Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 901 Battle against the Void Beast

Chapter 901 Battle against the void beast!


This was the sound of Jiang Xiaobai swallowing saliva.

He couldn't imagine why the three brothers' hammers became so powerful?

I'm afraid half of these void beasts can be killed with one blow?

But when the smoke dispersed, Jiang Xiaobai's face turned livid.

"Can you three be more reliable? How many people can be killed with such a big hammer?"

"I thought you were going to smash through the heaven and the earth!"

Because this time only hundreds or thousands of void beasts died in the center of the hammer's impact, and the rest were not injured at all?

Good guy, that's not how it works when the thunder is loud and the rain is small, right?

"Hey, this is not a bluff..."

Hu Da scratched his head, but immediately stood up and said, "Second brother and third brother, use all your strength to show Jiang Xiaobai that our three brothers have also improved greatly during this period!"

"Brother is wise!"

"You bitch, give my three brothers a hammer!"

Another hammer appeared, but the size was obviously much more reasonable, and all the beasts it encountered were killed when it hit it.

This is quite serious.

The Void Beast also knew that there were other humans here, leaving some of them to continue attacking the golden light shield, while the rest split off and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai and others.

After that, all methods come out!

In this situation, if he didn't try his best, he would be the one who died. Jiang Xiaobai didn't bother to hide his clumsiness.

And he found that he seemed to be unable to kill the void beast with the help of swordsmanship.

"In this case, I am going to make a bigger move!"

"Void Thunder!"


The world seemed to be shaking regularly, and everyone's heart stopped beating at that moment.

I saw a purple-black thunderbolt as thick as an arm falling from the sky and slamming into the void beasts!

This power is so powerful!

It was as if a purple cloud of thunder really fell from the sky.

A huge pit appeared on the ground. There was no fur in the pit, and all the void beasts that were hit were turned into pieces!

Their defense is very weak.

It seems that all attribute points are focused on attack and life-saving.

Seeing that Xu Lei was so effective, Jiang Xiaobai had a smile of surprise on his face. Now, Xu Lei can really help him!

Boom boom!

Two more false thunders struck, and two large craters appeared on the ground again. If everyone hadn't been watching on the spot, they would have thought they were craters created by meteorites!

And when a few virtual thunders came down, one-third of the void beast was wiped out!

"Okay, Xiaobai is the best. Come on, Xiaobai!"

When Qiao Yunshen saw Jiang Xiaobai's methods, he was like a god descending to earth, and he immediately clapped excitedly!

A few more times and the void beast will be finished!


Just when everyone was feeling a little relaxed, suddenly a whine came from the farthest place in the crater.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a huge void beast.

It is three times the size of a normal void beast, with strange yellow lines on its body and three bone spurs on its back.

He looks even more bloodthirsty and ferocious!

It seemed to be the leader of the void beasts, and as its cry ended, the ground began to shake.

Jiang Xiaobai flew high into the sky and was dumbfounded when he saw the situation behind him.

The number of void beasts behind them has covered all the places where he looked!

How many the hell are there?

"Jiang Xiaobai, leave quickly, that's the leader of the Void Beast!"

"Golden Immortal Strength!"

Suddenly, Qiao Yunnian's shout came.

Jiang Xiaobai almost stumbled and fell from the sky!

The Void Beast of the True Immortal is already so terrifying in its attack, so wouldn’t the Golden Immortal be able to kill him instantly?

At the same time, the void beast leader has set his sights on Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai could even see that those small eyes were full of violent killing intent.

Being looked at like this makes one feel panicked, and they dare not even move.

"Jiang Xiaobai, what should we do? Should we do it or not?"

Hu Dawen looked at Jiang Xiaobai angrily and said.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help rolling his eyes. It seemed that this guy still hadn't unlocked the seal of his IQ.

Ahead, there was a steady stream of void beasts rushing up.

Qiong Yu is desperately using the black thin thread to kill.

She should be the most tired.

But in an instant, Jiang Xiaobai knew what to do this time.

The title of trump card king is not called for nothing.

"Everyone come in!"

Jiang Xiaobai roared, and a small golden tower appeared in his hand, and everyone approached him instantly.

As the golden light flashed, the Qibao Exquisite Tower took Qiong Yu and others inside.

Then he looked coldly at the Golden Immortal Void Beast at the top edge of the crater.

Then Jiang Xiaobai gave the thing a thumbs up.

The void beast leader was stunned, not knowing what this human meant.

The next second, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly turned his hand downward, and the Void Beast leader became angry.

"Human, seek death!"

"Yeah? You can still talk?"

Jiang Xiaobai's subconscious words directly made the Void Beast leader fume with anger.

Who do you look down on?

The leader of the Void Beast moved at a strangely fast speed, and appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai in an instant to take action.

But at that moment, the void beast leader actually felt terrified!

It's too late to stop.

All he saw was a ball of black flame appearing out of thin air in front of Jiang Xiaobai. The angle was just right, and he was hit by the leader of the void beast with a punch.

The flames did not dissipate, but instead rolled inward and spread towards the arm of the void beast leader.

The speed of spread is not fast, it can be said to be very slow, and wherever the black flame passes, all the limbs of the void beast leader are burned to ashes!

No, it’s nothingness without even ashes!

In an instant, the leader of the void beast knew that something was wrong, and he decisively grabbed the injured arm with one arm and tore it violently.

The entire arm and even half of the shoulder were torn off, which is quite a ruthless character.

"Human, you can do it, but you are too weak."

"Oh, is it so?"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, opened the limit of angry blood, and used the blood sea freely.

The void beast leader only felt a red light flash in front of him, and when he reacted, he found that Jiang Xiaobai had already swept away the void beasts next to the two sisters' light shields with one sword!

The light mask disappeared almost at the same time, and the two sisters disappeared out of thin air in the flash of golden light.

Jiang Xiaobai then turned into blood-red light and ran away in the opposite direction.

Seeing this, the void beast leader sneered.

"You dare to use such methods... huh? What is going on?"

All I could see on the ground was the black flame attached to the arm that had just been thrown away by the leader, spreading at a terrifying speed!

It’s simply endless, but it can’t be extinguished if it’s contaminated!

And there are hundreds of thousands of void beasts below!

These void beasts have no intelligence at all, they only know how to kill all the living creatures in front of them.

And the strength is not as good as the golden immortal level of the leader of the Void Beast. Anyone who is contaminated by the fire of heaven can turn into nothingness and disappear almost instantly!

The leader of the void beast just watched his army gradually disappear in the black flames!

Eventually, there was nothing left on the ground!

The leader of the void beast is confused!

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