Jiang Xiaobai showed off his sword power without any ink.

Good guy, Qiao Nanheng was dumbfounded the moment he showed it.

Damn it?

Is there anyone in the world who is so shameless and dares to condense such a sword heart?

"Your sword heart is a bit unique, isn't it?"

Qiao Nanheng's mouth twitched.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled coquettishly: "It's just a trivial matter..."

"Sure enough, you are not a good person, no matter how hard you gather your sword heart."

Qiao Nanheng smiled helplessly: "But the intensity of your sword intention is indeed a bit shocking. At the mere sword heart stage, the intensity of the sword intention is comparable to the real sword realm?"

"how did you do that?"

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and felt that he still couldn't talk about having two sword hearts and merging them.

He just gave a random reason: "My sword heart is unique and can absorb sword intent!"


Qiao Nanheng's eyes lit up: "So...boy, try and see if you can absorb this!"

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying aura erupted from Qiao Nanheng's body. Such a feeling made Jiang Xiaobai feel as if he was facing the rules of the world!

It seems that in this world, Qiao Nanheng is the unique king!

He had dared to suffer such a situation from Song Huonan before!

"Sect Master, what kind of realm is this..."

"This is called a domain! It's unique to heavenly beings, and we, the sword cultivators, are even better. We can combine the sword's will with the domain!"

Qiao Nanheng smiled lightly and said: "This is another situation, but let's not talk about it. Let's try to see if your sword heart can absorb such power."

Jiang Xiaobai tried it, hissed, and suddenly took a breath of cold air!


Because there is a fusion of sword intent in this field, Jiang Xiaobai found that he could really absorb it.

But the speed is slow. Compared with absorbing the sword intent in the sword pool, this speed can be called a snail's crawl.

Qiao Nanheng knew it was feasible when he saw Jiang Xiaobai's look.

Suddenly, I was shocked and looked at him like a monster.

"You guys... are so interesting. Do you know how terrifying it would be to become an immortal with your abilities?"

"You can completely condense this characteristic into your own domain! Once the domain comes out, the opponent's domain will have no effect at all in your domain because it has been absorbed by you!"

After being reminded like this, Jiang Xiaobai reacted instantly.

This is awesome!

"Well, after all, this is a matter for immortals, and not every immortal can understand such a field."

"There's no point in going into detail with you, lest you be too ambitious. Your task at the moment is to practice hard, improve your realm, and improve your strength."

After Qiao Nanheng finished speaking, he paused for two seconds: "In this way, you can continue to go to Jianchi, but you can only go twice a month. How about I plan a special time for you?"

"But, one time points, it costs 500 points!"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, this is absolutely no problem!

But he immediately thought of one person - Tang Yuanhua!

"Wait a minute, Sect Master, I want to ask, is it true that immortals may not necessarily be able to condense domains?"

Qiao Nanheng nodded: "That's true. Why do you ask?"

"I met an immortal. He didn't have such means, so I was a little curious... But that person doesn't seem to be an immortal. He has lived for tens of thousands of years!"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and said: "But the strange thing is that when I saw him in person, his aura was indeed that of an immortal. Can an immortal have such a lifespan?"

As soon as he said this, Qiao Nanheng raised his eyebrows: "Celestial beings can naturally prolong life. Many pills and even treasures can do this, but if you want to live for such a long time..."

"The only possibility is that he was once a golden immortal!"

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned: "Was it once? Can the Golden Immortal realm still fall?"

"Naturally, it can cause injuries, some serious injuries, and even mistakes in your own cultivation."

Qiao Nanheng sighed: "Once upon a time, our Purgatory Divine Sword Sect had a super genius who was in the Golden Immortal realm and had an infinite lifespan. But as a result, he got a Dao injury because of something that happened."

"Then I got unlucky. I slipped and became a true immortal. Three years later, I couldn't stand the humiliation and drew my sword to kill myself..."

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but nodded thoughtfully. It seemed that Tang Yuanhua was not easy.

"But the current Golden Immortal may not be able to live forever..."

Suddenly, Qiao Nanheng said calmly: "It seems that the rules of heaven and earth do not allow this, unless you break through the wall and enter the immortal world."

"Well, why am I telling you this? You can practice it yourself... Remember, you are not allowed to enter the sword pool randomly during normal times. When you collect enough points, you will tell me. In addition, you are not allowed to enter this month!"

After saying that, Qiao Nanheng left.

Jiang Xiaobai was sitting in his yard, frowning, thinking about Tang Yuanhua's affairs.

This man is not simple.

Once a golden immortal...so what happened to become a heavenly immortal?

It seemed that the world was becoming more complicated now. When Jiang Xiaobai came to Shangsanqian, he realized that the Golden Immortal was already the ceiling.

I have never seen it before, or even heard of it!

So what do Gu Ning and others count?

The Gu Ning, Bai He and even the emperor he knew just appeared were definitely not as strong as the Golden Immortal.

"Hey, is it difficult to say that Gu Ning also came out of that secret realm?"

Just when Jiang Xiaobai was stunned, Qiong Yu suddenly walked into the yard.

She always had a calm look on her face, as if nothing could make her fluctuate.

"Song Xue is looking for you."

"What does she want from me?"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, and then he saw Song Xue and two women walking in.

All three of them are in the realm of immortals.

"Xiao Bai, there is a mission this time. It is not very difficult. It is the peak level of the late Earth Immortal. It is a team mission. Do you want to play together?"

Song Xue smiled at Jiang Xiaobai.

This was the first time the two met since the last misunderstanding.

However, Song Xue at this time was different from what Jiang Xiaobai knew. Isn't this woman extremely cold? Why is she smiling?

"Is this the little junior brother who taught me that he didn't do anything to you because he couldn't do it?"

"Wow, he's so handsome. If you don't want him, Song Xue, why don't you give him to me?"

The two women who followed Song Xue chirped.

Song Xue pouted: "What nonsense are you talking about? Everyone has a wife!"

"Hiss, is this his wife?" The two pointed at Qiong Yu.

Silence fell in the small courtyard.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know how to explain it for a while!

After all, a man and a woman are alone in a courtyard...

"Ahem, don't talk about that. Senior Sister Song Xue, what is the mission and where are you going?"

"Star Dust, a caravan is trapped, let's go and rescue it."

Song Xue chuckled and said: "Originally, I couldn't let you come on such a mission, but thinking that you are quite capable, I will take you to see the world. What do you think? Are you interested?"


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