Chapter 896 What is it?

In an instant, at least thirty figures rushed over quickly.

Song Xue frowned, her face solemn.

"Fight, Xiaobai, don't worry about it for now, let me study what happened to the storage ring in that guy's hand, and protect him at the same time!"

As soon as the words fell, the four women turned into a sword light and rushed towards the enemy.

Killing those real immortals and earthly immortals is like chopping melons and vegetables.


Jiang Xiaobai also flew into the air, holding his arms with both hands, looking at Yang Cheng amusedly.

He held on to the storage ring tightly and refused to let go, even if he was being carried upwards.

"What are you looking at? If you're not grateful for the help, I spent so much money to have you disciples of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect come over and just look at me?"

Yang Cheng roared: "Hurry and help!"

"Tell me what's inside. And why are you being hunted?"

"Do you want to ask more questions? This is not something you should know!"

"Oh, you don't care about the people in the Immortal Alliance?"

The reason why he said this was because a void passage had appeared in mid-air, and the Immortal Alliance Suzaku appeared again!

Coincidentally, Jiang Xiaobai had met the leader before.

"Immortal Alliance? can they come back?"

Yang Cheng seemed very nervous when he saw the people from the Immortal Alliance, but the people from the Immortal Alliance Suzaku seemed to be heading straight for Yang Cheng!

"It's in the storage ring!"

"Set up formation, block!"

When the people headed by Suzaku saw this, they immediately yelled.

In an instant, hundreds of people formed a formation in mid-air, and the terrifying Suzaku bird appeared in the sky again.

Yang Cheng almost peeed when he saw this. The power of that formation was comparable to that of the Golden Immortal!

He thought Suzaku was planning to deal with him!

But the next second, the Suzaku divine bird hovering in mid-air suddenly rushed into the sky and exploded in the endless black starry sky.

The flames are raging!

The storage ring stopped rising for an instant, and Yang Cheng also fell to the ground.

At the same time, Suzaku's team leader placed his hand in front of Yang Cheng.

"Hand over the things."

"If I don't, why would you hand it over to me? How dare you, the Immortal Alliance, steal things by force?"

Yang Cheng shouted desperately, but refused to hand over the things to the squad leader.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but be curious when he saw this.

What the hell is this?

At the same time, everyone around was shocked by such a scene, and the fighting stopped.

Song Xue and the others flew back to their side, protecting Yang Cheng in the middle.

When Song Xue saw the person who was Zhuque, she couldn't help but frown: "Xianmeng Zhuque? What are you doing?"

The leader, Wei Changqing, frowned.

"Song Xue, the Sword Sect's personal successor? This matter has nothing to do with you. Don't meddle in other people's business. If something on this person's body is in danger, we, the Immortal Alliance Suzaku, will destroy it temporarily!"


When Yang Cheng heard this, his voice became extremely sharp: "Impossible, I paid for this with my life. I can't let your Immortal Alliance be destroyed. If you dare, kill me!"


The moment Yang Cheng finished speaking, hundreds of people from the Immortal Alliance Suzaku drew out the long knives from their waists at the same time!

The aura emanating from hundreds of immortals is suffocating!

It's like a big mountain weighing on everyone's heart.

Song Xue never expected that the Immortal Alliance Suzaku could be so ruthless. If Yang Cheng really didn't give it, the other party would really take action!

"If you have something to say, let's talk about it. What's going on?"

Song Xue hurriedly tried to persuade her: "Yang Cheng, give them your things, otherwise no one can save your life!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. I can't just give you what I risked my life for."

Yang Cheng gritted his teeth, his eyes were scarlet, and he looked crazy.

This man is really crazy!

Want something rather than your life?

Jiang Xiaobai watched from the side and kept shaking his head. This man's words and deeds were really a bit obsessed.

Team leader Wei Changqing didn't want to waste time at all and nodded slightly to the people around him.

At that moment, five immortals stood up directly.

"Everyone from the Sword Sect, don't make things difficult for me and others, get out of the way!"

Wei Changqing snorted coldly.

Song Xue was at a loss: "Can you tell us what exactly happened?"

"Don't ask too much about things you shouldn't know. I'll give you three breaths. If you don't leave, we'll take action."

This time Jiang Xiaobai directly pulled Song Xue back!

This is no joke!

When he first met the Immortal Alliance Suzaku in that Middle Three Thousand World, the other party was very aggressive and said he would take action.

Jiang Xiaobai would not suspect that they were just showing off. The words "Xianmeng Zhuque" were obviously very special.

It seems that under any circumstances, if someone stops them from doing something, they will be killed directly, no matter who it is!

Song Xue and others were also a little stunned, but she had also heard of the name of the Immortal Alliance Suzaku.

It's not something they can fight against.

There is no reason to fight with the other party, because once you fight, you will be the one who suffers even if you win!

This involves an extremely secretive matter.

Song Xue only knew a little bit about it, but she didn't know the details at all.

"What, I paid you to protect me, and you just left like this?"

Yang Cheng looked at the five of them in disbelief. At the same time, the special red long knife in Wei Changqing's hand was already placed on Yang Cheng's neck.

"Last chance, give me something or die!"


Yang Cheng fell into a crazy tangle, to give or not to give?

At this moment, the earth suddenly shook!

The space in front of them gradually distorted, and a terrifying claw descended from the distorted space!

He suddenly took action, and his target was the stunned Yang Cheng!

"How dare you, evil beast?"

Wei Changqing roared angrily, aimed his long knife at the huge claw and slashed at it.

The force is like a broken bamboo, as if it is going to be cut off with a single knife!

At the same time, hundreds of Suzaku people at the rear also took action to attack the giant claw!


The attacks from both sides collided in the air, and the powerful aftermath was like a collision between golden immortals. Jiang Xiaobai and others flew out instantly!

The ruins in this crater were directly turned into fly ash!

The whole place shook, and the entire Dust Star was already alarmed by such movement.

All forces are rushing here with all their strength!

The first one to arrive was a golden immortal man, wearing a five-clawed golden dragon robe, with majesty between his brows!


The man raised his eyebrows, and then he saw the huge claws that were about to attack again, and his expression suddenly changed with shock.

"You are so presumptuous that you dare to cause trouble in my dust star, go back!"

The man in the dragon robe scolded, and a terrifying aura descended.

It was just a scolding, as if the whole world was helping him, and the rules of heaven and earth suppressed the huge claw in an instant!

Only a loud bang was heard!

The twisted space disappeared, and a claw the size of a small house fell to the ground.

The moment it fell, Jiang Xiaobai saw the thing corroding the surrounding ground at a terrifying speed!

What on earth is this! ?

At this moment, a space crack suddenly appeared in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a scalp-numbing howl sounded!

The next second, countless black humanoid monsters descended from it and rushed towards all the human monks present!


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