Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 895 I can’t get rid of this

Chapter 895 Can’t get rid of this?

"Strange, there's no one there."

Jiang Xiaobai looked over and frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

The feeling of being stared at is unpleasant.

"What's wrong, Xiaobai?" Song Xue turned around and asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I guess I made a mistake."

Jiang Xiaobai said calmly: "Senior sister, do you know the characteristics of that caravan?"

As soon as these words came out, the five people were stunned.

"Hiss, it seems that this is not written in the sect's mission details!"

"Then who should we look for?"

"Well, let's look for it."

In a corner of the ruins on the other side, Hu Da rubbed his eyes.

"Second, second, third, look, is that Jiang Xiaobai?"

"Damn it, brother, it seems like he is really a scammer!"

The three of them gathered together, their expressions gradually changing from solemn to excited.

"Brother can run out this time. Jiang Xiaobai is very smart and very clever. Let's ask him for help!"

Hu Er suggested.

Hu Da frowned: "What if he is our enemy?"

"That is also the enemy of the caravan and has nothing to do with us."

"Third brother, you seem to be a lot smarter recently."

"That's necessary. Our three brothers have all reached the realm of true immortals, but they have received the inheritance from our ancestors!"

It has to be said that the IQs of the three people who became true immortals are indeed much higher than before.

You can even say that Ji people have their own destiny!

"How about we give it a try?"


"Brother is so wise!"

"Will you die if you keep your voice down?"

Jiang Xiaobai and the other five were flying in the mid-air of the ruins, searching for traces around them.

But he always felt weird.

Vaguely, I seemed to hear some familiar voice, with a sense of stupidity.

"That's weird, am I too nervous?"

Jiang Xiaobai was wondering.

Suddenly, a familiar feeling came over him, and he suddenly dodged towards his side.

Then a hand appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Hu Da was stunned.

"Jiang Xiaobai, why are you hiding so quickly?"

Jiang Xiaobai was also shocked: "You scared me to death. Do I have a fate with guys like you?"

"Can't you get rid of this?"

Now Jiang Xiaobai felt that everything could be explained.

I felt someone looking at me before, and heard a familiar voice again.

Needless to say, it’s these three brothers!

"Hey, long time no see, Jiang Xiaobai!"

"Just, how have you been lately?"

"I'm telling you, our sister-in-law misses you so much. She talked about you all day long."

The three brothers gathered together and said to Jiang Xiaobai with a smile.

Song Xue and others were also frightened by the sudden appearance of the three people.

When did you come here? Why don't you feel anything?

"Junior Brother Xiaobai, these three are..." A senior sister said in a daze.

"Oh, we used to be friends who were both enemies and friends."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said: "Why are you three here, and why have you become true immortals again? What have you done?"

"Does your cultivation talent need to be so strong?"

Now Jiang Xiaobai really has an illusion that these three brothers are not the protagonists, right?

The cultivation speed is so fast!

"Hey, we are special, that's what my sister-in-law said."

Hu Da scratched his head.

When Jiang Xiaobai heard this, he raised his eyebrows and looked at the three of them with his chin in his hand.

"Has the seal on your three intelligences been lifted?"

"Absolutely. The race now has almost no such shackles."

Hu Da said and hugged Jiang Xiaobai's shoulders: "How about it, the three of us are strong, right?"

"Well, it's very strong. It's in exchange for IQ."


Then Jiang Xiaobai naturally became curious about why the three of them appeared here.

As a result, I heard that the three brothers came here with their sister-in-law Gu Wanqing to receive the inheritance.

After the inheritance was over, they came out, but my sister-in-law did not come out!

The three of them wandered around out of boredom and met a caravan. The caravan asked them to be bodyguards. The three of them really agreed. Then they were hunted down and trapped in the ruins.

This time Jiang Xiaobai and the other five were happy, the caravan had been found!

"But why are you trapped in the ruins? There are indeed people searching for you around here, but not many. Why don't you just rush out?" Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows.

"Somehow, we were able to leave, but the captain of the caravan couldn't leave!"

Hu Da hurriedly said: "There seems to be a barrier around this ruins. Everyone can leave but he can't. He can't get out."

"This is no problem, I can solve it!"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and said, "Then why are you being hunted down? Do you know?"

"I don't know, but I can take you to the caravan and ask."

Anyway, both sides understood clearly, and the three brothers knew that Jiang Xiaobai and the others were here to help.

Immediately, he led them through the ruins, and soon found the caravan with more than ten people left.

"A master of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect?"

The captain of the caravan was a short, fat man with a cunning look on his face.

He looked at these five people and saw that four of them were super beauties, with the kind of look on their faces that every man would understand.

But when he found out that Jiang Xiaobai and Qiong Yu were at the True Immortal level, he frowned.

"I gave you Purgatory Divine Sword Sect so much money and so many benefits, just to ask you to call super masters to come and help. What happened to these two true immortals?"

"Are you fooling me? Believe it or not, I won't give you any money!"

The five people did not hesitate about this. Song Xue stepped forward and said: "You don't have to worry about this. Since we dare to come, we can guarantee your safety."

"Don't say much, it's best to get out of here."

The captain said hurriedly: "No, I can't get out! I can't leave this ghost place no matter how hard I try!"

"I have a way to take you away."

Jiang Xiaobai said calmly, and at the same time a world rough stone appeared in his hand: "Tell me the world you are going to..."

"Don't be stupid, this world cannot use the World Stone."


"Nonsense, otherwise if something happened we would have used the world's original stone to leave. Do we still need you?"

The fat captain Yang Cheng sneered: "Dust Star is different from other worlds. The rules are imperfect, so it is a no-nonsense zone. Only the immortals can forcefully break the world barrier or pass through the teleportation array in the central area to leave."

"It's just that I can't leave this ruins. You should quickly find a way to take me away. This money cannot be spent in vain!"

Jiang Xiaobai was at his wits' end all of a sudden.

He has already used the system's teleportation opportunity before, but it is still cooling down and there are still seven days before he can use it.

Just when he was about to say that he would try again in seven days, suddenly a storage ring slowly rose up in Yang Cheng's arms.

Seeing this, Yang Cheng was frightened and hurriedly caught him, but he also took him online with him.

No matter what kind of power he uses, he just can't change everything!

Everyone was stunned.

What's happening here!

"There they are!"

Suddenly, Yang Cheng, who was rising into the air, was seen by the searchers.

Suddenly the entire ruins boiled!

After hearing the news, all the people searching rushed over here!


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