Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 902 Little White Bull Batch

Chapter 902 Little White Bull!

The fire of heaven is endless!

Everything can be used as fuel to keep the heavenly fire burning.

Of course, it is not possible to destroy the world with Jiang Xiaobai's methods now, but if one reaches a certain level of cultivation, it can really be done!

Now we can only destroy these true immortal void beasts in front of us.

Seeing his army of hundreds of thousands of void beasts disappearing at terrifying speed in front of his eyes, the leader of the void beasts fell silent.

Three seconds later, a thundering roar echoed throughout the dust star.

"You bastard human being, don't run away if you have the guts. Let me catch you and I will eat you alive one bite at a time!"

Far away, Jiang Xiaobai could hear the roar of the void beast leader.

There was relief on his face.

What he likes to deal with the most is this scenario. So what if he can't beat you, so what if you have more numbers?

Can you withstand the fire of heaven?

Anyway, as the leader of the Void Beast, you are in the Golden Immortal Realm, and the current Heavenly Fire is very slow to devour you.

But other void beasts can't do it, they can't stop it at all!

In the direction of their evolution and cultivation, there is no such thing as defense!

If we look at it in terms of attribute points, then all void beasts only have attack and speed points.

Defense is zero!

Of course, this cannot be said. When facing human monks at the same level, defense can be considered almost non-existent.

But it can gain an advantage through numbers.

But Jiang Xiaobai is not afraid of you. Once the heavenly fire is released, it will never stop until it burns everything it touches!

If it weren't for his current lack of strength, the real power brought by the Heavenly Fire would not be enough.

Otherwise, the void beast leader will be burned into nothingness in an instant!

The kind that doesn't even have any scum left.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai didn't care how angry the void beast leader was.

In such a dense situation, Jiang Xiaobai's heavenly fire is the king!

"Tch, that's all, and you're still yelling at me?"

"I'm not afraid if you come back ten times or a hundred times."

Jiang Xiaobai muttered.

He wanted to use this thing before when he saw the tide of void beasts in the main city, but he didn't dare.

First, there are many other monks who could escape if they had the chance.

Secondly, Song Xue and others were among them.

The Heavenly Fire doesn't care about your enemy's or friendly forces. Anyway, as long as it's not Jiang Xiaobai, anyone who is touched will die, and it can burn indefinitely.

But the situation just now was enough to use this trick.

With a wave of his hand, golden light flashed.

Several figures appeared in front of him.

When everyone entered the Qibao Exquisite Tower, Jiang Xiaobai deliberately blocked everyone's sight so that they could not see what was going on outside.

Otherwise, your jaw will definitely drop.

Hundreds of thousands of void beasts disappeared almost instantly. Who wouldn't be shocked by such a scene?

Jiang Xiaobai doesn't plan to let too many people know about the Heavenly Fire.

After all, this thing is too powerful.

There is no guarantee that anyone will come to rob it. It is enough to resolve this crisis.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you are so powerful. You actually dare to save us among so many void beasts. Can you still succeed?"

At this time, Qiao Yunshen was like Jiang Xiaobai's little fan girl, extremely excited: "What's more important is how you escaped, the Void Beast is very fast, and why don't they come after you now? "

The rest of the people also looked at Jiang Xiaobai with curious eyes.

Especially Qiao Yunnian.

She only felt extremely shocked.

What Jiang Xiaobai did was simply crazy!

Who would dare to think of rushing into a sea of ​​void beasts to save people?

In fact, it was because Jiang Xiaobai was very fast under the limit of rage blood. After breaking through to the True Immortal, he had never used it at full speed.

But the test just now proved that he is faster than the void beast leader!

The second reason is that those void beasts are relatively weak and cannot react. By the time they get angry and plan to chase Jiang Xiaobai, the Heavenly Fire has already begun to exert a terrifying effect.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't intend to let anyone know about this matter.

He knew very well what his ability meant, and at the same time he also had an idea about the void beast.

If he let the Immortal Alliance know, he knew that he would be asked to help deal with the void beast.

After all, the Heavenly Fire is simply an intensive group attack like the Heavenly Void Beast.

Those void beasts almost all attack by stepping on each other. There is no gap at all in the middle. If one of them is contaminated by the fire of heaven, it will burn endlessly!

But there is also a very important problem, that is, Jiang Xiaobai's power of heavenly fire cannot fight against stronger ones.

After all, the strength of the void beast is not high this time. It is impossible to react and escape in the chaos. The fire of heaven burns too fast.

But if the strength is stronger, the void beasts in the rear that have not been affected can escape immediately.

And after just meeting the leader of the Void Beast, he knew that there was also a super powerful being inside the Void Beast.

Are you afraid that your behavior is a thorn in the side of the other party?

It’s impossible without killing yourself!

Jiang Xiaobai is also afraid that the other party is watching him and causing trouble. What if he goes crazy and the void beast rushes into whichever world he goes to and kills Jiang Xiaobai no matter how big the sacrifice is?

He didn't believe that the only void beast that even the Immortal Alliance couldn't suppress was this Golden Immortal!

What if a group of golden immortals from the other side rush over?

As a human being, you should always leave yourself some way out, just feel better now.

Later... let's wait until we improve our strength.

"Haha, it's nothing. I just happen to be faster."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled calmly and said: "Now there is no chance that the Void Beast will come after us, so let's leave quickly."


Qiao Yunnian glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, doubts flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say much.

The top priority is to kill all the void beasts in the dust star!

Only then can everyone leave.

Qiao Yunnian knew very well that once the Immortal Alliance used formations to suppress a world, it would never be allowed to be unsealed unless the threat inside was eliminated.

Before the void beast died, Qiao Yunian understood that they could not leave.

On the way to escape, Qiao Yunnian asked about the situation and learned that the Void Beast had broken through the Immortal Alliance blockade and even captured a main city.

I was shocked.

"Let's go find the Immortal Alliance. They just can't seal the Void Beast and will not be destroyed by the group. Suzaku's formation is very terrifying, even the Golden Immortal can resist it."

Qiao Yunnian said hurriedly: "It's a good thing to help a little, and the safest thing now is to stay with the Immortal Alliance!"

Not far from the other main city, there were two guys who were actually implementing Qiao Yunnian's ideas.

Yuan Chongwei and Jiang Yu were shamelessly following the people from the Immortal Alliance to the main city!

This place has not yet been affected by the Void Beast, and a large number of people fleeing are rushing here.

The Immortal Alliance also knows that after the void beast breaks through the blockade, it is impossible to surround and kill it. Instead of searching everywhere, it is better to find a place to guard it.

The strength of these people has not decreased much, they just lost a few people.

If you want to defend a main city, you can still do it.

Just be afraid, the Void Beast is not here for a simple purpose!

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