Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 888 This is called realm suppression

Chapter 888 Is this called realm suppression?

Ma Haofeng was shocked when he heard that Jiang Xiaobai wanted the beads.

I thought Jiang Xiaobai was planning to take advantage of the Zhang family’s behavior!

After all, for that bead, the Ma family suffered a lot, many people died, and their strength suffered even more.

If the things are taken away, things will appear to be settled on the surface, but once Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xiaobai leave, other family forces will definitely annex the Ma family!

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai explained it later, otherwise Ma Haofeng would probably hate Jiang Xiaobai to death.

At this time, the head of the Ma family, Manoqi, also stepped forward and offered the bead with both hands.

Jiang Xiaobai waved and took the thing in his hand.

After carefully sensing it, he found that it was indeed full of powerful power. He had never felt this power before.

"Good thing, it's not bad that such a treasure appears among the three thousand."

Although it is indeed a good thing, Jiang Xiaobai is not that kind of bully and scoundrel. Indeed, if he really wants to be one, no one can stop him.

After seeing that there was nothing particularly strange, Jiang Xiaobai returned the things to the Ma family.

"Okay, I probably know what happened. The Zhang family did go a bit too far."

Jiang Xiaobai had a playful smile on his face: "I heard that you are a true immortal?"


Zhang Zhishan's face was pale and full of fear: "Shangxian, no... that's not what I meant."

"What a fairy~ He seems to be very proud."

"Come on, come on, try a few tricks with me."

Jiang Xiaobai looked like a gangster, and everyone was dumbfounded.

However, Ma Haofeng was excited and clenched his fists.

Although Jiang Xiaobai looks like a gangster, this is his confidence, he has this strength!

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's majestic appearance here, Zhang Zhishan didn't even dare to fart.

Suddenly, Ma Haofeng clenched his fists and swore secretly in his heart.

He must become such a master. Only when he is strong can he be truly strong and protect everyone behind him!

At this time, Zhang Zhishan was sweating all over his body.

He is really afraid!

He didn't expect that the Ma family could really invite such a master. Just feeling Jiang Xiaobai's breath made Zhang Zhishan have no desire to fight.

We are both true immortals, why are you so strong?

"No, Immortal, misunderstandings are all misunderstandings."

Zhang Zhishan hurriedly begged: "We really don't mean that. We are just having fun with the Ma family. We grew up naked. How can I cheat him with such a good friendship?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xiaobai was shocked!


Are you really shameless?

Can you say this with your eyes open?

Jiang Xiaobai would close his eyes when he was shameless!

"Fart, Immortal, please don't listen to his slander!"

Ma Haofeng was also furious, pointing at Zhang Zhishan and roaring: "The Zhang family has done many evil things. Ever since Zhang Zhishan became a true immortal, they have successively forced countless families to work as coolies for them."

"They even kidnapped countless women and kept them as concubines. They killed many women. Before, they threatened to destroy my Ma family!"

As he spoke, Ma Haofeng clenched his fists, his eyes were scarlet red, and he almost bit his teeth into pieces. He was filled with resentment and wished that Zhang Zhishan could be swallowed up!

He deeply understood that if it was just a verbal warning this time, it would not be effective!

The master of the Purgatory Sword Sect is gone, but the Zhang family is still the same!

Maybe next time I won't be so lucky and I'll be able to wait until Jiang Xiaobai and the others come to support me.

"No, no, it's nothing. I'm not like this. The Immortal won't dare listen to this kid's nonsense!"

Zhang Zhishan was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and kept praying.

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, and a wave of coercion fell on Zhang Zhishan.


The long sword came out of the body, and Yuan Hong was already pressed against Zhang Zhishan's neck.

This scene frightened everyone, and Zhang Zhishan almost peeed in fear.

"Shangxian... If you have something to say, please tell me..."

"Do you think it would be fun to bully these great achievements since you are a true immortal?"

Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and sneered: "It's fun to bully the weak, right? So now that I'm bullying you, do you feel good about it?"

Zhang Zhishan did not dare to say a word.

"Why the hell am I asking you if you feel good?"

"Ah! no no, please forgive me, I really don't dare!"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Ma Haofeng on the side. The boy clenched his fists and looked like he wanted to beat Zhang Zhishan to the sun.

His eyes circled slightly and he said calmly.

"Ma Haofeng, right? Your talent is indeed good, and the way of swordsmanship is also interesting. It's not a problem to work hard to become a registered disciple of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect."

"Let me ask you, do you really want to kill him?"

Ma Haofeng didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to ask this, but he immediately nodded affirmatively.

"Yes, he is bloody, because he oppressed your Ma family. From your point of view, he really deserves to die."

"But for someone like me who came here to be a peacemaker, it would be easy to kill him, but what's the point?"

"You can ask me to help you once or twice, but can you ask me to help you for the rest of your life?"

"You have to deal with your own affairs by yourself. I can kill him easily. Even destroying the Zhang family is just a matter of swordsmanship, but it's boring to do so."

"Since you want to become a sword cultivator, you must have a determined heart."

"I'll give you a chance. I'll seal his cultivation to be like yours, and you two will fight. Do you dare or not?"

Jiang Xiaobai's words rang in Ma Haofeng's ears like bells.

It makes sense, and is also a cruel reality!

Only when you are strong can you be truly strong!

Ma Haofeng knew that Jiang Xiaobai was helping him.


He gritted his teeth and a long sword appeared in his hand: "Come here, I'm not afraid of him!"

Zhang Zhishan on the other side can't understand. What do you mean?

At the same time, I felt a little happy.

He is a True Immortal, so no matter how much he suppresses his realm, the foundation of the True Immortal is always there.

But before Zhang Zhishan could finish his excitement, Jiang Xiaobai threw a pill down: "Eat it, and your cultivation will reach the early stage of transcending tribulation."

"Yes! Thank you to the Immortal for giving me this opportunity to change my ways. I will definitely take advantage of it. Don't worry, nephew, I will never hurt you in the slightest. It's all between you and me!"

Zhang Zhishan didn't think much and swallowed the pill on the spot.

Then his expression changed drastically.

His cultivation is slipping!

The Dantian shrinks, the meridians twitch, and the immortal power dissipates one by one, eventually turning into spiritual power!

Did this pill really make his cultivation regress?

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Zhishan has directly reached the early stage of transcending the tribulation, no more, no less!

"This...impossible, how could this happen? What about my cultivation, my cultivation?"

Zhang Zhishan roared madly: "Ah, bastard, what did you do to me? How could this happen?"

When everyone saw Zhang Zhishan, they were also frightened!

The consequences are too tragic!

Where is the realm of suppression?

It's obviously a step backwards!

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