Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but become curious.

What exactly does this woman mean?

Don't you think there isn't enough talk about the two of them in the sect now?

"It's just a matter of words whether I'm going or not, and I'm just whining like a bitch."

Song Xue said angrily: "Hurry up, time is tight, the caravan can't hold it for long."

"Senior sister, just because of this, you want me to follow you to see the world?"

Jiang Xiaobai was curious.

"Otherwise, would I still have any intentions towards you?"

"And this mission has 150 points, which everyone in the team can have. For you, these sect points are all for nothing!"

Jiang Xiaobai thought about it and realized that this was also the case.

Qiao Nanheng said before that it takes 500 points to enter the sword pool.


Jiang Xiaobai agreed immediately, and at the same time, he also remembered that Yuan Chongwei and Jiang Yu had also gone to Dust Star before.

Maybe we can meet him.

Jiang Xiaobai wanted to go, so naturally he had to take Qiong Yu with him. This kind of free points is not worth it.

A group of five people determined their team. After accepting the mission, they immediately used the space channel opened by the elder to rush to the Dust Star.

At the same time, in the dust star.

Three guys with bandages all over their bodies were sneaking together.

"Brother, what are you going to do this time?"

"How do I know? Damn it, I shouldn't have listened to that caravan in the first place. It's such a scam to not protect anyone."

"That's right, brother. I feel like that guy is even more deceitful than Jiang Xiaobai. It's better now. We are all trapped here, how can we get out, brother?"

At this time, Huda thought for a while.

"Auspicious people have their own destiny."

"Damn, big brother is so awesome, he can actually speak idioms!"


The second child immediately slapped the third child on the head.

"What an idiom? An idiom has four characters. It's a idiom!"

"Really, that big brother is also very powerful."

"That's right, big brother is mighty!"

At this time, the three of them are in the realm of true immortals!

Who knows how they cultivated so fast!

At the same time, in another place on Dust Star, Gu Wanqing was going crazy!

Those three eldest nephews ran away without even noticing!

I couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

"Damn it, if I had known better, I wouldn't have come to this ghost place to accept the inheritance. Ancestor, why did you put the inheritance in such a remote place? It's still worth three thousand people. Isn't this a lie?"

Gu Wanqing wanted to cry but had no tears.

There was no choice but to continue searching for the three careless nephews.

Jiang Xiaobai and the other five descended on the Dust Star, and he was immediately stunned.

Hiss, why is the environment here so similar to the moon?

There are craters everywhere, gray dust everywhere, and when you look up, you can see the endless black sky.

If it weren't for the fact that this area was countless times larger than the moon, Jiang Xiaobai would really have thought that he had traveled back in time.

"According to the last location they sent for help, it was two hundred miles ahead. Walk over and have a look."

Song Xue led the team, and the five people hurried to that location.

Arriving at the place where the last message was sent, everyone fell silent.

"Senior Sister Song Xue, are you sure they are still alive?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the corpses everywhere and fell into deep thought.

There were at least seven to eight hundred corpses here, and the surroundings were in a mess. There must have been a war.

How many people can a caravan have?

Isn't this a dead end?

"Even if they are all dead, we still have to find their bodies, but if you look at the traces over there, they should be fine."

Song Xue pointed not far ahead. The marks there looked like they were caused by someone running and fighting.

The five people became alert for a moment and followed the trail cautiously forward.

Soon we came to the edge of a huge crater.

This crater is several thousand meters high and tens of thousands of miles wide.

There are many corpses scattered around here, dressed in various clothes, and you can even see the corpses of people from the Immortal Alliance.

"What happened here? Why are all the people in the Immortal Alliance dead?"

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, this thing was weird!

Song Xue also frowned and released her spiritual thoughts to check her surroundings.

"There's someone over there, go and ask."

Song Xue found someone in the crater and rushed over.

Sure enough, he saw five guys searching around for something. At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai also discovered that the situation in the crater was unique, and a huge ruin was destroyed in it.

When the five people saw Jiang Xiaobai and the others, they were extremely vigilant and stared at them.

At this time, a senior sister in Jiang Xiaobai's team said slowly: "Dust Star belongs to the trial battle star. It is a no-nonsense zone. These people are all desperadoes and are very difficult to deal with."

"Be careful."

Jiang Xiaobai analyzed the situation and looked at the five people.

Five earthly immortals!

Their strength is nothing compared to theirs, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Everyone, why are you here like this?" At this time, the leader of the other party spoke.

"Let me ask you, what happened here before? Have you ever seen a caravan being chased?"

Song Xue said calmly.

"Haha, to be honest, we are here to find that caravan, so are you?"

"Oh? What are you doing with the caravan?"

Song Xue was stunned, she actually encountered an enemy?

"You don't know? Why are you here if you don't know?" The leader smiled lightly: "You don't want a share of everything, do you?"


Song Xue snorted coldly, and the immortal aura erupted from her body, covering all the five people in front of her.

The other two senior sisters were also ready to take action.

The faces of the five people suddenly looked ugly: "We are from the Tiandi Pavilion. In the world of Dust Star, it is best not to mess around."

"I'm just asking, I don't want to do anything to you."

Song Xue sneered: "Speak clearly, otherwise, regardless of whether you are a Tiandi Pavilion or something else, the end will not be good."

Being threatened like this, the five people in Tiandi Pavilion were very unhappy.

But the situation is unforgiving!

"It's nothing. They took something that didn't belong to them. We were just ordered to recover it."

"What was the situation like in the previous battle over there?"

The people from Tiandi Pavilion smiled easily: "What else could it be? Several forces came together to grab things and had a fight."

"By the way, what exactly are you going to do?"

Song Xue remained silent and kept analyzing the situation in her mind.

In the end, she did not take action against the five people, but left with Jiang Xiaobai and others towards the ruins further away.

"Senior sister, what's going on?" Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously.

"Tiandi Pavilion is one of the most powerful forces in Dust Star. There are several golden immortals sitting in charge, so they are not easy to mess with."

"Let's find someone slowly first, and we'll talk about other things on the way."

Song Xue rubbed her eyebrows, feeling that things had become very complicated.

What can a caravan take away?

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt something and looked in one direction.

Although there is nothing there.

However, Jiang Xiaobai always felt that someone was staring at him just now!


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