Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 904 You are very courageous

Chapter 904 Are you very brave?

Soon everyone arrived at the main city, which had not yet been attacked by void beasts. Even Jiang Xiaobai had not seen a void beast on the road.

It was puzzling to him.

"Strange, isn't the Void Beast here to kill people?"

Jiang Xiaobai was puzzled and kept searching in the main city.

I wanted to see if I could see Gu Wanqing. After all, she might have come to the main city.

However, we didn't find any. I guess we're still searching for the three idiots outside.

Looking at the three idiots who seemed like nothing had happened, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but sigh.

You guys are really making my little aunt worry so much.

"Okay, you all stay in the main city with me. I'll go out and take a look. I have to find him."

Jiang Xiaobai said calmly.

Song Xue wanted to beep something, but Qiao Yunshen already started shouting.

"Xiaobai is so awesome, come on Xiaobai!"

Song Xue was stunned: "Yun Shen, don't make noises. It's too dangerous outside. If you go out alone, something will happen."

"It's okay. Xiaobai is very powerful. We were saved by Xiaobai."

Qiao Yunshen laughed and said, not worried at all that something would happen to Jiang Xiaobai because of this.

Song Xue still wanted to stop him, but Jiang Xiaobai had already dodged and ran out alone.

He was going very fast, obviously not wanting anyone to stop him.

Qiong Yu looked at Jiang Xiaobai's leaving figure, her eyes dazed.

She knew that Jiang Xiaobai went out to find someone.

Is it worth working so hard just for one person, a person you haven't met a few times?

She couldn't understand.

"But this way you haven't changed."

Qiong Yu murmured, recalling that in the maze passage, Jiang Xiaobai alone attracted the beasts, helped everyone get out of trouble, etc...

And just when Jiang Xiaobai was about to rush out of the main city, Wei Changqing on the top of the city spotted this guy at a glance.

He rushed forward to stop him.

"You kid has a brain convulsion, how dare you go out?"

Wei Changqing had a deep impression of Jiang Xiaobai. He was present both times when the Void Beast caused trouble.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or what.

"There is a friend out there who must be found."

Jiang Xiaobai said calmly: "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

With the Heavenly Fire here, he naturally doesn't have to worry about this.

I was just afraid that I would meet the leader of the void beast in the Golden Immortal Realm, but it didn't matter, as long as the rage blood limit was enough.

When Wei Changqing heard Jiang Xiaobai's words, he felt like his brain was cramping.

"Are you seriously ill? If you go out at this time, you are seeking death!"

"I told you it doesn't matter."

"Okay, if you miss, just go and die yourself."

Wei Changqing just didn't bother to care. He was not a saint, so it was enough to give him the advice he needed.

Whether you listen or not is up to you.

Li Feng was also puzzled when he saw this: "Is it true that someone would risk his life for a friend these days?"

"The devil knows, but this guy is a top-notch genius in the Immortal League, so I will stop him, otherwise I will care about his life and death for others?"

Wei Changqing snorted coldly and didn't want to worry about it anymore.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly rushed out of the main city and ran towards the direction where the three brothers received their inheritance.

Gu Wanqing will most likely be near that direction.

In fact, he had two other ideas.

There is definitely a reason for the void beast to suddenly appear here. The opponent has not attacked the main city yet, so it can be judged that the main target is not the human monks in the main city.

Jiang Xiaobai wanted to go over and see what these void beasts were up to.

The other one wants to try to see if he can absorb the blood of the void beast!

He had almost never used the bloodthirsty technique.

He is not a very evil person, and he cannot do things like killing people like crazy in order to improve his strength.

But, the void beast is not a human, right?

When Jiang Xiaobai obtained this technique earlier, he felt that this technique must not be simple. After all, it was like the Blood Demon Emperor.

At least they are at the Golden Immortal level, and the techniques they create are naturally powerful.

But there was never enough blood to try. Although Jiang Xiaobai had killed many people, that little blood... would only be useful if it was accumulated.

Without thinking any more, Jiang Xiaobai quickly rushed towards the direction where Gu Wanqing and the others were receiving the inheritance.

Just after arriving, Jiang Xiaobai was dumbfounded.

It's a mess here!

The ground is full of traces of being trampled by void beasts. It seems that all the void beasts are coming in this direction?

After searching more carefully, I saw a bottomless pit, with a faint roar coming from inside!

Void beast!

What are all these guys doing here?

"Jiang Xiaobai?"

Suddenly, a soft voice came, and Gu Wanqing acted in front of him.

"Hey, I finally found you. I hope you're fine... By the way, you've never been here before?"

Jiang Xiaobai felt relieved when he saw that Gu Wanqing was fine.

At the same time, I discovered that this woman’s strength has reached the level of an immortal!

And it is the late stage of Tianxian, the peak!

"Of course not. I went to find my three unlucky nephews, but no matter how I used the communication token to contact me, it was useless..."

Jiang Xiaobai was silent for a while.

He felt that if he told Gu Wanqing that Hu Da and the others had lost the communication token, Gu Wanqing would definitely go crazy and beat them up.

Instead, she told Gu Wanqing about meeting the three brothers and their current situation. She also learned from her that she saw a group of void beasts on the way to search, and the other party didn't notice them at all after hiding themselves.

Then he followed him here.

"This is the place where I received my inheritance before. Why did these guys come here?"

Gu Wanqing couldn't help but raise her eyebrows: "Forget it, let's just ignore it and go back to the main city to find those three guys and beat them up."

"Why beat someone for no reason?"

"Nonsense, I asked the three of them to wait outside for just a moment, and when they came out they were gone!"

Gu Wanqing gritted her teeth and stamped her feet angrily: "Fortunately, you found me, otherwise I would have killed the three of them!"

"Wait a minute, Jiang Xiaobai, you don't want to go in and have a look, do you?"

Suddenly, Gu Wanqing thought of Jiang Xiaobai's mentality of never letting something go, and she suddenly exclaimed.

"Well, let's go take a look. It doesn't matter. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"I just saw a Golden Immortal-level void beast!"

Gu Wanqing said hurriedly: "Stop convulsing, you can't mess around in a place like this."

"Is it missing an arm?"


"That doesn't matter, I chopped off that hand." Jiang Xiaobai said sarcastically.

Of course, this is not the real situation, but when will it be better if we don’t show off right now?

Sure enough, Gu Wanqing's expression changed.

She looked Jiang Xiaobai up and down, and couldn't help but said in shock: "How did you do it? You are a true immortal, and the other party is a golden immortal!"

"Of course I am strong!"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and wanted to say something, but suddenly his expression froze.

Because next to the two of them, the leader of the Golden Immortal Void Beast appeared at some point.

It was looking at Jiang Xiaobai with a ferocious smile.

"Human, are you brave and fat?"

"Did you really cut off my arm?"

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