Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 903 The Disaster of the Immortal Alliance

No one knows how the void beast suddenly appeared in such a place.

Generally speaking, void beasts rarely appear in the world of human monks.

This is the rule summarized by the Xianmeng.

As long as it shows up, there must be big trouble!

Just like the previous Middle Three Thousand Worlds, the void beast suddenly appeared for the bead that the Ma family had obtained!

Not only that, but the secret realm where the Ma family obtained the beads also seemed to contain something useful to the void beast.

That's why some void beasts appear.

However, it was quite simple for the Immortal Alliance to deal with it that time. After all, the number of void beasts was small and there were no reinforcements.

But this time something was wrong in the dust star. The void beast actually opened three space channels directly!

Endless void beasts all rushed out, intent on destroying this place.

Even if Dust Star is a no-no-no zone, the Immortal Alliance will never allow the Void Beast to come and cause trouble.

Soon the group arrived at the largest main city, where almost all the monks on the Dust Star gathered.

As for those who didn't come over, they were either killed by the void beast outside, or they were on their way here desperately.

Wei Changqing, the leader of the Immortal Alliance's Suzaku team, was standing with Li Feng, the master of the Tiandi Pavilion.

The two of them looked solemn.

"Won't the Immortal Alliance send any more experts over?"

Li Feng frowned: "The wave just now has already lost a lot of people in our Tiandi Pavilion. Don't you, the Immortal Alliance, plan to give an explanation?"

"You ask me who to go to. I contacted the Xianmeng and there was no response. I guess there are problems elsewhere."

Wei Changqing snorted coldly: "The Immortal Alliance is not as awesome as you think, and the Void Beast is not as easy to deal with as you think."

"They are very fragile. A sufficient number of monks can kill them." Li Feng said coldly: "If the Immortal Alliance has more experts, they will be able to easily solve them."

"There are hundreds of people here. Nothing will happen. It's just that these void beasts are scattered all over the dust star, making it difficult to find them."

"Speaking of which, you are a golden immortal and you are so scared that the Void Beast can hurt you? If you had been stronger, the Void Beast wouldn't have rushed out at that time!"

Li Feng said nothing.

Everyone has a trump card, but can the trump card be used casually?

If others know about it, they may come directly to deal with you!

"The top priority is to set up formations to deal with void beasts. Formations are the best. Those things have no brains at all."

Wei Changqing looked at the people who were busy setting up formations and said softly: "Is there any formations in Tiandi Pavilion? Take them out and use them."

"The Immortal Alliance won't benefit me?"

"Give it, I'll definitely give it to you. Although no one in your place wants to take care of you, you can't push your limits. You also know that the Immortal Alliance spends a lot of money."

"We also pay a lot of tribute!" Li Feng glanced at him coldly.

Wei Changqing shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

On the other side, in the main city, Yuan Chongwei and Jiang Yu were still a little worried about the aftermath of the disaster.

By coincidence, they were escorting a caravan when they suddenly encountered a void beast rushing out of the Immortal Alliance's encirclement.

I was so scared at the time!

Fortunately, the people from the Immortal Alliance rushed to rescue them quickly, otherwise the two of them would have died, and they would not be able to withstand the overwhelming attack of the void beast.

It broke with just a slight touch!

The void beast's attack is very fierce!

The two of them were hiding in the corner and talking.

"Do you think the Immortal Alliance can resist?" Jiang Yu asked curiously.

Yuan Chongwei was a little relaxed: "The Immortal Alliance must be able to resist. The fact that they didn't send anyone over proves that they can easily deal with these void beasts."

"I'm just curious, why does the Void Beast appear here?"

"Do you really know about void beasts?" Jiang Yu said in a daze.

He didn't know this kind of creature at all, but judging from Yuan Chongwei's appearance, he obviously knew something about it.

"I know, but it's not much. I'm not strong enough."

Yuan Chongwei's face suddenly became solemn: "But what is certain is that this thing is the biggest cancer in the Three Thousand Worlds, and it has never been solved."

"Isn't the Immortal Alliance very powerful? And the world with perfect rules that you live in has many masters, so let them come."

"Bullshit, you said I can be mobilized if I am transferred? Our family's help to the Immortal Alliance is just to give some face. People in those three worlds don't think much of the Immortal Alliance at all."

Yuan Chongwei curled his lips and said: "Let's see if we can help in a while. I guess the Void Beast wants to destroy this world."

Both of them were nervous.

Having truly witnessed the overwhelming scene of a void beast attacking with all its might is definitely something you will never forget.

Both of them are still a little nervous now.

"After we get it done this time, we must go find Brother Jiang. It's boring to wander around. Only by following Brother Jiang can we have meat to eat." Yuan Chongwei touched his bald head.

"Why do you think so."

"Brother Jiang is not simple, he is as smart as a demon, and he is not an honest person either. Look at how violent he is in the God of War space... Hey, speaking of this, it seems that the passage to the God of War Sect is about to open?"

"There are still a month or two." Jiang Yu clapped her fingers: "My master told me not to go to the world above. It's pointless to go now."

"Well, you are only a true immortal, but you are still rubbish."


On the main city side, formations were being set up in full swing. On the other side, Jiang Xiaobai and the others were also rushing to a cave.

That's where Song Xue and the other two healed their wounds.

The three of them helped cut off the back and delayed it for a little time, but they were also accidentally injured.

Jiang Xiaobai was shocked when he saw the three people.

The three immortals were in such a miserable state, with hideous wounds all over their bodies!

This shows how terrifying the Void Beast's attack power is!

"They are just small wounds. There is no danger. They will be healed soon..."

When Song Xue saw Jiang Xiaobai and was about to say something, she was stunned.

Because she met the two sisters Qiao Yunnian.

"No, why are you two here?"

Song Xue was shocked.

If Qiao Nanheng knew about this, might he rush over alone with a sword?

If you catch them, they will definitely be punished!

The two sisters blushed. To be precise, Qiao Yunshen lowered his head and was picking at his fingers, not daring to say a word.

She knew she was playing big this time.

"What we are focusing on now is not this. We are taking you to find the main city and settle down. The people from the Immortal Alliance must already be there."

"Hey, what do you think you're going to do next?" Song Xue sneered: "You've got a brain convulsion. Can you deal with the void beast outside alone?"

"Little things, little things..."

Jiang Xiaobai laughed and immediately set off to take the people away.

The people had to be sent back before the Void Beast attacked the main city, and he wanted to find Gu Wanqing.

After all, the little aunt is a friend, and Jiang Xiaobai will not see the other person in danger outside.

On the side, Qiong Yu looked at Jiang Xiaobai like this, her eyes dazed.

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