Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 890 Immortal Alliance Suzaku

Chapter 890 Immortal Alliance Suzaku!

What happened to the Ma family was unexpected.

While they were having a banquet here, the Ma family was supposed to testify with the Mad Tiger Sect and get some proof for Jiang Xiaobai to take back.

Something happened?

Jiang Xiaobai's first thought was that someone in the Zhang family was causing trouble, but thinking about it, the Zhang family wouldn't have the guts!

Zhang Zhishan, the leader of the Zhang family, is dead. Who among their remaining stragglers dares to do this?

He was so busy fighting for the position of head of the Zhang family that he had no time.

When Jiang Xiaobai came to Ma's house and saw the situation here, he frowned.

"So cruel, you killed them all?"

Qiong Yu couldn't help but take a breath when she saw such a miserable appearance.

Hundreds of people in the entire Ma family are all dead!

The death was extremely miserable!

Among them, the corpse of Manoqi, the head of the Ma family, was prominently listed.

He died the most miserably, his arms were missing, his legs were torn apart, his stomach was torn open and his internal organs were scattered everywhere.

The expression on his face was extremely horrified, as if he had seen something horrific.

And it seemed that Manoqi's injuries were caused in an instant.

"There are lacerated wounds here and here. There are tooth marks on the neck. They are the teeth marks of ferocious beasts. They cannot be man-made."

Qiong Yu took one look and analyzed: "Could it be that a ferocious beast killed everyone in the Ma family?"

"His storage ring is missing."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Manoqi's ring finger with the storage ring.

At this point the entire ring finger is gone!

Judging from the wound, it was broken by a bite.

Generally speaking, if it is man-made, the storage ring will be taken away, and there is no need to do so if there is no deep hatred.

"Wait, storage ring?"

"For that bead?"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, with a sneer on his face: "It's interesting, I got into trouble. This is a matter of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect."

He was now even wondering if someone was deliberately causing trouble and disguising the scene here as traces of evil beasts.

After all, such a method can be achieved with some brutal methods.

"Have you seen Ma Haofeng's body?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the people from the Mad Tiger Sect.

"Reporting to the Immortal, I didn't see it, but we just saw blood running towards the east, and the footprints on the ground..."

The man said with a look of horror on his face.

Jiang Xiaobai rushed over and took a look. Good guy, these were not human footprints at all, but claw marks.

"Is there no doubt about the ferocious beast?"

Qiong Yu raised her eyebrows: "But it's possible to pretend, and there's no trace of the ferocious beast remaining in any location."

She also found out the clues. Besides, if the ferocious beast took action, what would it do with the storage ring?

"Follow me and have a look."

Jiang Xiaobai pointed in the direction of the blood and said calmly.

The two followed along and soon saw Ma Haofeng, who was covered in blood. The guy was hiding in a crevice in the stone. There were horrific claw marks everywhere on the edge of the stone crevice.

This can't help but make Jiang Xiaobai wonder, what on earth is it?

"Still alive."

Qiong Yu checked it out, and then Jiang Xiaobai fed him a pill.

Soon Ma Haofeng woke up leisurely, and then he became excited instantly, gritting his teeth and stood up to fight.

But when he saw it was Jiang Xiaobai, he knelt on the ground.

"Exalted Immortal, please ask Immortal to avenge my Ma family! I am willing to work as a cow or a horse for the Immortal for the rest of my life. Please, Immortal, hundreds of members of our Ma family are all dead!"

Ma Haofeng burst into tears before telling the two of them the true image.

It turned out that not long after Jiang Xiaobai left, a group of humanoid monsters with white skin and black hard armor on their heads rushed in.

They have two pairs of hands!

With sharp claws, terrifying strength, and endless cruelty, he rushed into Ma's house and started killing.

Mao Haofeng escaped only under the protection of everyone in the Ma family.

But he was still chased by the monster. He hid in a crack in the rocks but couldn't get in, so he ran away immediately.

Only then did he feel lucky to survive.

"Shangxian, please, avenge my Ma family..."

After saying that, Ma Haofeng spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out on the spot.

Angry and heartbroken!

"What exactly is going on?"

Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head. What happened was that he came here to deal with the dispute, but it turned out that the Ma family was gone?

I'm afraid it will embarrass people if I tell you this!

"Let's go find those monsters!"

Jiang Xiaobai snorted coldly. He had always been the only one who cheated people. Unexpectedly, he was tricked by someone secretly today. There must be someone behind it.

The claw marks and footprints on the ground were obvious. Qiong Yu sent Ma Haofeng back first, while Jiang Xiaobai himself chased after him crazily.

Not long after, the two reunited and continued tracking.

Soon they came to the edge of a flat plateau, and in front of them, a dark crack appeared.

There were horrible claw marks everywhere around the crack.

Such a situation made both of them feel palpitated.

Just when they were about to go down to see the situation, a purple vortex suddenly appeared in the sky.

Hundreds of guys wearing red and black mysterious robes emerged from it.

The leader came to Du Jiang and Xiaobai.

"Who are you two? Leave quickly. Immortal Alliance Suzaku is doing things. Those who disobey will be killed without mercy!"

The man scolded.

Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and took out his Immortal Alliance Tianzi Number Genius Token.

The other party didn't expect this either, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai in surprise: "Are you the one who made a big splash in the water spirit world?"

"Well, senior, what is going on, and what is Suzaku?"

The man shook his head: "Although you have a high status in the Immortal League, you are not qualified to know such things, so please leave."

Just as he finished speaking, bursts of roars suddenly sounded from the cracks.

"No, captain,

"Damn, they're coming!"

"Do it, do it!"

Hundreds of monks were furious and all took action.

And they are all immortals!

The lowest is the true immortal, there are many earthly immortals, and there are also more than a dozen heavenly immortals!


Hundreds of people flew into the sky and formed a formation together. A fiery red red bird suddenly appeared in the sky.

With a cry, the Suzaku divine bird rushed into the crack, and instantly the huge crack turned into a sea of ​​red flames.

The screams could be heard endlessly.

At the same time, more than ten space passages were opened, and countless people came out of them. If you look closely, they are actually people from major forces?

Among them, Jiang Xiaobai also met Lin Zijin from the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect team!

"The situation is okay and under control."

An immortal said calmly: "Drive away the rest of the people, and the rest of the people, take action, and don't let any of them escape!"


Then the guy in front of Jiang Xiaobai smiled bitterly: "Don't make it difficult for me, just go by yourself."

Jiang Xiaobai also realized the seriousness of the matter, nodded and quickly evacuated with Qiong Yu, but they did not go far, just within the range where the other party could no longer drive away.

In the direction of the crack, screams continued to sound.

Just like the innocent souls in purgatory howling in pain!

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