Chapter 899 The main city fell!

In the flames that shot into the sky, the sounds of shouting and killing, as well as the roars of monsters, were deafening.

Everyone in the main city was shocked and stunned.

Can the Immortal Alliance be so strong that they can't hold back that monster?

"No, we are really calling. Leave quickly. If you don't leave, you will be affected!"

Suddenly, the people on the top of the city who had been watching from a distance shouted towards the city, and then flew out first.

Someone takes the lead and panic spreads.

There are people here who are under the Earth Immortals, even those who have achieved great success in transcending tribulations.

Even the super strong men of the Immortal League can't stop such an offensive. What use are they cannon fodder?

If you don't run away, you'll die!

"Let's go, let's go, it looks like we won't be stable for a while!"

Song Xue looked livid and shouted hurriedly.

At this moment, the city gate was suddenly blasted open, and monsters like waves rushed in.

Roaring and furious.

Kill everyone on sight!

Extremely fast!

"Why did they just rush in? Are all the people in the Immortal League just shit eaters?"

When a monk saw this, he immediately roared and ran away behind him without looking back.

But the monsters are very fast. Although they are not strong, they are basically true immortals. At the level of Dacheng, it is difficult to see even earthly immortals.

But the speed is extremely fast!

In an instant, the monsters had rushed in front of Jiang Xiaobai and others.

"You run first, and the three of us will take over!"

Song Xue roared angrily, and the three immortals turned around and rushed towards the monster group, trying to buy time for Jiang Xiaobai and others.

"Get out of here, we are immortals and they won't be able to catch up to us if we really want to escape. We will contact you by token then!"

Song Xue roared angrily without looking back. Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and finally gave up.

If you can't beat them, you can always outrun them.

Preserving strength is the most important thing now, and you will definitely be killed if you waste it like this.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai could only choose to trust Song Xue and the others, but while running, he had already taken out the pawn shop token.

"Bai He, you should tell me what's going on on this dust planet!"

There was no response there.

Jiang Xiaobai was about to explode with anger, but soon Bai He sent news.

"You can handle this little trouble, don't think too much about it."

Then, no matter how Jiang Xiaobai asked, the other party didn't answer, and they had no choice but to escape desperately.

Their speed is still very fast, and they can easily avoid being chased by monsters.

However, others do not have such strength.

Ordinary true immortals can't match the speed of these monsters, they are simply too fast.

If you catch up, you will die. Even if many true immortals know that there is no way to escape, it is useless for me to try to resist. There are so many masters in the Immortal League who cannot withstand the impact of the monsters in western Zhejiang, let alone their true immortals.

Anyone who is caught up by a monster will be destroyed. Only a few people can escape from this place with their own special methods.

After rushing out of the main city, Jiang Xiaobai turned around and looked around, still seeing the soaring sword energy behind him.

I have to say that sword cultivators still have an advantage in situations like this.

The sword energy of the sword rises into the sky, causing damage in a wide range.

"Let's go, we will be dragged to death if we don't go!"

Qiong Yu said calmly: "There may be a main city ahead..."

"Is it useful to have a main city? There is no way to escape. These monsters have no intention of stopping!"

Jiang Xiaobai was confused as to what these monsters were thinking, and they didn't stop at all.

If you can kill someone, kill someone; if you can't kill someone, just rush forward?

In fact, Jiang Xiaobai and the others were not familiar with Dust Star. If they were familiar with it and saw the direction in which the monsters were attacking, they would naturally understand that they were rushing towards the largest main city in the world!

There are superpowers such as Tiandi Pavilion and more human monks!

Jiang Xiaobai ran away for a while and found that the direction of these monsters was obvious. After thinking about it, he led everyone to rush to the left.

Sure enough, the monsters didn't form teams to attack them at all.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai could see clearly that there were at least hundreds of thousands of these monsters!

They all rush in one direction, as if there is something that attracts them the most.

But they didn't dare to stop. Who knew what the monster was going to do? It was only a matter of time before they could run any longer.

During this period, Jiang Xiaobai received news from Song Xue that the three of them had broken out and were injured, but not seriously. They found a quiet place to recuperate.

Song Xue clearly warned Jiang Xiaobai not to run around!

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't laugh or cry for a moment: "Are you my senior sister or my mother?"

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm not a fool..."

After confirming that the lives of the three of them were not in danger and that they had avoided monster pursuits, Jiang Xiaobai finally relaxed.

But that’s not a problem!

The monster obviously has a target to rush towards. If it is another main city, wouldn't the people in the main city suffer?

They may not even know that the monster has broken through the defense line and set off towards the city.

"You're not thinking of going back to inform people in other main cities, are you?" Qiong Yu looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

"Why are you like a roundworm..."

"No need to go, I just saw someone flying over, probably an immortal from the Immortal Alliance."

Qiong Yu said calmly: "In my opinion, we should take this opportunity to find someone."

"Yes, yes, Jiang Xiaobai, you must find your little aunt. She has been talking about you recently. She is so good to you, you can't give up on her!"

Hu Da also shouted.

Jiang Xiaobai's head turned big: "Please don't continue to talk like this. It can easily be misunderstood."

Meanwhile, a relatively quiet corner of the dusty star.

Two women, one large and one young, were walking slowly. Looking at the desolate scenery around them, the younger girl was very excited.

"Sister, dad won't be unhappy if you brought me out secretly, right?" Qiao Yunshen looked at Qiao Yunnian and smiled, his eyes full of cunning.

Qiao Yunnian's face turned dark, and she glared: "Did I secretly bring you out? It was obviously you who sneaked out and I caught you, and then you used your own treasure to take me with you. Let’s come together!”

Qiao Yunshen stuck out his tongue: "Hehe, sister, please help me just once, otherwise dad will definitely keep a close eye on me if he finds out. It's not like you don't know my situation, sister."

"You also know that your condition is not good and you can't run around?"

Although it was a scolding, Qiao Yunnian obviously doted on his sister and only lightly scratched the bridge of her nose.

Such behavior already let Qiao Yunshen know that his sister agreed to help.

The little girl smiled happily for a while.

Jumping and jumping, I couldn't help but raise the gray dust on the ground, as if I had never been so happy in my life.

To be honest, this is her second trip away from home.

The last time I went to the secret realm with Jiang Xiaobai and the others, it was just that it didn't seem to be very interesting and not exciting at all.

"Sister, do you think we will encounter something exciting this time?"

Suddenly Qiao Yun smiled deeply and held Qiao Yunian's wrist tightly: "I heard that this dust planet is very dangerous regardless of the zone. Do you think anyone will bully us two sisters if they see us so weak? us?"

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