Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 897 An unexpected fierce war

Chapter 897 Accident, fierce war!

These monsters have a disgusting head with a huge mouth, which is densely packed with sharp teeth!

It also has four arms and four claws, and is extremely ferocious!

The moment Jiang Xiaobai saw this thing, he thought of the Ma family!

Isn't this the monster that Ma Haofeng was talking about at the beginning?

"Son of a bitch! How dare you come to my dust star to act so recklessly?"

The majestic man in the dragon robe angrily shouted: "Where are the guards of heaven and earth?"

A roar resounded through the sky, and the whole world could hear it!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Xiaobai saw countless golden lights appearing from all directions, all of them were powerful immortals wearing golden armor and holding golden spears!

Hundreds of people!

The moment they arrived, they rushed towards those monsters!

The spear swept across, carrying the power of breaking mountains and rivers. With one shot, all the monsters in front of it turned into minced meat and scattered on the ground!

At the same time, the Immortal Alliance Suzaku had also rushed to the edge of the crack in space, desperately trying to stop the monster coming out of it.


Wei Changqing let out a roar, and the sacred bird Zhuque appeared in the sky again.

The divine bird roared angrily, and the flames almost engulfed the sky!

Wherever the extremely terrifying red flames pass, all monsters that are touched start to react naturally!

The scene was extremely spectacular, and there were endless screams in the sea of ​​fire.

In this way, it is truly like purgatory!

Jiang Xiaobai and others were stunned by the scene in front of them!

He didn't even expect that such a thing would happen!

Not only that, there are strong men coming from all directions, and it seems that they have a tacit understanding that they don't need to speak.

Come and attack the monster directly.

In the sky, seven or eight space channels have been opened.

Masters from various forces poured out from it, exactly the same as in the Three Thousand Worlds!

Lin Zijin is among them!

"Evacuate the people over there, and get out of here under the Earth Immortal!"

Wei Changqing scolded angrily.

Then he waved the long knife in his hand in the air, and suddenly a burst of flames burst into the sky, hitting the crack where the monster was.

The monster is almost visibly annihilated.

But the scary thing is that there is a steady stream of monsters coming out of that place, roaring and rushing towards the surrounding monks!

There are so many of them, they are overwhelming like ocean waves.

At this time, the entire Dust Star seemed to be shrouded in the flames of war, and nothing could be seen in the sky, either flames flying or various other messy martial arts.

Blocking out the sky and the sun, the scene is quite spectacular!

What the hell, this is war!

Jiang Xiaobai saw the war between monks for the first time...

No, it shouldn’t be said to be from monks, but from the spiritual world.

There have been many life-and-death escapes, many melees, and big battles before, but in the face of such a scene, it was nothing.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but sigh that his previous appearance was as valuable as a child's play house!

For a moment, his blood boiled with excitement.

I really want to rush forward and chop it!

"What the hell are you doing standing there? Why don't you get out of here? You can't get involved here!"

When an immortal saw Jiang Xiaobai and the others still refusing to leave, he immediately scolded them angrily.

At the same time, I don’t know if they notified other reinforcements or what happened, more and more space channels and space cracks appeared in the sky.

Countless masters emerged from it!

They were all super masters, and there were even many forces that Jiang Xiaobai had never seen before!

There are mostly heavenly immortals, followed by earthly immortals, but there are no true immortals!

not a single one!

Jiang Xiaobai was frightened when he saw such a scene. He knew that this was no longer something he could participate in.

None of them are qualified!

Including Song Xue!

Song Xue seemed to be an immortal and extremely powerful, but to Jiang Xiaobai, she was just an embroidered pillow.

How should I put it, compared to Lin Zijin, Song Xue had less murderous intent.

That kind of killing method trained in real combat.

In the ring battle, Lin Zijin may not be Song Xue's opponent, but in such a scene, Jiang Xiaobai believed that Lin Zijin had tens of thousands of ways to kill Song Xue.

"Stop looking, hurry up and get out of here!"

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly shouted to everyone.

Everyone also reacted from such shock, turned around and ran away.

Before leaving, Jiang Xiaobai turned his head again and took a deep look at the battle scene.

Now the number of weird monsters is increasing. Although the monks seem to be able to kill dogs as easily, there are too many after all!

The battlefield is gradually expanding.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and he and everyone else quickly fled from here.

It didn't take long to leave the place of right and wrong. Although the surroundings were quiet, looking in the direction of the battlefield, one could still see the flames rising into the sky.

"It seems that the strength of the Immortal Alliance Suzaku is even better?"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows.

"Suzaku's strength is at the bottom."

Suddenly, Song Xue said: "You may not know this, but among the Immortal Alliance, there are Green Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku Xuanwu, and Suzaku is at the bottom, and has the smallest number."

"Is there a more impressive team from the Co-authored Immortal Alliance that hasn't shown up yet? Then wouldn't it be easy to just ask the talented team to come over?"

Jiang Xiaobai said in a daze.

"They have things they need to do that are more important than this."

Song Xue Nannan said: "Okay, this matter is no longer something we can know. We are not qualified enough, not even me, so just forget it."

"Think of a way to get out of here first."

Everyone was about to leave when they were suddenly startled.

Always feel like something is missing?

"Fuck me, where is Yang Cheng?"

When Jiang Xiaobai reacted, his eyes almost fell out of shock.

The purpose of their visit this time was to take Yang Cheng away safely, but now you tell me that he is missing?

"They must still be in the center of the battlefield. If I remember correctly, the place where those monsters appeared was just above Yang Cheng."

Qiong Yu said calmly, without any emotion.

It seemed that whether Yang Cheng died or not had nothing to do with her.

Everyone couldn't help but have dark thoughts. Maybe, Yang Cheng had no chance to go back alive.

"Forget it, let me contact the elders first to make sure we can't leave."

Song Xue shook her head.

It's this time, do you care whether Yang Cheng lives or lives?

Their lives are the most important thing, this is the world.

If you return without completing the mission, you will at most be punished, but if you continue to take risks, you may be dead!

But after a few minutes, Song Xue's expression turned ugly.

"We can't get out!"

"The Immortal Alliance has blocked the entire Dust Star. The Immortal Alliance's heaven and earth formation has descended and directly enveloped this place. Even the Golden Immortal cannot tear open the world barrier!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked shocked.

The monster just now was so terrifying that everyone took it seriously. It was as desperate as a lunatic. Even though it was not a match for an immortal in terms of individual strength, it still rushed out desperately.

Under such circumstances, it would be really dangerous for them to stay on the dust star!

"No, my little aunt hasn't been found yet!"

"Is she in danger?"

Suddenly, Hu Da hurriedly exclaimed.


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