Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1327 Education (3)

Those who can read read the words, those who cannot read read the pictures, and then listen hard to the honest teachings with open ears, write them down, and then try to compare them with those in the manual.

In addition, if there are children at home, they will also show the manual to them and ask them to teach them how to read, or hold the book and read it to themselves. They strive to be able to memorize it and fully remember the knowledge in the book even if they cannot read. .

There is a "Civil Doctor's Manual" among the people, and the "Military Doctor's Manual" is also available in the military, and they are studied in units of "events".

Learning in the military is much more convenient than civilians, and it is also more refined. In addition to being taught by the squad leader, there is also a big class every ten days, where the entire army sits together and listens to the military doctor's personal teaching.

In fact, it is the knowledge of first aid on the battlefield. After learning this, on the battlefield, even if the military doctor cannot arrive for a while, comrades can still call for help.

Zhao Hanzhang has decided that the entire army will be equipped with medical kits. When fighting, all soldiers going out will carry a simple medical kit with them, which can not only save themselves but also save others.

We have the materials, now it’s time to learn the knowledge.

The whole people set off a wave of learning medical skills, and soon, the DPRK issued a new manual. This time it was the "Sinong Manual". This time the manual was personally participated in the compilation by the emperor and compiled together with the officials of the Sinong Temple. books.

It introduces in detail the selection, seedling raising, sowing, weeding, and insect control of various crops.

It is divided into three parts. The first part is about grains and other crops, the middle part is about cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, fish and other livestock. The second part is miscellaneous parts, including various fertilization methods, the cultivation of fruit trees, the planting of vegetables, and various Precautions for planting common wood, and cultivating saplings, etc...

Li Zheng and the village chief found that they had more and more things to learn. They even had to spend two days every ten days to go to school to study, and they still received a meager salary.

But are they people who value money?

For His Majesty, for China, and for the future of the children, they must work hard even if all their hair falls out!

But it’s really difficult!

Li Zheng and the village chiefs had serious faces and tears in their hearts.

Zhao Hanzhang's ability to seal a book was as simple as drinking water. Not to mention issuing a book, it was just a matter of passing it off. This caught the wealthy nobles who were about to submit a letter to complete the recruitment examination unprepared.

They could only delete the agreed-upon documents and rewrite them. They believed that the court's requirements for teachers were too low. As long as they had attended school for five years and had good graduation grades, they could teach in primary schools. This was They seem to be misleading.

Therefore, they hope to strictly screen and make the recruitment examination more difficult.

They believe that not only are the school recruitment exams too simple, but the questions set in the county, state and national exams are also too simple, resulting in mixed talents.

Zhao Hanzhang thought what they said was reasonable, but he only adopted their views and did not agree to their additional conditions.

More nobles are keenly aware of the changes in the times, and they adapt to these changes, because they have seen a prosperous age that is different from the past thousands of years. In addition, coupled with the wars in the past century, they urgently hope that the world will be stable and peaceful. And there will be no more strife.

So they donated their collection of books one after another.

Zhao Hanzhang was so happy that he wrote specially for each person who presented a book.

The emperor's calligraphy treasure was naturally very valuable, and everyone who got it was very happy. Then he discovered that his neighbor on the left had one, and so did his neighbor on the right...

There are no fewer than a thousand households across the country who have received this calligraphy treasure.


They couldn't help but wonder, was this really the emperor's calligraphy?

Of course it is. For this reason, Zhao Hanzhang has to write two words during his break every day when he goes to work. He also works overtime for half an hour to write after work. He also writes it during his calligraphy practice time after getting up in the morning to exercise...

The diligent Zhao Hanzhang can write fifty to eighty paintings a day. The finished words are sent through the post station, and they are absolutely guaranteed to be received.

It is also for this reason that Zhao Hanzhang has left too many characters in later generations, so that although she has made great achievements, her characters are not very valuable because there are too many.

After acquiring a large collection of books, the content of these nobles' book collections was greatly enriched, containing a lot of knowledge that was not circulated outside.

Fu Tinghan even saw the Mohist analysis of the wooden ox and the flowing horse in a certain book, which had detailed illustrations.

There is also a thin manuscript, which is still a fragment of pages. It is a manuscript left by Hua Tuo. When it was sent to the imperial hospital, the imperial doctors almost went crazy. There were specific procedures for treating brain diseases and removing abdominal dissection, as well as Prescriptions for treating three different epidemics, one called typhoid and one called plague.

The imperial doctors were really going crazy. They were very careful when turning every page. After reading and copying this volume, they went to the emperor to plead with them, hoping to participate in organizing the donated books. They had to personally look for other medical books.

Zhao Hanzhang agreed, and then the imperial doctors took turns to dive in.

Like them, there are officials from several departments. Even Ji Yuan and Ming Yu can't help but indulge in this. They want to enter the palace every day after get off work to work voluntarily for her.

Some of the compiled books can be handed over to bookstores for printing and sold outside, or sent to schools for children to read;

Some were printed in several volumes and then kept in the Hanlin Academy and the imperial palace.

These basically belong to the technical category, or some schools with more dangerous ideas. This kind of book is not suitable for outsourcing.

But Zhao Hanzhang was different from previous emperors. She would not hide the books and keep them only in the royal family. Instead, she would allow the Hanlin Academy to have a copy of whatever was in the palace.

It's just that she ordered Zhao Ming, He Xun, Xun Fan and others to set up levels for books. Dangerous books were placed on the highest level, important books were placed on the next level, and ordinary books were placed on the lower levels. Different officials have different purposes. Different books can be borrowed.

Because of these collections of books, the world has become richer in knowledge, students can see a richer world, and can learn a wider range of knowledge. Zhao Hanzhang feels more satisfied, and his pockets are emptier.

Half of the Tianxia Bookstore belonged to Zhao Hanzhang, and the other half belonged to the imperial court and local government offices.

Most of the paper mills in the world also belong to Zhao Hanzhang, but because paper production is simple, no one could make paper as cheap and diverse as the imperial paper mill at the beginning.

But as time went by, the production process was slowly leaked, and recipes were found outside. So some people tentatively made paper secretly in private. After discovering that the royal family and the government did not care, they opened the workshop openly.

Later, Zhao Hanzhang found out about it and specifically told the newspaper that they had a spirit of research and had done a good job, and published several recipes for making paper.

Those newly opened paper-making workshops were overjoyed and started copying openly.

Zhao Hanzhang knew that there would be more and more people studying in the world, and it was not enough to just rely on Tianxia Bookstore and Imperial Paper Mill. She did not restrict those who entered this industry.

Especially for the paper shop, she only wants to control the main line of the bookstore, and the rest must naturally benefit the people.

But in the short term, at least within five years, most of the paper and books on the market will come from her bookstore and workshop, so the cost of printing a large number of books, such as "Folk Doctor's Manual" and "Sinong's Manual" will be reduced. Zhao Hanzhang and the imperial court.

Even though the Ministry of War paid for the "Military Medical Manual", it would still come back to Zhao Hanzhang and the imperial court.

So, she was really in pain and happy. (End of chapter)

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