Listening to such terrifying screams and howls, Jiang Xiaobai and his wife felt their heads buzzing.

What on earth is this?

Why did the Immortal Alliance appear?

Will the major forces also send people here?

It seems serious?

"Do you know what that is?" Qiong Yu looked at Jiang Xiaobai. Even though she was calm, she also had a look of horror on her face.

"I don't know, but it's certainly not simple."

Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes.

The battle on the edge of the crack lasted for a long time, and the screams continued.

Such a movement indeed alarmed many forces in this world, and they rushed to check, but they were all persuaded to go back by the people of the Immortal Alliance.

The stunned boy who didn't listen to the advice was naturally beaten.

It can be said that with such a level of secrecy, no one knows what exactly happened.

I don't know how much time passed before the screams ended. Jiang Xiaobai wanted to go forward to check and found that he was still blocked.

There was no choice but to continue waiting, and two full days passed like this.

Only those from the Immortal Alliance and other major powers can leave.

When Jiang Xiaobai and the two rushed over, they were all dumbfounded.

What about cracks?


This place has become extremely flat, and it is impossible to tell that there was a fierce battle here.

What’s even more frightening is that the bottomless crack before has completely disappeared!

"what's going on?"

Jiang Xiaobai wondered, if it weren't for the fact that the screams that day were still fresh in their ears, otherwise the two of them would have thought that their memories were confused.

"There's something fishy going on. Go back and ask about the situation."

The two immediately contacted the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect through the token, and the space passage opened. The two returned to the sect and went straight to Song Huonan's yard.

"I know what happened to you."

Song Huonan said calmly: "It's just a small problem. It's not something you True Immortal disciples can worry about. There's no point in telling you."

"You two are so lucky to encounter such a situation, but don't worry, nothing will happen. Just practice with peace of mind. You will know when the time comes."

"No one can escape this kind of thing."

Then the two of them were kicked out inexplicably.

The two sides looked at each other and ultimately did not continue exploring this matter.

After all, the situation is too special and no one knows what it is.

The delivery task was naturally passed, and thirty points were credited.

Jiang Xiaobai also found that this time he traveled three thousand worlds and gained millions of reputation points, which was pretty good!

After that, the two began to study the uses of points, and found that there are two biggest uses of points.

One is to enter the sharpening room, which can increase the speed of sword intent comprehension.

The second is to use points to redeem various resources within the sect, including fairy stones.

But what interests Jiang Xiaobai is that the best thing you can do with points is to go to another place!

Sword pool!

This is the most unique location of Jianzong, and it was the first area that Lin Zijin introduced to Jiang Xiaobai.

The entire sword pool is filled with long swords, of all grades, and many of them have been used by previous sect leaders, elders, and even ancestors!

The sword energy and intent inside exploded into the sky!

Among them, the understanding of the sword intention is the strongest, but only by letting people who have not condensed the sword intention to go there can it have a huge effect.

As for after condensing the sword's heart, it's time to go to the sharpening room!

Of course Jiang Xiaobai can go to the Divine Valley, but the grinding room has little effect on him, and he doesn't have a place like before.

What he wants to go to most is Jianchi!

It can be said that there are countless long swords piled up in the sword pool, and the sword intent and sword energy emanating from them is incomparable!

It was useless for others to concentrate their swords and go to that place, but Jiang Xiaobai was different.

This is cheating!

He has ten thousand sword hearts!

Now after merging with the King's Sword Heart, these two things actually produce wonderful effects. Jiang Xiaobai can increase the strength of his sword intention through other sword intentions!

Extremely exaggerated!

Entering Jianchi under such circumstances was simply Jiang Xiaobai's paradise.

Enter once and get two hundred points.

No limit on identity and no limit on times!

With such benefits, Jiang Xiaobai naturally couldn't miss it.

"No one will probably tell me about the weird monster thing, so don't worry about it. You'd better practice well on your own first!"

Jiang Xiaobai has already made plans for himself within two months.

Do the task and go to Sword Pond!

Eat enough at one time!

But Qiongyu is not like that. The sect points are of great help to her!

In the remaining time, Jiang Xiaobai and Qiong Yu began to do tasks frantically.

Start with the True Immortal level tasks first, and after completing a few tasks, you will be promoted to the Earth Immortal level.

The sect points are rewarded a lot and can be improved quickly.

After several days of mission experience, Jiang Xiaobai has perfectly integrated into the realm of true immortals.

You can definitely use your full strength!

He had the illusion that he was no longer so afraid of facing real immortals.

Is it possible to conquer the world with one strike of the divine killing sword?

On this day, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the more than 500 points he had accumulated with a smile on his lips.

Jianchi, I, Jiang, am here!

At that moment, he and Qiong Yu walked towards the sword pond to the north of Jian Zong.

This place is overcrowded every day, most of them are outer disciples who have not condensed their sword hearts, and it is rare to see inner disciples.

As for personal transmission, it is completely impossible to see it here.

If a direct disciple has not condensed his sword heart, if he tells it, others will probably laugh to death from the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect.

When Jiang Xiaobai appeared here wearing the sword robe of his direct disciple, the disciples around him looked at him as if they were seeing something rare.

Good guy, how could someone come here personally?

What shocked everyone even more was that Jiang Xiaobai spent two hundred sect points and actually walked into the sword pool!

All the disciples outside watched helplessly as Jiang Xiaobai walked into the sword pool.

Dead silence!

"Fuck, did I read that right?"

"You're really right, that's indeed a personal biography!"

"Is there any question? How did a direct descendant become a direct descendant without Kenshin?"

"Who told you that direct descendants cannot enter it, what if someone has special circumstances?"

But everyone didn't believe it.

After all, it is almost universally recognized by the entire Purgatory Divine Sword Sect.

The Sword Pond is most suitable for people without Sword Heart to enter. Entering with Sword Heart is just a waste of points and time.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't care what people outside thought. The moment he walked into the sword pool, his eyes lit up!

Because the Forcing King Sword Heart in his body, under the urging of Wandao Sword Heart, actively began to absorb the surrounding sword energy and sword intent!

Good guy, he doesn't have to do anything, he can just stand like this.

The sword intention was invisibly forced by Wang Jianxin to gather it, and Jiang Xiaobai just watched the changes in his sword heart.

He discovered that King Jianxin was really awesome!

It actually assimilated all the other absorbed sword intentions into the quality of the King's sword heart!

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