Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 887 Dealing with Relationships

Chapter 887 Dealing with Relationships

This is a planet world.

After Jiang Xiaobai and Qiong Yu arrived through the passage, they could immediately feel the difference from the mainland world.

The continent world is a super continent suspended in the void!

There is a world barrier outside to protect the void forces from invading.

The planet world is almost the same, but the feeling of being on it is different from the mainland world!

After all, one is a ball and the other is flat.

Such a world was very rare on Blue Star back then, but this is the world of cultivating immortals!

Only what you can’t imagine!

After Jiang Xiaobai and his wife arrived, they felt the rules of the world, and Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but sigh.

The rules are so weak!

After actually going to Sanqian, I came back to Sanqian again, and suddenly I found that the rules here were so weak!

Jiang Xiaobai even had the illusion that he was invincible here!

"Do you feel you are strong here?"

Qiong Yu saw the expression on Jiang Xiaobai's face and said directly: "Don't think too much, the rules of the world are not something you can break. It was impossible before the Earth Immortal."

"Otherwise, you can open a space channel yourself, and even if you are a golden immortal, you will not be able to destroy the rules of this world."

"So it's all an illusion."

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help rolling his eyes, and then the two of them rushed directly to one of the families according to the mission location.

This family is the family that was bullied.

It's funny to say that the family being bullied has a genius disciple who is a direct disciple of three thousand forces in the local area. He is very strong and talented.

And this force is a subordinate force of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect. In short, it is the same as the current Star Sword Sect.

As a result, the other family that bullied this family was stronger than the original family, and that sect force actually cared about any messy things.

So I had no choice but to report it to the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect.

The Purgatory Divine Sword Sect is very happy to help you deal with this kind of thing. Anyway, you give a lot of money, but under normal circumstances, what they pay is just saliva.

For example, right now, when Jiang Xiaobai and Qiong Yu arrived at the family, they happened to see a group of people breaking down the door outside the family!

"You bastard, come out. Aren't you very capable? Your son is a direct disciple of the Crazy Tiger Sect. It's amazing. Even the Crazy Tiger Sect should be afraid of our Zhang family!"

"Ma, I tell you, hand over your things, or I will destroy your Ma family today!"

The leader is extremely impudent, and his true immortal cultivation makes him stand out from the crowd, he is the only one!

On the other hand, there are no true immortals in the Ma family that was bullied!

The only supporter was Ma Haofeng, who was a direct disciple of the Kuanghu Sect.

In the Ma family, the owner Manoqi frowned and looked sad.

The son Ma Haofeng beside him was comforting him: "Dad, don't worry, my master said he has called for strong foreign aid, don't be afraid."

"And the master said that I am now in the stage of transcending tribulation. I have very good talent and strong swordsmanship. After this time, I will be recommended to the super sect of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect!"

Ma Haofeng is confident and has youthful vigor and vitality.

He was not afraid of the bullying from the Zhang family.

Manoqi sighed: "But, is it reliable? The other party hasn't come for three days. If it weren't for the help of the Mad Tiger Sect, our Ma family would be doomed now!"

"I'll definitely come back, Master said..."

As he said this, Ma Haofeng was stunned.

Because two terrifying auras descended from the sky, just the leaked auras were enough to make people palpitate!


"Here he comes, a master must be here!"

Ma Haofeng was excited and hurriedly pulled his father out.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai and Qiong Yu were suspended in mid-air, frowning as they looked at the group of people below.

Isn't this too simple?

"Did the sect give me the thirty points on purpose?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Qiong Yu blankly.

Qiong Yu was also stunned. After all, the task of thirty points was not difficult.

But this is a lot more points than many other true immortal level sect missions. The most impressive thing is that there is a mission with more than 20 points, which is to pick a spiritual medicine.

How come when you come here and take a look, my dear, in the eyes of the two of you, this looks like a villager fighting with each other?

Much easier than picking elixirs!

Just letting out the breath,

What the hell?

"Who is Ma Haofeng?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked down and said with a headache.

Soon, a young man flew into the sky and bowed to Jiang Xiaobai: "Meet the Immortal!"

"This boy is Ma Haofeng, a direct disciple of the Kuanghu Sect!"

Ma Haofeng's face was extremely rosy.

This time, their Ma family’s strongest backer is here!

Even though they are just two true immortals, their strength can definitely defeat everyone!

Everyone in the Zhang family below was dumbfounded, and the family member Zhang Zhishan was even pale.

"Impossible, how could your Ma family find such a master?"


A voice came from far away.

I saw more than a dozen people rushing over here quickly, including the head of the Kuanghu Sect and many high-ranking elders.

They are both in the realm of true immortals, but such true immortals are incomparable to Jiang Xiaobai.

The aura released with all the strength of the opponent might not be as powerful as Jiang Xiaobai's casual release.

"Greetings to the Immortal!"

"You bastard Zhang Zhishan, why don't you kneel down and pack your luggage when you see the Immortal? Are you asking for death? Just forget it if you want to die. Don't drag you Zhang family members to die together!"

"The Immortal of the Sword Sect can open up mountains and rivers with one sword. You, a small Zhang family, start to act recklessly when you have a chance. Don't seek death!"

The leader of the Mad Tiger Sect, Li Wangfeng, snorted coldly, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a flattering smile.

"Shangxian came from afar. It really was not arranged in advance. Please don't blame Shangxian for not being considerate."

This attitude can be said to be quite humble.

Jiang Xiaobai felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

Once, I was just a little beast in people's mouth, but in the blink of an eye, I became an immortal.

Such a gap really made Jiang Xiaobai a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, no need to say anything more, we're in a hurry."

Jiang Xiaobai said calmly: "Tell me, what's going on?"

Li Wangfeng immediately informed the specific situation.

It turned out that the Ma family found a bead with huge energy in a secret realm by chance.

No one knows exactly what this thing does.

But somehow the Ma family's news leaked out, and the Zhang family found out. The Zhang family was so crazy because their head had recently become a true immortal.

I came here to cause trouble for the Ma family.

Then Li Wangfeng from the Mad Tiger Sect came forward to try to get involved. When he found that he couldn't get involved, he had no choice but to call Jiang Xiaobai and two others for help.

After hearing what happened, Jiang Xiaobai was also curious, what could contain huge energy?

"Can you take a look at this thing?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry, I'm just curious and have no other thoughts."

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