Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1326 Education (2)

Zhang Taohua has thought about it, "When I get the bow and arrow, and I get first place in both the liberal arts and martial arts classes, I can use my points to exchange for a second bow and arrow for my little sister."

Zhang Xiaomei was squatting on the ground playing with dirt. When she heard her name, she raised her head to look at her sister and subconsciously stuffed it into her mouth.

Seeing the dirt around her mouth, Zhang Taohua's scalp went numb. He reached out and patted her hand off, and said to her mother-in-law: "Auntie, our husband said that children should be careful when putting things in their mouths. These dirty things should not be allowed." eat."

Aunt Wang didn't take it seriously, "You won't get sick if you eat it if you don't eat it. You didn't eat less when you were a child."

Zhang Taohua: "...That's because I was hungry and had nothing to eat at the time. Last year's harvest was good and there was plenty of food left at home."

"We should also save on eating. There are still more than two months until the wheat harvest, and we still have a bag of wheat at home."

Zhang Taohua was silent for a while and then said: "When I get the bow and arrow, I will sell it for food first. The teacher said that grains nourish qi, and most people's illnesses are caused by insufficient qi and blood."

Aunt Wang: "Who doesn't know? Isn't it true that you can have enough food and not get sick? The food harvested last year paid off a lot of the famine of the year before and the year before that. I don't owe much anymore. As long as God rewards me this year, I will be able to wait until the spring of next year." There can be at least two bags of wheat, and more the year after next.”

Aunt Wang calculated it with her husband in private and was delighted, "If we survive another year, we will really have food in reserve."

She actually had food in storage during her lifetime. She had lived for more than 20 years, and she had never seen any food in storage, either in her natal family or her husband's family.

At this time in previous years, the family had started to have less soup and water, so she tightened her belt and relied on drinking water and wild vegetables to satisfy her hunger, so she was very satisfied with the current situation. At least there was still a bag of wheat at home, more than two buckets of rice, and she could eat two meals a day mixed with wheat. The bran pancakes and rice soup are satisfying.

She scolded Zhang Taohua, "I would rather lose my stomach than lose my education. His Majesty said, you are the future. Only if you learn knowledge, the world will get better and better, and our lives will get better and better, so bows and arrows cannot Selling, you have to practice archery with it, you are better than anyone else, and when the time comes, you will serve His Majesty in the army or in the court."

Because Zhao Hanzhang was a general and fought all the way to the top, the people had already established the custom and did not think there was anything wrong with women joining the army.

Zhang Taohua promised not to sell bows and arrows, but still did not allow Zhang Xiaomei to eat her hand, and patted her hand tirelessly. In the end, she finally made her cry, causing Aunt Wang to scold her.

Zhang Taohua did not feel that she was at fault, and argued with her mother, "Sir, the imperial court published a "Handbook for Folk Doctors", which was written by many doctors together. It has been handed over to the bookstore for printing. I will go to the school to change it tomorrow." I'll give you a copy of the paper. It contains a lot of knowledge and it clearly states that children should not be given food to eat from their hands, especially dirty hands."

There was no need for Zhang Taohua to copy it. After the first publication was distributed to various states and counties and achieved positive results, Zhao Hanzhang immediately ordered the bookstores of each state and county to publish it themselves, from the state to the county, and then to the county, village and village, ensuring that every household There must be a volume, and the medical department of the school is ordered to teach the "Folk Doctor's Manual" to students every ten days. Li Zheng and the village chief are also required to attend the school, and then they return to the village to teach it to the villagers.

At this time, Li Zheng and the village chief were under the greatest pressure.

The gentlemen in the school all know some medical science.

In this era, the emphasis is on treating the country as well as treating people. Whether you are a Taoist, Confucian, Legalist or military strategist, you will have something to do with medical theory.

What matters is that entering can heal the country, and retreating can heal people and cultivate themselves.

Not to mention the large number of new teachers graduating from the school.

They are not as knowledgeable as the old teachers, but they know the basics of the city. They have read all three books, "The Thousand-Character Classic", "The Analects of Confucius" and "The Book of Songs". In addition, they are arithmetic, moral lessons and wartime trauma emergency treatment.

These courses are fixed courses in each school. "Emergency Treatment of Wartime Trauma" is a course that fourth-year students start to learn. As the name suggests, it is a course on war medical treatment. The situation was special at that time. Zhao Hanzhang invited military doctors and local doctors to give them Attend class.

In addition to trauma treatment, there will naturally be other medical teachings, and the content of the "Folk Doctor's Manual" is not profound.

This book was compiled by Zhao Hanzhang two years ago after he pacified the Huns who invaded Luoyang. The doctors invited were all private doctors, and then reviewed by the imperial doctors from the imperial hospital, and everyone compiled the book together.

In order to be easy to understand, so that every literate person can learn it, and even illiterate people can understand it, the writing is deliberately concise, and it is all in country dialect, targeting common diseases, and the main focus is prevention .

The beginning is that raw water is yin, and there are many invisible bugs in the water, so you cannot drink raw water and drink boiled water instead.

Major illnesses such as how to give birth, what needs to be prepared, and how others can help the mother give birth;

How to treat and recover from minor hiccups...

As long as it is a common disease in life, this manual has written about it, and also lists one, two or three treatments.

Li Zheng and the village chiefs adapted quickly after the pain, learned with great interest, and then brought the knowledge they learned back to the village. After working in the evening, they gathered people in the open space and taught them bit by bit by firelight.

It even has pictures of the herbs, their specific uses, and even the current prices of the herbs.

The villagers became more serious. The herbs above all looked familiar, such as this plantain. Hey, isn't that what they are stepping on now?

Everyone turned their necks left and right, moved their feet away, and exclaimed, "This is also plantain. Isn't this just cow waste? It's all over the road. What the hell is it herbal medicine?"

Li Zheng shouted: "Why are you panicking? Herbal medicines are also grass. Isn't it normal to grow on the roadside? Read the book carefully first. Once you learn it, you can solve some minor illnesses and pains by yourself. You can't just bring some herbal medicines to the drug store. I can go back and exchange half of the medicine. This is all His Majesty’s grace.”

"Which emperor in all dynasties loves the people so much, cares so much about ordinary people like you and me? Your Majesty took the trouble to ask someone to compile this book just for us, for our children!" Li Zheng shouted: "Children always die young. First, the mother's womb did not develop well, so if there is a pregnant daughter-in-law at home, you should be kind to your daughter-in-law, strictly follow the instructions in the manual, take more care of pregnant women, and give them more eggs and rice. You would rather eat less yourself. Children, pregnant women cannot be hungry;"

"The second reason is because the child is just born, it is a delicate time. At this time, we must take good care of the child and raise it strictly according to the parenting manual. Only in this way can we raise healthy children..."

The villagers responded loudly, and followed Li Zheng in bowing to the west. They first thanked the emperor for his grace, and then read hard while holding the book.

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