

The third one is how many sect points you will get after completing the task.

The more points you have, the higher the difficulty is obviously.

Jiang Xiaobai even saw the task selection completed by the team.

"This is quite interesting." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the dazzling array of tasks with great curiosity.

On the side, Qiong Yu said quietly: "You have never done this kind of task?"

"No, I haven't even entered the sect."

"And you?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Qiong Yu and saw Qiong Yu's desolate expression: "In the Elf Clan, there are also tasks, and the disciples in the Elf Clan must carry them out unconditionally."

"A super power or super family will not stay in one place peacefully. They need to develop and need resources to support their expenses."

"A reward and punishment system and a task system are necessary."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

It is estimated that Long Gu was in such a situation at the time, but he had never been exposed to it.

As for Ao Yan and Ao Cheng, these people who have become the core juniors of Dragon Valley are either concentrating on training or doing other things. Such tasks will not be given to them.

Jiang Xiaobai began to ask Qiong Yu for advice on task experience again.

"There's no experience to speak of. It's all clearly written on it, including the difficulty and the number of points."

"Even the recommended realm has been written for you. If you need to worry about what to do, just do it!"

Qiong Yu's tone was quite helpless when she spoke.

How come a person who loves to make trouble so much doesn't know this?

Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head and soon found a mission to the True Immortal Realm, which was in the Middle Three Thousand World.

There was a dispute between two families there and they needed to be reconciled.

With thirty mission points, I recommend Real Immortal Realm.

It is considered a relatively simple task among many True Immortal realms, and the points are not too much or too little, so it is just right for practicing.

"It's better to just leave it to this mission."

"I'll listen to you."

Soon, the mission registration was completed and needed to be completed within ten days. I came back with two jade slips from struggling families.

It’s just the Three Thousand Worlds, how to get there?

Wouldn't it be too expensive if all the world's raw stones were used?

"The elders of the sect will open a channel for you and others to go and carry out the mission. After completing the task, you can use the token to contact us and return."

The disciple who issued the mission said this.

Jiang Xiaobai finally understood.

"Rookie, it's your first time doing a mission, so you should do it well."

Jiang Xiaobai laughed in his heart.

Walking to the other direction of the mission hall, there is a square here. All disciples go to other worlds through the elders who specially open up space channels.

Jiang Xiaobai and others showed their mission tokens, and an elder immediately opened the passage.

The two quickly got in.

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