Chapter 900 Such a big hammer?

"They're coming. It just so happens that I've been feeling a little itchy lately."

Qiao Yunnian looked at Qiao Yunshen with a smile on his face, obviously with a sense of resentment.

The little girl hurriedly shrank her neck, but didn't pay attention.

With Qiao Yunnian's terrifying strength, who could hurt her except those Jinxian bosses from Dust Star?

Even if the Jinxian boss comes, he won't dare to take action.

This is pure courting of death.

What the two sisters didn't expect was that as they were about to walk to the crater in front of them to look at the scenery, countless black waves suddenly rushed out from above.

"Void beast?"

Seeing the black wave, Qiao Yunnian was obviously stunned for a moment.

"How could these things appear here? It's impossible. Where are the people from the Immortal Alliance?"

Qiao Yunnian obviously knew more and immediately wanted to contact the Immortal Alliance.

But the void beast was extremely fast, rushing towards the two of them at an unparalleled speed.

"Sister...what is this?"

Qiao Yunshen has basically never even come out of the Purgatory Divine Sword Sect, and he simply doesn't know that people in the world are sinister. How could he have seen such a thing?

For a moment, his face turned pale with fright.

"Go, run!"

Qiao Yunnian picked up the little girl on the spot, turned around and ran away.

Although these void beasts are only true immortals in strength, there are too many of them.

Even if Qiao Yunshen is an immortal, it will be useless to sweep away a large area.

These void beasts are not afraid of life and death at all, and will tear everything in front of them into pieces even if they use their lives to fill it!

And the speed is ridiculously fast, and the attack is also ridiculously powerful!

The protective aura of the immortals was useless in front of them, which was why Qiao Yunnian wanted to escape.

She couldn't bear it at all. As long as she didn't kill all these void beasts before her immortal power was exhausted, she would be the one who died!

The two sisters will be torn apart alive!

At the same time, Qiao Yunnian also planned to use the treasure to escape from this world, but strangely the treasure didn't work!

The entire dust star was immediately blocked.

The Immortal Alliance took action to completely isolate all treasures, except for things like acquired spiritual treasures!

Qiao Yunnian was furious, and she contacted the Xianmeng again. After learning about the situation, the Xianmeng said that someone would rush here to help.

Qiao Yunnian didn't even bother to ask about the specific situation, but it must be very difficult!

Once the void beast appears in the monk area, the Immortal Alliance will immediately block it.

But now the Void Beast obviously cannot be blocked!

These things are so weird that it is quite difficult for the monks to deal with them.

"Damn it, why did you meet a void beast here?"

"Are all those in the Immortal League freeloaders?"

Qiao Yunnian gritted his teeth.

But the only good news is that she is a fairy, and the void beast cannot catch up with them for the time being.

But at this moment, there was a sudden bang from behind.

At that moment, Qiao Yunnian felt his scalp numb and his whole body was dripping with cold sweat.

This is the long-range attack of the void beast!

They will spit out a sharp thorn from their mouths, and the void beasts at the true immortal level can even pierce through the heavenly immortals!

There was such a big movement in the rear, it was obviously a group long-range attack!

Qiao Yun Nian didn't even need to look back to know that there must be sharp thorns covering the sky and the sun behind him!

In an instant, a golden light shone in her hand, and it was also because she could only stand still when using this treasure.

Only the sound of tinkling bells was heard, and those sharp thorns were unable to cause any harm to the golden light shield.

But similarly, the two Qiao Yunnian sisters are trapped here!

This treasure has extremely strong defensive power. It can withstand even a full blow from the Golden Immortal, and the defense of sharp thorns is of course not a problem.

But being trapped, the Void Beast immediately surrounded them.

Fighting against the golden protective shield with all his strength.

It doesn't matter even if one of them crashes to death on it, the other void beasts will still rush forward one after another desperately.

It seems that in their world, there is no turtle shell that they cannot break!

If there is, then use countless lives to fill it!

This is the most terrifying thing about the void beast!

"Damn, damn, damn!"

Sisters Qiao Yunnian and Qiao Yunshen turned pale as they cursed several damn ones angrily.

But Qiao Yunnian immediately cheered up and looked at Yun Shen.

"Yun Shen, don't be afraid, sister is here."

Qiao Yunshen had never seen such a battle before, and he firmly grabbed Qiao Yunnian's arm and refused to let go.

The little face has turned pale!

"Don't be afraid, the masters from the Immortal Alliance will be here soon."

"Well, I'm not afraid as long as my sister is here!"

Qiao Yunshen nodded vigorously, trying to clear away the fear in his heart.

But it was in vain.

Everyone will be amazed when they see the crazy impact of the void beast for the first time!

That scene shocked people's hearts!

Compared with monks, these races are simply weapons of war!

Born for war!

At the same time, not far away from them, Jiang Xiaobai and others had seen the golden light mask in the wave.

Taking a closer look at Jiang Xiaobai, he was stunned.

"Are these two women crazy enough to sneak onto Dust Star?"

Jiang Xiaobai was a little crazy, what was going on.

Qiao Yunnian also noticed that Jiang Xiaobai was on his forehead, and hurriedly shouted: "Xiaobai, leave quickly, please call the Immortal Alliance for support, we can still hold on for a while!"


Just as Qiao Yunnian finished speaking, a small gap opened in the golden light shield!

The surrounding void beasts are even more crazy!

They submerged the golden light shield, claws, sharp teeth, and brutal collision!

It seems that he wants to tear this golden mask to pieces at all costs!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaobai knew that he couldn't wait any longer. If the light shield shattered in a moment, the two of them would be dead!

Even the Immortal Alliance's dispatch of the Golden Immortal could not block the attack of these monsters, and Qiao Yunian's immortal was ineffective.

"Hu Da, take action and save people!"

Jiang Xiaobai snorted and rushed forward.

The long sword swept across, the sword light was shocking, and Jiang Xiaobai immediately attacked with all his strength.

The sword light that covered the sky pushed away horizontally, and the power of the Nine Heavens Stars Sword Technique, which had been promoted to the second level of the fairy world, was still extremely powerful.

Combined with the strengthened Okiou Kenshin.

It pushed a few meters horizontally at once!

All the void beasts he passed were chopped off by Lazy Yao.

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned: "Is this thing so fragile?"

"They are very fragile, but there are too many of them, and the attacks are not something you and I can resist."

After Qiong Yu finished speaking, her eyes narrowed.

Thin black lines spread all over her face, and billowing black mist appeared behind her.

Thin black light roamed the battlefield in an instant, and every time it penetrated, it could take away the lives of countless void beasts!

A range attack, violent and explosive!

At the same time, the three brothers were not idle. The three of them still followed the old method, joining forces to summon hammers in the air to hit people.

It's just that the hammer summoned this time is a bit... big?

"Whoa, ah, ah, are you going to kill the void beast or me?"

Qiao Yunshen was shocked when he saw the cook in the sky that could cover up the sun.

Are they afraid that something will happen to them if this hammer comes down?

But everything happened in the blink of an eye, there was no time to react, and the hammer fell hard.

In an instant, the ground exploded and the world trembled.

Jiang Xiaobai even saw the void beasts on the ground bouncing like waves after being hit hard.

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